Monday 11 January 2016

*That way out*

I'm *That way out* tonight. Or as the HG so eloquently puts it 
I must've seen my arse!! 

Something at work made me all 'meh' and 'grrrr' and it made me want to sing the alternative version to Disney's Let it go.** 

Anyway I came home and took it out on the menfolks and was generally a right moody mare. 

I had a cheese salad for tea but before you think wow, well done - the cheese was full fat and pudding was half a packet of 
That I got for 
I couldn't resist! I do like real CDM. I think people who profess to only like the 90% solids stuff are liars! It's disgusting!! ( it's not and they aren't- I'm just that way out remember! ) 

This came the other day. 
I can't wait to start this but I need to crack on with the jumper! 

I saw this on FB and it helped to soothe my mood somewhat. I'm planning on using this as a starter as a circle time discussion. I'll adapt it somewhat to fit the children. I'll get them to come up with a list of their daily niggles and turn it on its head. 

I'm now off to chill with a 'Four in a bed' or two to try and distract my raaaar and encourage some inner peace X 

Lots of love from 

Rachel *Rantypants* Radiostar xx 

**Go on you tube, type in Let it go parody!!! 
I'm sorry. ( not sorry at all ) 


  1. You do make me laugh! Hope that tomorrow is a better day! Love your new tapestry!!! xx

    1. I might crack it open today - I cannot resist a new project!

  2. I don't think Ii'd like to laugh at someone who is feeling so ratty! CDM with caramel is one of my favourites - well done on leaving half the pack xx

    1. Heheheheheh! I love those CDM caramel buttons you can get in one of these so called 'sharing' bags. Sharing????? I don't think so! You want some - BUY YOUR OWN!!

  3. Just popped over from Leanne's. How can I have missed your blog for so long? I do like the FB photo with the 'grateful for' points. So true but hard to remember when you are actually arm-deep in the toilet scrubbing the damn thing. x

    1. Aww Hello and welcome to my bit of the Internet Christina. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment X Bloody toilets, needing scrubbing all the time!

  4. Poor you Rachel. Hope you are feeling better today.

  5. Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one, I hope today is better, love the tapestry, :) xx

    1. It was marginally so! Slightly less needy pupils today!

  6. Love your posts - always make me smile - sorry

    1. Don't be sorry Sue, I like to think people are smiley after a visit! X

  7. Oh woman, one of THOSE DAYS eh? Hopefully the chocolate helped? I LOVE that list and shall use it myself with my first years when they're back in a fortnight. Hope you woke up chipper and just in case not, I have sent you a big kiss from me and two wet ones from the dogs at the end of the comment. That is sure to cheer you up and chase the grumps away :o) XXX (three kisses, see?)

    1. Thanks for the kisses, I'm not sure whose was the sloppiest!! Let me know how you get on with the first years!

  8. Even when you are 'in a mood' you make me laugh, love the list what a positive way of seeing things, as for the chocolate, sod it, men love our curves, well that's what I tell myself.

    1. My HG loves me fat or , I was going to say thin but that'd be stretching the truth so I will say fat or slightly less fat!!

  9. Used to hate those sort of days at work, where you come home seething and everybody around you suffers for it. Many a time I'd have loved to say what I thought to colleagues, but biting my tongue was the better option. I can eat any chocolate but galaxy is a definite favourite. Absolutely love the Grateful list. I know I moan about a lot of the things on there but when you see the positive side of it, it makes you think. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. And thank you for identifying my birds for me :) xx

    1. Hi Mrs, the HG prefers Galaxy. I use to too, but this Christmas it's been all about the CDM for me!! I have to stick with, kind words or no words. I say what I like in my head, but never let it out! I told this to a group of my Y6 gals yesterday. They giggled when I said
      You might even be thinking 'shut up you old witch' right now, but you'd never say it would you lol

  10. Cadbury's is my fave choc too. Although Aldi's milk choc is nice too. Galaxy is too smooth, if that makes sense. CDM just seems to have more flavour to me. I do like dark choc too, and love bourneville but couldn't eat the really dark stuff...too bitter. Good for cooking with, though. Not that I eat choc much. My go-to foods tend to be of the crunchy variety, crisps or biscuits, although I do sometimes get a real choc craving. The tapestry looks lovely, enjoy working it. I'm looking for something different to do and haven't done a tapestry for years so I might just have a look around for one that takes my fancy. Hope your mood is better tomorrow. I'm the same in that a small thing can set me off on a strop for the rest of the day.

    1. Can't we wax lyrical about chocolate! I like Aldi's too in an emergency!! I'm exactly the Sam though - I'd choose crisps over chocolate every time!
      I googled Tapestry Sale
      As they are crikey expensive!! Got my poppy one for £37 instead of the £60 they were asking on their own website. It's my Christmas money I got off m ma in law and this year I thought I'd spend it all on me and not on the house as normally happens!

  11. That is a good list. Hope you have a better day tomorrow. x

  12. Well at least it seems that my George isn't the only one with her knickers in a twist, almost makes me feel better.......almost.

    1. Think it's the New Moon, the natives were restless at work!!

  13. I love the 'grateful' list but sorry that you had such a bad day. Is it better now?
    J x

    1. Marginally!! It would have struggled to have been worse!

  14. Oh, I love this post. I read it while eating a bag of chocolate buttons! I hope you're feeling the other way out now and that the full fat cheese (does anyone eat the other kind?) and the chocolate have worked their magic. X


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