Friday 24 July 2020

I love School holidays

Sat here with a post breakfast napping dog at my side. watching walking with elephants marvelling at how damned fast this week has gone compared to last week! Today is mask wearing day or else. I think the rules are too woolly. If you go out somewhere and it's peopley, then wear a mask! The endless news reports of high streets showing members of the public out shopping annoys me because there are so many of them touching their faces, wearing them under their noses etc. I don't reallt watch much news because it is so infuriating and it's also so repetitive.

TV - last night I watched the BBC programme about the NHS where celebrities told their stories of how the NHS helped them. It was a brilliant bit of TV. Heartwarming and moving and too short!  Walking with Elephants is rather good and is current breakfast viewing - one programme to go and I am really enjoying watch Broadchurch old school again - one episode at a time with a week's wait for what's next. I did watch it first time around but my memory is suitably failing enough that I can't really recall the ending.

Books - The HG bought me The Pet Gundog by Les Graham and I've just started that. I'm STILL listening to The Stand by Stephen King on audio book whilst I sew or in the kitchen.

Food - Mr 23 made vegetable samosas yesterday from the Hairy Dieters book and boy he did good. Very very tasty. I made meatloaf with a tomato glaze - really tasty and something different with mince. I've been using stuff up out of the freezer this last week so I can see what is in there and give it a clean.  Since my bout of illness I have been wheat free as much as I can and already the bloating has gone but I would give my right arm for a slice of thick white homemade bread! When I can I will try some gluten free but not convinced it's gluten - more the wheat itself? I'm not worried enough to go get it medically checked out as I can survive with other things. And interestingly, my arthritis is much less painful when I steer clear of wheat and sugar.

Washing - not got a full load today so will wait until tomorrow when there will be 3 loads from nowhere!
Dusting - some dado rails have had attention
Tidying - bits and bats here and there

Bluebell - been to the field daily. Training her to sit and wait for longer periods of time. Also training her to sit with a line of treats in front of her, I then stand away, she sits and waits and I turn my back! First attempt  - the treats were gone before I'd even turned! Yesterday was I was turned round to a count of 3! Its just brain training for her really. In the Pet Gundog  I've tried two new  brilliant commands I've done is 'too far' which protects her recall command when out and about and she really does come back when told too far! The other is 'not you' in order to ask her to not follow me from room to room until I want her to. She is making progress with this! Or is it me making progress?

Crafting -
Knitting - still waiting on wool - the local poundlands are still out of the white but fingers crossed because the lovely Amanda from Crafty in the med is sending me a ball of sparkly white!
Sewing - masks and scrub caps - people are now asking me to make them for money! I will never be a good business woman because I'm rubbish at charging - which is daft because I use good quality stuff and everyone who has something sewn by me tell me how good it is ! I also spent yesterday making something so utterly charming but I cannot show you yet apart from a little teaser because they are for birthday presents for friends of mine. I'd be perfectly happy if I could be in my craft room the whole time and not have to bother with housework and feeding people and then the clearing away ( even though we all do our bit )

Garden - Andy the Gardner came yesterday and tackled my unruly bay tree - it's back under control now and he complimented me on my hibiscus ! The rains absolutely battered the big white frothy thing at the end of the garden so I will go and chop into that a bit later on. The lawn was cut on Tuesday just in time for it to rain and make it grow again!!!

Photos - to illustrate this post!
Scrub caps for my nephew's gf who is a dental nurse.

Mask made from denim look cotton and rather nice liberty print!

RIP Christmas Robin, you were tasty. 

Bay tree  -  grown by me approx 26 years old. 

Face mask for me with matching pink elastic!

Added this because I never fail to be amazed that I can join a straight piece of fabric to a curved one!

Sneaky peak of top secret project!

Off to see my Ma and then my Pa later. Am going to go spray the bathroom with cleaner - do a little bit of sewing whilst it works then a quick clean up and dishwasher emptying etc before I walk the dog on our visits.  Sad news for the family as my Dad's eldest brother died on Wednesday night in hospital  - non COVID thank goodness. He was so lovely, really a wonderful gentleman and will be hugely missed.  This is when being a grown up isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Lots of love from

Rachel * Happy to be on holiday* Radiostar xx

Saturday 18 July 2020

School's out for Summer!

I will have to wait to celebrate as I don't count the weekends anyway but I was awoken ( The squeamish amongst you may wish to avert your eyes ) at 2.18am with THE most crippling bout of D & V I have had in years with the D being epic. Left the confines of the bathroom at 6am ish to do the hokey cokey a few times before the drugs kicked in. What made it 23 times worse was that my lower back kept going into spasm - this is a whole new level of bloody hell why me, I tell thee.

Anyhoo I have spent the day in bed getting up  for a lovely deep hot bath and then went downstairs to the land of the living about 6pm and have had some cornflakes. I am convinced I am becoming more reactive to wheat so I am doing a conscious effort this week and next to be wheat free. I already avoid any bread for reasons of unpleasantness. It'll do me good to enjoy some salad and vegetables next week.

