Monday, 30 May 2011

I made really good chips last night but I was healthy and had the jacket potato

Jenny Eclair says this is Menu Masochism.
You know - where you go to a restaurent, want the pie and fries and cake and order the grilled chicken salad, no dressing and fruit salald.

My potatoes were Cyprus. Big Cypruses at that. Bought from Barton Grange the poshest of farm shops.
I twicely fried em making them uber crispy and golden. I tasted half of one just to make sure they were cooked. I had a jacket potato - the Cypruses are really ghood at that job too!

I served them with some Sainsbury's outdoor reared pork chops - this meat came from  happy pigs, who regularly abseiled down the pituresque mountains of their happy environments, spending every day frockiling on their spongy chamomile lawns, basking in the dappled sunlight underneath their organically handreared ancient oak trees. Sainsbury's had trimmed the bone too so it looked like it was on TV and best of all as I bought them on the date they were due to go ff they were half price. They were sprinkled with sea salt and freshly milled black pepper and gently grilled to perfection!

Yum Yum . I also made home made rice pudding and a Sago pudding with yummy crispy skin on top so a million DG points to me!

I am so pleased it's half term. That's all I have to say about that. Off to do some knitting now and then I will pop my cherry with my brand new steam generator iron!! I am such a marketing man's dream it's unreal!!!!

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