Tuesday 26 December 2017

Christmas 2017

This year it's been truly wonderful. Miss 23, her beau and Freddie are here. The house was at last at maximum twinkliness after FIIIIINALLY finishing work on Friday 22nd. The HG finished the kitchen just in time. It's beautiful. Just the window to change and I've to make the new blind. The turkey was moist, the ham delicious!

Anyone else find though that even with the oven cranked up, it seems to take longer on Christmas Day? Eventually the little thermometer deemed it safe to remove the turkey and the goose fat roasted veg crisped up perfectly. We sat down to eat at 3pm, however I have to apologise if I made Her Majesty dizzy but I had to rewind her thrice with popping in and out of the kitchen serving forgotten dishes! I love the Queen. She looked gorgeous and I especially liked the way her hair matched her dress. Also I loved looking at the family snaps on the table at the side of her. I wondered though, if she watches The Crown and if she likes it! I'd raided M&S for puddings but nobody could fit any in! Infact the day was marred because poor Miss 23 fell poorly and headed to bed early. Poor thing. They are due to go back today as they are back at work tomorrow. I'm wondering if she'll be up to the journey. The weather is a bit treacherous too. Worry worry. Fingers crossed she's slept it off ( though the selfish part of me would love them to stay longer ).

As ever I was ridiculously spoilt and my gifts included a new gorgeous kitchen clock and steampunk style mug tree to go in the kitchen. I also got Nigel Slater's Christmas Chronicles. LOADS of sewing bits n bobs. Smellies, slippers and a gorgeous scarf from my daughter that I'd spotted and admired in a National Trust shop. A beautiful Robin mug to go with it too. My children outdid themselves this year. My boy bought me tickets to go see The Killers in July. Massively excited for that.

I sent out a few homemade gifts this year and I'm thrilled to little bits that they loved them! Will definitely make more next year - starting sooner though! ( we finish a whole day earlier on the 21st next year so I'll still be pushed for time! Wanna see some?! 

Right, amoff to enjoy Boxing Day xxx 

Love from 
Rachel 4.5 stones lighter Radiostar

No goose fat roasted potatoes for me!


  1. What an absolutely fab Christmas, just a shame about the illness. I LOVE your photos so much, the kitchen is wonderful, Albie is so, so beautiful and I am deeply glad he is recovering, The gifts, etc, sound exciting and wow - all that weight lost!
    Now enjoy the rest of the holiday.
    J xxxxx

    1. Currently still in bed enjoying the rest of the holiday!

  2. Glad to hear your Christmas has been wonderful. Look how grown up Freddie is!

    Kitchen looks gorgeous and I love love love those gingerbread ornaments, genius idea. Always lovely to see your name pop up on my blog feed.

    1. Aw thank you. Now I've finally a bit of time I'm going to have a catch up on my blog reading!

  3. Congratulations, you must feel great! Sounds like you had a wonderful day and your kitchen is looking good. I hope your daughter feels better today.

    1. Thank you xx she is better, it was a 24 hour bug.

  4. Wow on the weight loss, glad your family Christmas went well.

  5. My roast potatoes totally refused to go crispy but they still tasted pretty darn good.

    Snap....I got Christmas Chronicles too....I can't wait to have a flick through it.

    Well done on your weight loss Rachel. That is a wonderful achievement.
    Love and hugs-x-

  6. Fantastic weight loss. love the new kitchen. Please can we see the mug tree,sounds interesting.Good to here you had a good day.

  7. Well done on the weight loss, I bet you're really proud of yourself. The kitchen looks lovely, far too nice to cook in! Poor Miss 23, hope she's feeling better and has a good journey home. Sounds like you received some lovely gifts and made some beautiful ones - the gingerbread men are brilliant. Glad to hear Alfie managed to spend his first Christmas at home. xx


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