Saturday 10 December 2022

Thirty whole years

 Since the HG and I became a thing! Back then you didn’t do what the young folks do now - talk to each other for months on end before they become ‘exclusive’ then there has to be a decent big gesture or ceremony to become boyfriend and girlfriend. Back then you sent your mate to say my mate fancies you or you ‘got off with each other’ ( just kissing ) and then you were ‘going out with’ each other and were boyfriend and girlfriend. You then just packed each other in if you didn’t like each other!! Anyway 

I’d know the HG since I was 13. But we didn’t start going out with each other until I was 21! 

This is a very rare glimpse at me and mine! Here we are 30 years ago in my room at my Mum’s. Most who know us say we look exactly the same!!  I remember taking it. I had a little Kodak camera and I said let’s try to take our photo because it was the last pic on the roll! It probably languished in my camera until I could afford to take it to Bootsies ( how we say here hahaha ) to get it developed. Oh the stress of remembering where you’d put the little slip of paper because you’d never get them back! 

Then that feeling of delayed gratification of getting that packet of photos back with the little strips of negatives tucked under a flap at the front!! You needed those for a reprint! AND ( I am laughing now to myself ) you used to get the blurry photos back with a little sticker on the front saying ‘poor quality’ 


Today marks a sad day for one of my best friends. Her Dad sadly died this morning. And currently Engerland are trying to score another goal in their World Cup match against France. I’m not a football fan. But suddenly I’m an expert!! In my totally expert opinion, England need to stop passing the ball backwards, complaining to mummy about getting pushed over and learn that the ref doesn’t give two hoots for whinging! Plus that VAR descision in the first half will become the new ‘hand of god’ woe is me badly done to Segway on every single news item and programme on TV about England and the  World Cup! 

Come on England! Here’s to the next thirty years of my and my wonderful HG’s time together. 

Lots of love from 

Rachel * will put up the Christmas Tree tomorrow * Radiostar xxx


  1. Is one of you holding the camera at arms length? If so that must have been a novel practice with a Kodak camera 30 years ago. I bet you didn't say "lets take a selfie"!

    1. Yes and it was really awkward as we didn't even know if our faces would be in it! I wish I had said those words then branded them! Id be a multi zillionaire by now!

  2. I remember those Kodak cameras, mine was a Brownie, and I used it to document the year my hubby and I traveled in Europe. No cell phones with cameras then! That is cute how you and your sweetie got together.

    1. I only knew him at age 13 because he was going out with my best friend at the time's older sister! That's when he liked me from! I couldn't stand him hahaha

  3. Congratulations! And I hope you will share a photograph of your decorated tree. Xx

  4. Congratulations and Happy 30th Anniversary, such a happy picture!

    1. Thank you - I wish I knew who I was thanking! Happy because we were young and child free hahaha

    2. Sorry Rachel, that was me, dratted Blogger keeps turning me into Anonymous and I keep forgetting to check! Happy because you were/are in Love! Best wishes, Annabeth

  5. 30 years, you are still a baby, congratulations, looking back we never have enough photo's. I've had enough of football, we don't watch it here, England did well, France is a top team, so no shame in losing to them, at least these days supporters can hold their heads up as the team are so much better.

  6. Congratulations!

    I love that when watching a sport you know nothing about, after 10 minutes it's all "he should be doing that, why's he coming on?" etc. That's me during the Olympics!

  7. Many congratulations to the two of you and here's to the next thirty years! My love to your friend - such a sad time for her. xx

  8. Thanks for bringing back those memories of the early camera's. Most of the pictures were rubbish weren't they? but the wait to get them was exciting. I still have loads of those negative strips in the photo bag.


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