March 1st 2021
In haste to wish away February! Just double checked on the calendar and it is still Winter for two days!!
It's Saturday. There's Wales V England on the telly later. I scrubbed my bathroom with bleach as thanks to daily rinsing of Madam it was absolutely BOGGIN! All lovely and clean. A good 10/10 on 4 in a bed scales. About to dip my toe in my freshly drawn bubble bath when the HG appears demanding use of said bathroom. with gritted teeth I allowed it. With hissed instructions of don't you DARE leave a trace of mess hahah
It's a good job for the break betwixt bath run and me getting in it because I keep forgetting just how good the new boiler is at it's job! The water is HOT and fast! So I have had a lovely bubble bath. Several loads of washing have been done and I went into panic mode when a Sainsrobbers van pulled up outside. Have I ordered something? For some reason - unknown- The Sainsrobber account goes to our house email, which I cannot access on my mobile phone, which is my most used device for emails etc. I've tried resetting passwords and inputting information but it doesn't work. Anyroad, the reason for the 'panic' is that last Saturday the HG asked me if I had a shopping delivery coming. I said yes - I need to amend the basket before 11pm. Now I am doing my bit to stay home as much as I can hence online shopping. I can count the number of actual real supermarket visits since March 28th last year as less than 10. The most recent being Wednesday but more on that later.
So if you don't know how it works. You sign in to your account and then you book a delivery slot. You then get an hour to check out and secure your slot. At the time I was probably very busy with the dog or work and just stuck the first random things in there to get it to £40 minimum spend to secure the delivery slot. If you don't go through the checkout within an hour you could lose that delivery slot.
So last Saturday, I put off opening up the laptop to do the shopping because UGH I HATES IT and then cam ethe evening and my daily sofa sleep. We woke up at 10.56pm. Arrrgh!
Too late
So here is what I took delivery of. Thankfully you are allowed to reject at the door - I never touched anything by the way covid police -
Trolley summary

TWO bananas - what use is that to anyone? I have two menfolks who like an eleven o'clock banana! I usually buy 2KG! Also all that milk! Mind you with all that special K I would have been super slim in a week!
The delivery lady was so nice about it! I sent back all the multiples of milk and cereal and yogurts bar one of each and I kept all the salad bags because they are my favourite and easily get eaten in a week! But still. And truth be told - I am here blogging instead of online shopping!! I really am in a funk with it. You certainly dont get as good options to choose from as in store - WITH PEOPLE -so at the moment I will put up and shut up. Last week I got one from Iceland and I really was pleasantly surprised with the whole experience!
So on Wednesday the HG went out, on a date. We drove to our romantic destination. Queued up with hundreds of others, stood in line waiting to get jabbed! Because we had the Ppppppppffffzieieferzer one we got to sit down too for an extra 15 minutes. Giddy we were. So giddy we went to Booths on our way home ( Like Northern Waitrose! ) The HG declared it to be like Christmas as he up and downed the aisles throwing all sorts of goodies in the trolley! I was as bad - baked sour dough crisps, balsamic vinegar and sea salt flavour? Get in my trolley! Irish cream whiskey cheesecake yellow stickered from £5 to £1.30 - Get in my trolley! Cider apple and honey organic outdoor reared pork sausages slso yellow stickered? - get in my trolley. They also sell my very favourite cyprus potatoes so a big paper bagful of those was harvested!! Totally forgot to get marg and sugar. Both was what we actually needed hahah
£70 that night out cost us!!
We both moaned about having sore arms for 24 - 48 hours and we both got a headache but apart from that were absolutely fine.
So with my twice weekly covid test for work, and the vaccine I do feel slightly better for the steps ahead until June 21st. BUT I am not counting any chickens. I feel that come March 8th when all schools are back a vast majority and I hope I am wrong, but I believe a vast majority will consider this the end of lockdown and I will see far less social distancing going on. Reports of migrants landing illegally in Dover all positive for COVID make me narked. But I won't get into a rant with that now.
So I have one more week of lockdown school to go. Don't shoot me, but I quite like lockdown school! It's so very quiet and I can actually get quite a bit of work done! The weather is getting better and pegging out has occured. I am going to make some pegbags for my little Pawesome Makes page I think.
It's so lovely to see one of my lovely chums back blogging again. And to all the familiars in my reading list. It's a good job you lot are more dedicated than I am! I think it is because I am spending so much more time at the moment in front of a screen that to do it for pleasure - which is what my blogging it - has become a pain. It worries me not that being in lockdown means I have nothing to write about because I can quite honestly say Lockdown me is very close to none lockdown me!
Right It's already gone lunchtime and I am unfed. Leftover cajun dirty rice for lunch yum yum. Probably will have it for tea too. The butcher came this morning so we are having traditional roast beef for tomorrow with Yorkshires and roasties and gravy. Already looking forward to it!
Lots of love from
Rachel * 36 pints of milk and 3.75KG of malty wheaty flakes* Radiostar xxx