Plans for the 6 weeks do not really include going away on a holiday as we normally would. The HG has made whisperings of finally doing the wardrobes in our bedroom - however....we shall see! We will probable go stay in the NE at the Hotel of Miss (now) 26 and her beau. They are coming here at the end of July. I also must finish my first audio book though to be fair it is a long one. I've masks and head coverings and dog bags to sew. I want to finish my tumbler quilt. The HG bought me a beautiful dress pattern and the fabric to make it for my birthday - so I want to do that. Of course plenty of fussing and slaving after Madam B. Who, you'd think she's be stuck to me like glue being one of those faithful dogs who do not leave their sick owner's side. Nope!

I had a few but very treasured and precious cards, messages and gifts from parents and children but there are changes afoot to my role in September until Christmas. I'm having to dust of my TA cobwebs and drag my classroom practice back out of retirement.  Two days are still devoted to Pastoral Mentoring but the other three days I will be in a class pod. There's been a few staffing changes BUT I am NOT planning on doing any teaching thank you very much. A change is as good as a rest and variety is the spic of life and all that etc. It's my own fault - I am too good at my job hahahaha

I have been fortunate to do some awesome training lead by an amazing Psychologist all about becoming Trauma Informed. I have learnt so much about the brain and every bit of training leads me to wanting to find out more. I was wondering and pondering about going to uni perhaps to study more - then gave my head a shake as I don't think my aged brain would hold the info enough!  The trouble is at work betwixt you and I - there are a few people fully on board with nurture and being trauma informed and how positive affirmations can work and the rest who think it's all mumbo jumbo. I'm getting quite passionate about it and sometimes wonder about maybe taking my skills elsewhere!

OO I am a bit ranty today! We have been watching a TV show called Goliath on Amazon Prime which is crazy good. And now I am on the verge of an emotional breakdown watchingthe Kid's Voice - these kids getting me right in the feels. The one who collects whimzees - he is great!

Right I am away to try and add a photo of Nurse Flipping Bluebell and read around blogland!

Look at the daft mare, every night after tea she rolls round the floor fighting with a blanket of hers!
These are the salted caramel buns I made for the staff jacob's join, Best recipe is crack x amount of eggs and weigh it. Then add equal weights of flour, butter and sugar; add a smidge of baking powder and your flavouring and beat together for 2 minutes in a mixer. The topping was - so , I sliced the tops off the buns as you do to make butterfly cakes BUT I had cheated and bought a tub of Cadbury's chocolate icing, anyway I crumbled the cut off cake tops into the icing with a smidge more flavouring and a drop of milk and mixed it well. Really lovely! Not the prettiest but so delicious! 

Lots of love from
Rachel * hoping to sleep through tonight please* Radiostar xxx
PS - I almost forgot to say a big fat thank you to a very lovely blogger from xxx Go take a look see on her blog!

Saturday 11 July 2020

Saturday with one week to go

One working week to go until the glorious 6 weeks holidays and boy does my brain need a break! Our school is totally shutting. WHICH in a sense is crazy, because, key workers aside, how come all the vulnerable childers who are needing to be in school this week, because they are vulnerable, suddenly won't be in school the week after? Is there a switch that transforms them into just ordinary run of the millers??
Me and mine are still social distancing even if lots of others are not.

Thank you to the lovely messages from my last post. I will go look see in town when I'm off. There's sure to be some in stock soon. This is the pattern for those of you who asked.

Today we were at the shore for the first time since February. It wasn't too peopley and Madam thoroughly enjoyed herself.

She needed a shower when we got home, and then slept the rest of the day away. Yes she does have 2 beds.
I watched Shirley Valentine for the first time in years. I love that film! This evening we watched The Voice kids. I think they were all brilliant tonight! I've watched a few you tube tutorials on crochet - I WILL get to grips with it. I've done the online shop for Morrisons to come tomorrow morning. Two loads of washing line dried. Burger and crispy potatoes for the boys, leftover lamb and Pearl barley stew for me. A gammon joint is soaking in the fridge for cooking tomorrow and I'm deeply tired out. The HG has put a film on but it's not holding my attention at all.
That'll have to do
Love from Rachel*tired* Radiostarx

Saturday 4 July 2020

Eternally 28 seeks sparkly wool

Well I ventured into town on a mission. I went very early. I went in two shops. Iceland and poundland. No expense spared.
I am mid knit of a little matinee jacket and because I am not very good at planning and thinking these things through, I started it without checking! Anyway, I was aghast to discover I wasn't going to have enough, however, it would be OK because when I look in my boxes of eleventy trillion balls of wool I am BOUND to have more. Nope!
I'd miraculously kept the band and happily realised its some wool from Poundland on 3 for 2! I must have bought one ball of each of the blue, rusty peach and white just for the stash! Its the white I am using and it has a little sparkle.
There was none to be had in my two local poundlands and I wondered if any of you stashers out there had and of the white that I could buy from you inc postage? It doesn't reeeally matter that its a different batch of white because it wont be that different and its for the sleeves and yoke.
Hoping someone can help. Poundland might get some back in stock soon but I actually have an urge to get this one finished!!
The story so far!

If you can help - thank you and brilliant - if not, no worries - I teach all about delayed gratification at work all day long! I can wait hahaha

Lots of love from
Rachel * seeks sparkly white cheap wool urgently* Radiostar xxx