Saturday, 21 January 2017

Stuff that's made me laugh this week.

Mostly this poem.
 Other things were watching Victoria Wood As seen on TV especially the sketches where Victoria and Julie Walters are in a queue in a cafe and they are pulling people to bits. Killer lines for Julie
" Can I just pass by I'm a diabetic." And to a lady reaching over for a cake , " I wouldn't, not with those hips."

There was also the documentary on the making of Acorn Antiques. So clever with the writing.... but the thing that gave me the MOST giggles was then watching a programme on BBC 2 - I think it's on the I player still, called This dancing town. It was set in Skipton and I wanted to watch it because I like to sit and say, ooooh I've been there etc. Basically a west end choreographer gets the whole town to come together and dance. A bit like Gareth Malone, but with dance, not a choir. I say 'dance' loosely. It was mostly consisting of him saying ' a 5,6,7 8  with a bit of sideways walking and clicking. Then we had some clapping. The cleaners with their dusters were awesome, especially the bit where one of them flicked another in the eye with a duster!  The voice over guy though was making it sound SO Victoria Wood spoof documentary. I was laughing my head off at it! The end result made the feel good factor apparent for those who took part but the camera kept cropping people's heads off!

The TV awards are coming up. Best inadvertent comedy of the year...should go to this programme!

Right, someone asked how I incorporated 'rock, paper, scissors, into PE.

1. Ensure class know RPS
2. Divide class in half. Call them A and B or names of your choice!!!
3. Send each half to their own designated 'safe area' to huddle and decide whether to be RPS
4. Bring both halves to centre but two steps back.
5. Teacher counts down 3, 2, 1...
6. On one, each half reveals what they are by shouting and showing.
7. Whoever wins ( eg if one group chose scissors and other chose paper )
8. On the moment of realisation the goal is for the winners to capture the losers before they get back to the safe zone. The captured then become part of that team.

The squeals of the losers is delightful!!! The roar of victory is infectious. After round one, the teacher only really needs to do the countdown because they are so eager to huddle and challenge!  I've yet to have a sore loser too! I think there is a version where you can be Witches, goblins and wizards where each beats one of the others, however I can never remember which from game to game so get it wrong! When the teams 'reveal' is the same, they genuinely laugh and go rehuddle! Great for team spirit and resilience.

Right, HMRC awaits. I've done the income. Now it's the delight of the receipts. I have them all, they are collated, I just need to calculate! However, I'm marooned in the lounge at the moment as Mr 19 is putting his new tent up in the dining room to make sure it's ok. He's going to Leeds festival in March where he will see my favourite band Muse, live for his first time. I'm a little bit envious. I'll just wait with a bit of telly and my sock loom!

Lots of love from

Rachel *accounts clerk* Radiostar xxx


  1. Lol to the poem.
    Sounds like your PE lessons are so much fun. I wish ours had been when I was at school. They were just a twice weekly torture to be endured.
    Don't envy you doing the tax glad I don't have to do it any more.

    1. I'm only being a brat about it because I HAVE to do it!

  2. The poem keeps making me laugh! I was a bit hit n Miss with my love of PE. At Primary school I hated the apparatus day. I was too scared to go up the scrambling net, or climb on the climbing frame. But I BLOODY LOVED Skittleball. Ive still got my winner's gold medal from the 1982 inter school championships! At Secondary, I hated dance and cross country and athletics but I loved tennis, even though I was crap at it and I ADORED hockey - played for the school! Our school never played netball. I've not lost any sleep over that fact!

  3. I think I might have enjoyed PE a little more doing games like that, sounds like fun.

  4. I covered classes regularly from nursery to P7- it's great how inventive you become! I didn't realise how the wee ones thought of me until a day with P1 and a little boy said to me, "that was a good day-I didn't know you were a real teacher! Much later that day, after I had done the marking and setting out for the next day, the phone in my offuce rang and a high head person ( you know the type) from the LA phoned to enquire about my absence from some HT training. It was the greatest answer ever when I was able to say-"sorry, I was being a real teacher today"! I also tnink it's good to let all the other staff see that you can still hack the chalkface even though they would prefer it if you fell on your a**e. Thankfully, all I do now is indulge my creativity and volunteer with lots of groups to teach crafts-it's fab. I also may go away in our caravan and meet random other ex-employees of schools! Catriona

    1. I totally admire headteachers - I could never do it!

  5. Re the Victoria wood program I loved "prawns, never eat them, they tread water round sewage outlets with their mouths open you know"!

  6. Funny! I've got to do my tax return. I keep putting it off. Might get around to it tonight. xx

  7. Love the idea of team RPS! That must be good fun for the children, and you too! Hope the taxes go alright, not the funnest of times!

    1. I just find it dull! Plus my OCD kicks in when. Can't find things to add up and balance!

  8. What a simple but fabulous idea for a PE lesson. Did you make it up yourself? I was on all the teams at school because I was OK in a group but I absolutely hated the sort of PE lessons where you were all lined up waiting to climb the roope, jump over the box or balance on a beam and all eyes were on you. Stuff of nightmares for me. xx

    1. Good grief no - I nicked it off the Internet! It's a cracking game to play though!!


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