Wednesday 20 April 2016

I'm going outside, I may be some time.

Yes it's a famous quote, but I've used it for years on Facebook! It basically applies to me, all Summer! 

Barry took delight in taking several baths in the sunshine yesterday. I brought him outside with me as I tackled the garden.  I did the front first which only took an hour. Mainly pulling up little weeds from the cracks and crevices. My FW* neighbour's front garden is covered in weed they never remove. It does my head in. It looks a bloody mess. I can't understand it as she's always gardening out the back. 

Anyway it was glorious in the sunshine. I actually got the chair out for the first time this year and sat out with a drink! I filled four gardening bags with garden waste from the border. Lots of died back shrubbery from last Autumn! I'm afraid the torrential endless rain we had kept me from going out and I left it to go feral. I seem to have lost two delphiniums from either too much wet or the slugs so I shall have to replace them. I'm cross because I wanted a better display this year with plants at the same stage! Not to mind. I'll buy them later on in the year. 
I'll remind you of the photo I took at Castle Howard, this is what I'm wanting to recreate along my wall! 

I was going to plant some seeds, but time was running out. I need to find them, see what I have and what I want to grow. Think I've seeds for all sorts. Beetroot do very well in my garden and I am determined to grow some Cavelo Nero for ME to eat NOT the bloody wildlife so will also have to buy serious butterfly defence paraphanalia. 
I thoroughly scrubbed all of my bird feeders. I've loads! I do get some lovely visitors, but not as many as I'd like because of NDFC. 

To all those people asking for Photographic evidence of my CiCC. Nope. It ain't going to happen! 

Now then, it might be the Queen's 90th Birthday tomorrow and I do love the Queen but more importantly it's my baby boy's birthday! Being an elective C Section baby ( due to Miss 21's complicated arrival - 2 weeks overdue, induced, 24 hours labour, 3cm was all I got to, emergency C Section ) I got to choose the date of his birth. It had to be two weeks before my due date so I was less likely to spontaneously go into labour. I was given the option of the 19th - too early I thought, the 21st - The Queen's birthday or the 23rd - St George's Day. It was horrible to be told actually that I couldn't try a normal delivery  because that's what my consultant said , so we decided the middle date. Mr 18 will become Mr 19. So tomorrow I will be making him a birthday cake. I've not asked him yet, but I bet you all £10 he asks for chocolate fudge cake or toffee fudge, but whichever it will be he'll ask for it to be covered in fondant this space! 

Right, I must away to my chores!**Bye for now 

Lots of love from 

Rachel * just asked him, yep you all owe me a tenner * Radiostar xxx 

*FW neighbours - F^%kwits - absolute morons. Also owners of NDFC. We call them Weirdobob and his insane parents. She's alright, but their brat is a completely out of control little shit and the dad is a moron. I can feel my bile rising as I give them brain space and I've a thousand sentences full of vitriol desperate to spring forth from my fingertips...but no, kind words or no words Rachel!! People are strange! They probably can't stand us! Me, on my moral high ground, with my two beautiful, well brought up, polite, bright, fantastic upright members of the human race offspring, with my gorgeous blue fenced garden, with my lovely hardworking HG etc etc hehehehehehe 
We wish they'd move! ( Our neighbours on the other side are fine! ) 

**away to my chores - lay in bed a bit longer, replying to comments and reading other blogs! 


  1. Happy Birthday in advance to Mr 18/19. Hope he has a great day. Does he have any plans?

    Neighbours both side of us are fine in themselves but the front garden of one is a right mess and it does my head in as well. He's removed all the grass like we have and gravelled, but not nice gravel, the sort of big grey gravel chunks you find in a car park. Every time he backs the car off half of it ends up over the path and in the road. Then because there's nowhere else to put our bins (don't get me started), they're on the front as well. But instead of taking a couple of minutes to line them up, he leaves them scattered all over the garden. At least I'm next to him and not across the road looking at him, always grateful for small mercies lol.

    I chose Thomas' date of birth as well! No particular thought behind it though. It was a Tuesday and I think I just opted for the first available slot of the week.

    Hope you manage to re-create your flower bed inspiration, it's lovely. Enjoy your time outside today, whatever you're doing. xx

    1. If I ver we the lottery I'd move to a house right in the middle of nowhere!!! Mr 19 was born on a Monday and he is very fair of face ( in my eyes lol ) and Miss 21 was born on a Friday like me and my beloved Nanna - loving and giving. I will have a line of gorgeous blue Delphs , mine are in tubs though so it won't be as tall! They'll go in the ground once the garden is finished. So that'll be never then lol

  2. Ooooooh that border of delphiniums is delicious. I might have to get a few to pop in my border.
    I used to love being out in the garden but I can't do as much as I used to be able to (crock knees and back) I do have my own in house gardener though as that is what DD does for her job and she makes a nice job of it. This year she is going to redesign the front garden and I can't wait.

    1. I'd love to own a gardener like you do lol X

  3. Happy birthday to Mr 18/19 and well done for getting going on the garden. There couldn't be a nicer day for it!
    J x

    1. We've been lucky this week with the weather!

  4. It's my brothers birthday tomorrow, bad neighbours are a pain in the ar*e, ours is picking on someone else for a change, she to is a poor Gardner, we are lucky the wind blows all the weed seeds away from us.

    1. Who s bearing the brunt of her insanity now??

  5. Happy birthday Mr 19 albeit a tad early. One of my neighbours is a freaky old bird, she used to write Mike letters. Deep breaths now xx

    1. Oh yes I think you've told me that before?!! Bloody people!

  6. Happy birthday to your son.

  7. Happy birthday to Mr19! Those delphiniums are gorgeous, mind you, in mine they'd be adorned with slugs instead of blooms!

    1. I have no qualms whatsoever about using slug pellets!

  8. Happy birthday Mr19. I was in the garden yesterday too. It's so great to have some beautiful weather at last. X


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