Tuesday 12 May 2020

My turn again

I’m at work this week as it’s my turn on the rota. It’s been very childrenny today with 8 of the beings in. It’s nigh on impossible without sounding like a hideous dictator to get them to socially distance. There’s much hand washing and reminders and as much outdoors as we can. Only three more at risk days for me as I class them. I’ve a SWzoom meeting later and if my eyes will allow, once I’ve amended my Tesco delivery arriving tomorrow, I’ll do a bit of reading of my favourite blogs and replying to the brilliant chatty comments I get.
Photos are of the jigsaw so far, stupid thing that it is. I’m doing it blind, giving up trying to use the picture on the box as clues. Ridiculous. The second is a cartoon that I am living by.

Third is the fire I had to light last night because it was so cold and lastly one of the little cornflowers I planted out. Still alive! Please be blue! 

Lots of love from 
Rachel*knackered*Radiostar xxx


  1. Love the colour of the stone on your fireplace. You're lucky getting a Tesco delivery. There's none in our area to be be had for love nor money although Mum does a lot better across the border in Chadderton so I add a few bits on when she places an order.

    I've no idea how teachers are going to cope with trying to socially distance children when even more of them are back in school. It's not going to be easy that's for sure. Enjoy the SW Zoom meeting. Do you still weigh in somehow? xx

    1. I weigh in on my own scales and then text her. I sometimes send my real weight and sometimes send her the one where Im eight and a half stone!! It's been very tricky to socially distncae with 3 children in school let alone ten times that!
      The HG built the fireplaces and I think it's York Stone. We could noty afford to replace the Victorian slate fireplace his Nanna will have had ripped out in the 30s to put in a hideous to us tiled gas fire creation! The original fireplace in my bedroom is one of my pride and joys! The stone will get replaced one day when we do the whole shebang!

  2. Hello, I had a very clear vision of your herding/separating day! I bet it's as hard for you as it is for the children. Touching, hugging sharing, fighting, spoiling etc. All in a day's work. Hopefully you will sleep well!
    I think the cartoonist nicked his idea from me. Absolutely loved it.
    Enjoy your week and those taxing, lovely children. I don't know, kiddies and Bluebell. How lucky are you.
    If I come through as unknown again (not sure why that happened as I'd spent an age faffing) it's abbi.🙋 just an unknown who feels impelled to respond to you. No idea why. I dont respond to anyone as a rule.:)

    1. Well hello Abbi, nice to put a name to a commenter. Blogger is very annoying sometimes.

  3. Yes turning it off is a good idea! Fortunately I don't have a TV so don't have to be bombarded with the news all the time that I understand is constant, even on the radio. So I listen to CDs and choose what to watch on either Netflix Amazon or Youtube, which is often when I sit and knit or sew.

    It must be really hard working with the children at the moment, and also quite concerning in some ways with the risks involved. Take care.

    1. It is but as someone pointed out the other day - supermarket workers have been there the whole time mixing with the great unwashed. I think it is something that we are going to have to start to live with. I do wonder if standards will go up when children have to sit there and listen rather be working in groups altogether....

  4. We had almost all our Asda order yesterday, no frozen peas?? I still have not planted out my flowers, still waiting, maybe end of the month.

    1. How bizarre - who is eating all the frozen peas???

  5. The government bods have no idea, do they, how hard it will be socially distancing half a class of children. Well nigh impossible, I would say, without scaring the socks off them which would do them absolutely no good whatsoever.

    That cartoon is so true. I with they'd just present the facts and then shut up. All those ifs, buts and maybes can be very worrying indeed.

    Have a good day with some angelic children (see those flying pigs?)

    1. The day was good and the children were great!

  6. Perhaps you should order yourself one of those hooped purple dresses after all ;)


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