Sunday, 21 March 2021

TNB day 15 and a Tadahhhh!

 Day 15 went well as I write! 

 B - lovely blueberries and full fat Greek yogurt

L- lovely pancetta and butternut squash soup

T- lovely mushroom and cheese salad 

Water - about 25 pints! 

Week 3 starts tomorrow with the weigh in and measure round! All send hopes for it all being less than last week - although was reading up and apparently they e been studying and menopausal women are more likely to show results from week 6! Men do the best overall on this plan - typical! 

Am sat in the dark watching Gryff Rhys’s Jones on Misdomer. 

I am going to do the tadahhh bit now 

I have been doing a spot of dress making as I showed you a couple of weeks ago. Well tadahhhh it’s done! As you can see from the photos up there!

It looks a million times better on the dummy! I think I might take it in a bit around the arms. Stretchy fabric cost me about £3 in a lucky dip bag from an online sale somewhere! 

It’s made me want to make some more clothes for myself. Watch this space. I’ve much tidying to do bow 🙇‍♀️ n the craft room because I am not a neat worker! 

Got lots to do tomorrow. Meal prep, work, dog walk, etc I’ve an online course on Tuesday and Wednesday and then finish the week in class then we break up for Easter. I think we might have the freedom to roam a bit more then? We won’t be going far at all. Not with Bluebell anyway. There’s been an outbreak of parvovirus in some nearby dog walking parks. All the local vets are warning dog owners to be aware. Bluebs should be ok as she is up to date with her vaccinations- the vets say the lockdown puppy trade is to blame with lots of illegally sold puppies, unregistered and uncared for by unscrupulous money-making scum being sold etc. 

There’s always summat. 

Lots of love from 

Rachel*going to bed to put her cold feet in the HG - It’s his job! * Radiostar xxx


  1. I loooooove the dress! Need a picture with you wearing it. I don't think I could follow your eating plan but it sure seems to be working for you. Good luck at the weigh in.

  2. Now, that breakfast looks much more delicious.
    I love the dress. Shall I put my order in now? :)

  3. That's a lovely tadahhhh! Well done. I do like that fabric too.

  4. That dress looks great! I love that fabric. -Jenn

  5. Hey buddy!! What is this eating plan you are following? It looks v.yummy!!

  6. The dress is awesome! It would be nice to see a photo of you wearing it :-) I like the sound of this menu too. keep well Amanda x


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