Thursday 3 November 2016

You know you 'learn something new everyday'?

Here's my new nugget of knowledge.
Let me set the scene....
Yorkshire Pddings. They can be tricksy little gits at times. Huge billowy sky scraper puffs of crisp in the outside, softer and beautiful on the inside tasty or
Taste the same frisbees.
Thanks to it being half term AND being confined to barracks, there's a lot of telly watching going on. Yesterday, there was one of those Heston BloomingheckImnoteatingthat's programmes on.  He was trying to make a massive YP. Originally called Dripping Pudding, back in the day - the day being the 1609s or something. Apparently, Dripping Puddings were better Oop North, in particular, Yorkshire - probably spoke about by rich and wealthy Southern travelling folks and Yorkshire Pudding stuck!

ANYWAY, I bet some of you know this already... but the reason for them turning out flat could be that the fat is TOO HOT when you pour the batter in. I know,I know - the fat has to be sizzling hot, but a couple of degrees too high means it sets the batter too quickly meaning it CANNOT rise! So I now can sleep easier at night knowing my YP fails have been scientifically explained by Heston!

I would insert a photo but I still can't!

In other news.
It turned freezing yesterday. I pegged out my washing and my fingers hurt. My washing hung limply all day refusing to dry and when I brought it in at 4, my fingers froze again and it was as wet as it was when it'd gone out. So that's it now until March. Unless we get a sunny windy day and it's something that can't be tumbled, the drier and my Beautiful Lakeland Airer it is!

The show and tell us almost there. Not quite. I was going to yatter on about something else but I've totally forgotten now.

As Half Term's go, I've had better. Went to town on Monday with my sister n her brood. Went out for breakfast Tuesday with my work chums. Pottered about a bit at home yesterday and repeat that today. Normally pottering is my favourite- but enforced pottering is making my teeth a bit itchy. Setbacks for the patient are to blame, not the patient. But this won't last forever.
Miss 22 is coming tonight with her young man and the pup. They are jetting off to the Sun this time tomorrow so we are Freddie sitting! I might have been to TK Maxx and bought him some new toys. We shall see. We've also got a book and a whistle to have a go at training him with it just to keep us all amused!

Right that's it, time to do the Ward Rounds

Lots of love from
Rachel *Barbera Woodhouse* Radiostar xxx


  1. I confess I am rubbish at making yorkshires, years ago I used to buy the giant yorkshires in the supermarket for about 25p each.
    We have had the first frost here this morning.

    1. I love cold hard frosty days as long as I don't have to stay out in them!

  2. Gosh, that takes me back. Walkieeeeeees!
    Who would have guessed something as simple and yorkies could be so scientific. Did he actually say what the right temp was and how to achieve it?
    J x

    1. If he did Joy, I missed it! I wonder if athlete are any Barbara Woodhouse clips online! I remember her wearing kilts. Why my mum used to watch it when we didn't have a dog is beyond me!!

  3. I've tried making Yorkshire pudding twice in my life. Neither attempt was any good. I don't even like them, but the husband does. How long does half term last? -Jenn

    1. Half term was one week! Can you buy frozen ones over there Jenn?

  4. this....... Heston BloomingheckImnoteatingthat's.....made me laugh so much I think I have popped a rib and Andy is looking at me like I have finally lost the plot. He wants to know why I am laughing at the computer and I have gently explained that it is pretty much like him laughing at the telly.....there are very funny things to be seen on here. He doesn't get it....Gawd give me strength.
    The pottering lark is getting pretty tiring here. Do you know I have lost nearly a stone since all this started. Mostly worry I expect but waiting hand and foot on me little soldier must have shifted a few pounds too......I'm never off me feet.
    Have a gorgeous time with Freddie.

    1. That stone you lost? I think I found it! On my hips! Yes I'm on my feet a lot but every time I'm in them, they walk me to the kitchen where I am eating all the things!
      Hope your patient is improving daily xxx

  5. I had the same problem with my washing too, you feel all smug because you have taken the trouble to hang the washing out in the freezing cold so you can save a bit electricity and it's all a waste of time because they have to go in the dryer anyway, I'm not even going to try again until Spring has sprung. I never even attempt yorkshire puddings I just buy the frozen ones I know they arn't as nice as home made but I don't really care. Enjoy your puppy sitting. :) xx

    1. Linda, I laughed my head off then. I do feel that smug feeling lol we are too funny !!

  6. with you about the enforced pottering. I love, love, love being home doing whatever needs to be done, but as soon as Violet is ill and I *have* to stay home without even the slightest chance of freedom, then I get all irritable and feel like I'm in captivity.

    Aha, that's my excuse for my flat as a pancake Yorkshires from now on then. Sometimes they are a triumph, other times ... not. Now I know!

    I've still been sticking the washing out, in some sad attempt to get it at least a bit dry. Some days it's been a help, others, why did I bother with all the pegging effort?! Then my iron died. A real tale of woe in the laundry department!

    lots of love to you lady, and p.s, yes Violet and I are naughty but we are rebels and don't care! ;o) ha ha ha xxx

    1. But you'll not have any surprises in Advent now! Except that you will because knowing you, you'll just replace the calendars lol X

  7. I wonder if Freddie knows what he's letting himself in for! Have fun with him, Mrs Woodhouse xx

    1. Freddie is just the most pampered adored thing ever!!

  8. Ah yes. The great washing debate. To peg out or not to peg out. It's a little disheartening to find you've completely wasted your time and energies hanging out the washing for it to be just as damp when you bring it in. I hope the patient is improving and that Freddie is bringing you some joy this week. X

    1. Most of the joy has come from Freddie this week!

  9. Yes, know what you mean about frozen fingers/collecting in the washing. We've stopped hanging it out sadly, it always smells and feels so much fresher when it has been flapping outside all day.

  10. I gave up on yorkshire puds a while back and went to the dark side of Aunty Bessie but I will never succumb to her roast potatoes, I much prefer my own, even if I do say so myself.

    The only thing I hate about autumn/winter is the clothes airer seems to be out all the time. Drives me mad.

    Hope Freddie is behaving himself for Nanna and Grandad. xx

    1. He mostly is!! Aunt Bessie has taken over a full freezer in Asda! What that woman doesn't freeze isn't worth having! My sister though, shuns Aunt Bessie in favour of Smart Price ones. Cheaper and nicer in her opinion.

  11. So that's the reason for the solid ones - mustn't let The Golfer know that, he thinks it's the oven and I've almost wrangled a new one out of him :)
    One of the things i did not miss when we migrated was the 'winter frozen finger syndrome'. Trying to explain that and describing the thrill of trying to defrost frozen cardboard like clothing is a novelty not to be missed.
    Did you have any luck finding the instructions to your lace knitting?

    Cathy @ Still Waters

    1. Yes, frozen towels that you can snap in half is a joy to behold!!


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