I've never been made to feel so brushed off and embarrassed and mortified EVER in my whole 147 year career in education. This parent was incredibly rude and dismissive, I'd say to my face, but I wasn't even given eye contact as I was nicely trying to explain how the day was going to pan out. I was talking to their shoulder. I do have a thick skin and hear my colleagues when they say not to take it personally but it's hard. What made this worse is that this rudeness took place in the foyer of the new High School where I'd gone ( out of my way and earlier than I get paid for ) to meet the pupils who were attending. Not only was this rudeness acted out in front of the staff, but in front of the pupils. I was FURIOUS. But, I let it go. I wasn't there for the parent, I was there for the pupil who throughout the time was looking and waving at me for reassurance the whole time.
Now, if you think I'm overreacting, it gets worse.
Whilst sat in the hall with the new intake from all of the areas surrounding primary schools, I felt like I was being spoken about. Ok, I may have been left shaken by what had just happened, and could have been experiencing a touch of paranoia, but no, the Deputy, the Head and the SENCO were definitely talking about me. The SENCO asked me to wait behind when all the children were taken to their new formrooms. I felt like a naughty child having to 'See me'
Turns out, once I'd left the foyer with the pupils, the parent had complained about me, saying that they hated me, ( seems to be true ) and that their child hated me ( completely untrue ) and that they wanted me to have no part in this transition day and didn't want me anywhere near their child.
I felt horrified. I went with the SENCO to try and answer their questions. I honestly have NO idea why this parent is so hostile. I have never had to speak to them regarding incidents. I have never had a cross word with them. Never. All I have done is support their child for two years. This child can now read independently. This child accesses the curriculum. This child has ways of calming themselves and dealing with social situations.
I'll say this here n now on my blog, if I did tell this parent what I actually thought of them, then their hatred would be justified. They are useless. In my opinion. I won't go into it here because I think it could possibly tip me over the edge. But I'm still feeling raw. HOW DARE THEY make me out to these other professionals to be a horrible person.
Fortunately, the High School staff were shocked. Not by my horribleness. But the vileness and spite this parent showed. They reassured me that I was to stay and support the pupil as they were not being dictated to by a parent like that!
It's the pupil in question I feel sorry for.
Cut to today. I'm off very shortly escorting another pupil to a different High School. The response, support and genuine appreciation I feel from this parent makes it all worthwhile. I'm not in this game for reward, don't get me wrong. But the genuine gratitude from this parent totally cancels out all of the above. Feeling valued is important. What's also important is to reiterate the fact I don't treat either of these pupils any differently. But to feel like what you do makes a difference to the whole family is just great.
Anyway, I best get a wriggle on else I'll be late! Big school starts earlier!!
Lots of love from
Rachel *worst TA ever/best TA ever* Radiostar xxx