Wednesday, 18 July 2018

One more day

That’s all I’ve got to get through until 6 lovely weeks of freedom to do as I please! I do love my job but I’m more than ready for a rest! It’s brain weary that I am I think! Thank You for all the comments on the last blog - I’ll reply later on.
A few sad things to say.

Channel 5 showed a TV programme that I’ve not been able to bring myself to watch yet. Murdered by my stalker was shown with the full permissions etc from Alice’s Mum and Dad. If you remember, she was the beautiful young woman who was one of my daughter’ Best friends she made at Uni.
Harrowing viewing that apparently goes into more details than the ITV programme last year with Trevor MacDonald.
How so brave her family are, working so hard to try to change laws etc to help protect other women from hideous monsters that sadly roam our earth. My HG said bad words and said they should bring back hanging. I absolutely agree in the death penalty myself in such cases. It boils my blood that my taxes are keeping this lying monster in a warm bed at night. Anyway I do not want to focus on him.

The other sad sad news.
Last night I found out that one of my lovely friends on Twitter died. She was an amazing blogger who I genuinely had affection for. None online community folks won’t understand in the same way I don’t think.
So I’d like to pay her a little tribute. I did tell her, when she was alive, just how brilliant I thought she was and how in awe of her I was. I am absolutely flipping mad that she’s gone so soon. It stinks. Anyway.
May Light Perpetual Shine On you Forever Kate 💜

In other nicer news
I went to see The Killers ( again ) last Friday. It was one of the best concerts I’ve been to in aaaaaaages. Brandon Flowers was just an amazing showman. It was fantastic. I was in a size 12 dress people!!

Trainers on for comfort and dancing!!! I call my style, Care in the community chic! I will post photos of the gig next time. It just took me 20 minutes of my screen jumping round to get these ones on! 
I’m current five and a half pounds off my SW target and I will post  a face doctored before and after photo when I get there! I’m not fussed when that happens. I’ll just keep on plan and food optimising for the rest of my days! I’m not deprived or on a diet. I’m not hungry or missing out. Life is WAY TOO SHORT PEOPLE. Live the best life you can because you just do not know when it’s no longer going to be an option. 

Lots of love from 
Rachel *last day of term* Radiostar xxx


  1. Woo hoo - size 12. You are an inspiration to me!
    I'm sorry about the sad news - things like that are always hard and sometimes unbearable but there's no choice, you have to bear it. Love to you.

    Have a wonderful holiday. We have three days left here, today plus two. I don't think I will ever lose that sense of excitement, however long I am retired - it goes with the time of year!
    Lovely to hard from you again. xxx

  2. The countdown begins - hope the last week goes quickly for you!

    So much sad news :(

    Congratulations on the weight loss, sounds like you had fun at the concert.

  3. I will be signing up tomorrow in the local hall. I only need/want to lose around 10Kg, but it is the keeping it off that i will really need the SW support for. Looking forward to your photo's, they will be inspiration for many of us.

  4. I am with you and HG on the death penalty for such dreadful crimes. I haven't seen the programme and I'm not sure I want to. Her family are very brave.

    So sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend. It's harrowing to lose anyone but she looks so young.

    Get you in your size twelve dress. Looking very good indeed.

    Big hugs-x-

  5. Hi Rachel! Maybe by the time you read this, you will already be on your break! Well deserved, I'm sure. I'm sorry about the losses you have had recently and otherwise. That can't have been easy seeing it all played out on tv. Congrats on your weight loss, however. Yay for all your hard work!! -Jenn

  6. Enjoy your hols. Are you going to Lytham Festival-it was being set up last week when we were there. Dress is fab and I love your style.

  7. Oh no - I read Kate's blog and thought she was inspirational and very courageous. That's so sad, I would not have known so thank you for posting about it. Her poor boys.

  8. Sorry to hear about your sad new.
    On another note I hope you enjoy your well deserved holidays.xx

  9. So sorry to hear about your blog friend Rachel. It's a community all of it's own isn't it and even if you've not met somebody I can understand how sad news like that would make you feel.

    I watched the Trevor McDonald programme. Absolutely heartbreaking, I don't know where parents find the strength to fight for something good to come out of something so horrific, but thank goodness there are people out there like that. What boils my blood most is the so called prisons that are more like holiday camps. We watched a programme recently and it was disgraceful what they're allowed to get away with. No fear or respect for authority and no remorse for what they've done, it's just all one big laugh to them. Human rights has gone too far in some instances.

    Loving the care in the community chic. A couple more gigs and a bit more bopping around and I bet you'll hit that target before you know it. Enjoy the holidays :) xx

  10. sorry for the sad stuff. Especially the loss of Kate, she was way too young.

    Seriously well done with the weight loss, you are right to be proud as punch.
    Enjoy your hols. Violet is loving her long school break. Me too, no rows in the morning for a while! xx


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