Saturday, 6 March 2021

Blessed Day

 Blessed are the fruit

May the lord open 

Here I am late to the Handmaid's Tale and I can barely function from the binge watching and reading of it. I am horrified and outraged and moved and agog. 


Today, I did a bit of gardening. A mooch round people's blogs - Suzanne - I keep trying to comment but I don't have the right privileges or something! Anyway your post where you talked about the bathroom cleaning - I laughed a big laugh! 

I've started on with a bit of dressmaking. I've pottered about. 

I've just done my online shop - properly! I need to go to bed now. 

Not much to say. I'll document here that yesterday, sadly my Mum.s eldest brother died. It's one more loss. The sadness is just like a thick unpenetrable layer of sadness. Uncle Keith was 82. He had been in a nursing home for 6 years after struggling with his diagnosis of Parkinsons. He got covid in October and whilst 'recovered' he was very frail and just like a shell really. It doesn't make it any easier. I have very fond childhood memories of him. He was a lovely man and we will all miss him. 

Born to my beloved Nanna Ivy and Grandad Fred, he was the eldest of four children, next was his brother, my Uncle Roy, my Aunty Sylvia came next then my mum. He married Auntie Pat who is super lovely and they have two children, my eldest cousin Paul and then his sister Diane. 

Lots of love from

Rachel xxx


  1. Sending you lots of love and sympathy. Covid has stolen so much from us over the past year. ((((hugs))))

  2. You must read the sequel to the handmaids tale, The Testaments, it was brilliant as well. Sadly we all know family and friend who have left us in this past year, hold on to your fond memories, I hope your mum is doing OK, it's hard for those left behind as well.

    1. I will definitely do Marlene thank you. I think my year would have been the same loss wise covid or not - simply because of my age now. My boss said though, its the fact we don't have those big group celebrations and other normalities that seem to make the deaths harder to bear.

  3. Sorry for your loss Rachel xx Amanda x

  4. Sorry for your loss Rachel. It's always so sad when another link to our childhood becomes an empty space, yes, we have fond memories but it feels lonely.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle Keith. The older generation are sadly lacking in numbers now in our immediate family which makes me sad. Their story telling of days gone by is what I miss most, I'm sure ours will never compare.

    They looked me right in the eye Rachel, right in the eye and said they'd cleaned the bathroom!!! A couple of people have said they can't comment on my blog because they're not part of the team - just to clarify I'm the only team member for now lol. I don't have comments on because it's just easier for me at the moment with looking after Mum. I like to reply to people so better for me not to be worrying I haven't been able to do that. Hope 'proper' school goes well for you and the childers. xx


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!