Sunday, 13 March 2011

Never mind WWJD - it's WTFIJ!

It's Sunday night, I am being observed teaching RE tomorrow to the hardest class in the school. We are currently applying our abstract knowledge to Who is/was ( Now I'm thinking about TISWAS?!) Jesus.
So I have about a zillion ideas bombing around my head; how can I engage the least spiritual children in the school?How can I differentiate enough to ensure all children are getting the most they can? How can I do this without e droning on and on and on for hours? What should I write for my WALT, TIB & WILF?, What is the intended outcome of my lesson? What do I want the children to do? WALT - What Are we Learning Today? Well so far I am going to leave this blank and see if the children can fill this in at the end therefore I can see if we have had a successful lesson? Last week in a different class I missed out the WILF and got them to fill it in in the Plenary....if I go find my pen drive I'll introduce you to WALT, TIB & WILF! Will be back shortly with more information...I have a seed of an  idea based on Cluedo.....
I made a start on my notes - now I just need to resource it all! Each group will need a relevant photgraph! Each group will have to use a children's bible to find their story. They will all need a Jesus to illustrate their claims! O goodness me I hope I can pull it together. The main thing is that they give me their ideas! I just have to provide them with the tools.
Explain this is detective school and there is a mystery to solve. No crimes have been committed but the person is still at large and we want him in for questioning. All we know is he goes under several aliases – that is false names.
Squads A, B ,C,D , E Group F are given a character profile from one of the stories and they have to stick to it! Group F – High Ability They are ALL Jesus  and whilst they are being visited by the detectives they also have to  try to consider each of their characters and could they really be just the one man and how are they alive today? What are they doing in  OUR lifetime?
Clues have been hidden around the room. We need to find out just who this mystery man is.
Work together, you have 15 minutes.
Each squad will have found out
His name.
What he did
Where he did it.
Who was affected.
Their Man.

You will produce a case to put before the Judges ( Me and Miss W)

1 comment:

  1. Today's lesson was a complete success! Despite me putting in around 6 hours preparation for it, my Observer was unexpectedly called away, however on hearing feedback from myslef, my TA and the children she has said it sounded like a great lesson as they always are and she will accept a full written resume/evaluation in place of the observation which is a good thing as I hate the stress being observed puts me under! I would have done this lessonnext week anyway but thought it'd be impressive to be watched - the time constraints were my own!!


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!