Monday 25 January 2016

Monday Quickie

I'm going to reply to comments and then I'll have to go to work. I'll be back to tell you about my fantastic weekend at some point. Not sure when that point will be as I'm doing the HG's books. Every year at this time I declare to my dining room walls that I'm going to do the books once a month. Of course, both the walls and I know it's a downright outrageous lie! In fact I work best to a deadline and I enjoy the martyrdom of it!! 

I can't remember if I told you what I was doing this Saturday or where we've been. But I will say, it was my first time. I was apprehensive. Narked at the HG for saying we were going. And then had one of the best day/night's out ever!! Needless to say we will be doing it again!! 

Right, apple update to do. Then books to start. Bins already successfully deployed! I'm covering the class this morning and they'll be thrilled by the work the teacher has left! Oh, I'll just tell you one of the things that was said to me this week. 

It was a maths lesson. We were working on word problems. 
Me: so, can you now tell me how we can work this out? 
Child: oh, wait, you mean I just have to add these up? 
Me: YES ( it had taken us 40 minutes to get to this point )
Child: This is so simple! This is as easy as putting a jet pack on a power llama. 
Me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Right, cheerio for now X 

Lots of love from

Rachel *reluctant accountant* Radiostar xxx


  1. Glad you enjoyed your day out. Look forward to hearing all about it. xx

    1. Hopefully I'll b telling you all about it later today!

  2. Replies
    1. Apart from there not being enough money in them for me to give up work and be a lady of leisure, they went fine xxx

  3. A jet pack on a power llama????? Is that Star Wars or something? :-)
    J x

  4. Haha kids are so funny, have a good day and good luck with the bookkeeping. :) x

    1. This particular soul has me in stitches everyday!

  5. glad you had a good weekend, but I have to admit when I saw the word narked I read 'naked'! eeks. Think that says more about me than my inability to read!

    Kids really do say the funniest things.

    I'm so glad you have ordered the tablecloth. Ridiculously happy about it actually, because it is such a corking bargain, and I know you'll be pleased with it :o)

    1. I read that review too and pah pahed it! I wanted a new one for aaaages!

  6. I love that you talk to your dining room wall - how very Shirley Valentine of you ;)

    1. That's a great film isn't it? I think I want to watch it now!

  7. Just been catching up with my reading. Sounds like you've been having a rough time lately. Hope the exciting week-end (looking forward to hearing about it)helped to bring back the balance.
    Thank goodness M does his own book keeping.

    1. Hey Carol, how's things with you? I've not been in Blogland so much this last week so I haven't noticed if you posted updates about the patients xx

  8. You should publish a book of all the fab funny inventive creative things the little ones have said over the years. Brilliant! Xx

    1. We had a book in the staff room at one point to write all the funniest things in. Must dig that out again!


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!