Monday 22 June 2015

7 day thingy day 1

For breakfast I had 2 handfuls of spinach, 1 handful of kale an apple and half a lemon whizzed up in the daughter's nutri thingy we got her for her birthday. 
It looks so wholesome doesn't it? 
Much less attractive once whizzed! 
It was an experience. On a scale of one to bin juice, it ranked a nine and a half. Rank being the operative word. 
I chugged it down like it was a bush tucker trial then toddled off to work. I drank copious glasses of water. Think I've lost weight just from the calories burned walking to the toilet. 

Lunch- after a trip to Argos to pick up a pile of new toys for Night Owls, I arrived home to some lovely thick homemade soup. Definitely the best meal of the day. 

This afternoon in class I kept up the water intake. It was maths and it was. Very. Hardgoing. I didn't succumb to the biscuit barrel at Night Owls. 

Tea - pasta - wholemeal. With a sauce made of raw whizzed tomatoes, basil, garlic n olive oil. I left half of it. It was DISGUSTING! I've now got death breath. I chewed some fresh parsley. I then retched on the stalks stuck in my teeth! 
I ate some cherries. My death breath is turning my own stomach let alone anyone else's! I don't think I'll be getting any kisses tonight! 

Interestingly, although I've had a few intense headaches, I feel surprisingly healthy and not hungry! Tomorrow is looking interesting. I'll let you know how I get on. I'm off to clean my teeth and get into bed. 

Lots of love from 

Rachel *not at all worried about Vampires now* Radiostar xxx


  1. Hi, Rachel.Keep trying with the smoothies until you find one you like. I actually enjoy 'green' smoothies. My fave is banana, a few strawberries, about 100ml orange juice, half a cucumber and a handful of baby spinach leaves. I go on a smoothie and soup diet for a few days when I've had one of my binges, just eating smoothies, homemade celery or carrot and butternut squash soup (made in my soup maker) and maybe some crispbreads topped with low fat soft cheese. I find doing that for a day or two most weeks (usually the couple of days before my Tuesday weigh-in) has helped me maintain my target weight for 9 months so far, and that's despite me having weeks when I can't seem to stop eating rubbish. I wouldn't want to do it for any longer than a day or two though. I prefer to try and eat healhtily for most of the time, but some weeks...I just have to have that packet of biscuits, bar of chocolate and cheese sandwich all in one day. But I do feel so much better when I'm eating the fruit and veg and really bloated when I eat too much starchy food. Good luck with the weight loss.Love, Helen xx

    1. Thank you Helen xx Day 2 looks more appetising! I adore spinach and kale and almost all fruits and vegetables. But I'm really not sure about drinking my cabbage! However my eyes seem brighter...
      Bright Eyes, burning like fire!! Rabbits xx
      I'll keep this up for the week then will settle back into my winning foist ways! Eat less, move more and write it down!

  2. Sorry, but that just looks awfully YUCK. Good luck with it!

  3. Cheers Sue! You weren't wrong!! Like I said, I'll try anything once lol

  4. Eating a lot of veg definitely makes me feel fit and well and healthy. I don't like the veg smoothies though- prefer just a pile of steamed veggies. Well done you for trying it out- hope it makes you feel wonderful with gallons of energy and verve :o) xx

    1. I definitely am less tired and fatigued. I like this feeling x

  5. Oh god, pass me the deep fried Mars bar!!!

  6. See, as soon as anything turns green I'm put off it. Give me something nice and pink and it'd be a different matter. I went all healthy after the H.A. and being a pasta love bought a massive bag of the wholemeal stuff. It was awful. Never again. Good luck with your 7 day thingy xx

    1. I do like wholemeal pasta...smothered in butter and cheeeeese!!


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