Thursday, 28 July 2016

Day 5 of the Summer

Or, the first Thursday off. 

I've been cleaning, tidying, sorting, pleasing myself, seeing friends and generally just being happy in the  peace and quiet I'm getting as both menfolks are at work. I'm enjoying that rare phenomenona - HTMS 


Sitting in the garden, using one of my birthday presents off Miss 21. 

Looking at photos of my 'Grandpup' - Miss 22 is visiting Freddie when she can and she gets to bring him home on August 11th. Suzanne - I think, you'll be relieved to hear, our puppy ownership plans are on hold for the time being. We will be looking after Freddie in November when Miss 22 and her Young Man go on holiday. That might be the breaker deal! But just wook at his widdle ears!! Can't wait to get my mitts on him! 

I treated myself from my birthday money to a set of these. They had loads of money off on Amazon. Going to try them later today. I've been knitting on circular needles now for ever - and while I still have and use my straights I have to say I prefer circulars. I chose the metal over the wood because I just can't get to grips with wood. The stitches slip too much which is bonkers because logic tells me wood MUST have more friction than metal. But metal works for me. The good thing about this metal knit pro set is they have a stopper system, so no more 'slip onto a stitch holder ' - I'll just  be unscrewing the needles and using another cable!! We'll see how it goes! 

As you can see, the Rhapsody in Blue rose bloomed and then faded to the gorgeous slate blue/purple - though it looks more pinker in the photo than it is in real life! I'll give this one another 12months in the pot where it is, before attempting transplant. The parent plant is suffering out the front, it's leaves are going yellow  and black - dreaded black spot I think due to this bloody damp, warm, humid wet summer. Going to have a go with baking soda solution. One way to avoid black spot is to avoid watering from above. What can you do though about the persistent rain we've been having! If it's not black spot, it could be either overwatering - thanks Northern Summer Rain or extreme heat - thanks Northern Heatwave!! If all else fails, I'll just chop it right back down! It's still a showy maiden though, buds on buds on buds. I'll chuck a bit of Rose food on it today n see if that helps. 

What you are seeing here are my new fancy half price solar lanterns! They said to charge them for 48hours before they'd light up but this was after charging for 4! They made me jump last night when I did the 'last look out of the window'  before bed as I'd totally forgotten I'd put them outside!! I might just get some more if they've still got them. 

Right, I'm going to make a start on the day. Not sure what's in store other than a parcel being collected so I need to be up n dressed! Have a happy Thursday folks :-) I intend to. 

Lots of love from 

Rachel * blissfully lazy* Radiostar xxx 


  1. I thought your lamps were glow worms! Loving Freddie :-). Good luck resisting that xx

    1. I've been and bought more, I'm have expecting to wake up and find a jumbo jet on the lawn as it mistook it for a landing strip! I know now I'll not be able to resist Freddie! Which is another reason I think I best not get a pooch.

  2. I have that rose too and it has the dreaded black spot in fact most of my roses have this year but it's not affecting their performance, I have sprayed and fed and still it persists, enjoy your Thursday it's going to be raining here but I have my knit and natter ladies coming so I don't really care although it would have been good to sit outside. :) xx

    1. I just went outside and calmly pulled all the affected leaves off! No more black spot! It's still blooming!

  3. Looks like a pair of aliens in your last garden pic.....not that I'm trying to make you jump even more! ;-)

    1. It proper made me jump Sooze! What a twit I am!

  4. I LOVE your new needles and I am very, very jealous indeed. Grrrr. ;-)
    J xxx

    1. They had great reviews - how could I resist?!

  5. Enjoy your time off it rushes by, I'm on a weeks break, just hubby and I, and it's going quickly.

    1. It is zooming by! Time is precious - I know you've had a great week! There'll be another one soon!

  6. I have to agree he's a very cutie wutie widdle chappie, but I'm sat her clapping that your plans are on hold for the time being. Everywhere you go this summer you should think, now would puppy be able to come here with us. Ours were great at the van but when it came to going out it was a bit of a problem. We couldn't take them on the pier, in a cafe, in the arcade, or even to see the BFG!! so every outing became a bit disjointed and Mark or Amy ended up having to stay outside holding them. Anyway, you get the picture and I shall say no more.

    I'm very impressed with your circular needles knitting. I've never tried them and even your description of stoppers and slip stitch holders brings me out in panic. Think I'll just stick to straight ones.

    Laughed at the lights making you jump. I did the same when we first got ours and I was letting the dogs out at night. Makes you start for a split second doesn't it.

    Enjoy your HTMS. xx

    1. Have you
      Never seen that Catherine Tate sketch where she completely over reacts to everything? The HG says that's me!

  7. Sounds like a good day. I have knit pro needles as well - I really like them too.

  8. Ooooooh Freddie is'll be wanting a pup when you look after him I bet ya.
    Knitting on circular needles.....(laughs hysterically) I can't even knit on straight
    Glad you are enjoying your HTMS.......mine is just about to go south for three weeks with hubby off for two weeks and DD off just as he goes back. Look for me in the nearest loonatic asylum-x-

    1. I'm sending you healing thoughts xxx ( laughing too - they are so annoying when they get under the feet but they are a bit useful too sometimes!

  9. I'd love to say something positive and knowledgeable about your new knitting needles, but alas, I am not a knitter. I did try many many years ago and managed to knit an Icelandic sweater on round needles but that was the extent of it. I was never very good and always had to keep one needle pressed up against myself to do the stitches. The solar lanterns look like a lot of fun! I hope you manage to get your black spot under control. -Jenn

    1. Wow to the Icelandic sweater! That's awesome. I controlled the black spot by ripping the affected leaves off!

  10. Just trying to catch up on some blog reading. So many posts. That is one gorgeous pup! Glad to read you're starting to relax and enjoy your summer. X

    1. I love the summer! Rainy days and sunny days. Love one, love them all.

  11. I love my knitpro cables and haven't used fixed circulars for ages. Sometimes unfortunately, the cable unscrews a little, resulting in stitches caught in the gap... hope yours won't do that. I prefer wood myself but the smaller sizes break and I have metal ones for those. Wishing you a good Friday (Thursday being mostly over).

    1. Thanks for that top tip and I will check them regular X

  12. Pleased to hear you are enjoying your alone time. You will never be able to say no to that little springer spaniel. I should know I've had two. They are fun loving juvenile delinquents and I promise that by the time they're 7 they calm down a bit! Loyal, faithful and gorgeous, I'm having puppy envy. X


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