Tuesday 23 February 2016


My HG has declared that he could eat the full box! Turns out they are not that sickly. I have my own suspicions! 
Here's the magazine front 
Here's mine! 

The toffee layer was made with three bags of dairy toffee according to the recipe, next time I will only use two! Also I omitted the peanut butter from the top layer of chocolate which is why I think it cracked on cutting. But on the whole I'm impressed!! 

First day back at work was like we'd never had a week off! 
My class were doing their Big Write from before the holidays. I went to help my usual suspects. They were working on a leaflet, using publisher, to advertise the new community park they'd devised the week earlier on a planning sheet. One soul had had a difficult lesson during the planning and then was absent on the last Friday when the rest of the class worked on their designs. 

Me: what's wrong
Child: I don't know what to do
Me: let's have a look on your plan
Child: I'd rather you didn't. 
Me: come on, it'll help with this task
Child: ok, but be prepared to be disappointed!!!!!! 

Admittedly, there wasn't much to go on, but we cracked on regardless! I said 
Any work done is good and I'm never disappointed! I got beamed at! 

By 'eck it's cold this morning. Thermal knickers needed! Thanks for all the comments on yesterday's blog, I'll go reply in a bit xx 

Lots of love from 

Rachel *never disappointed* Radiostar xxx


  1. You are naughty, posting pics of my absolute favourite cakey thing when I'm on a diet and not eating anything like that!!

    1. If it's any consolation Sooze, I'm on a diet and I'm not eating it either!! Testing my will BIG TIME!

  2. I got the mag and there's several recipes I'd like to look through!
    Did you see Foolproof Cooking last night - that chicken pie looked wonderful. I think I'd be frugal and use a turkey leg for the meat though.
    J x

    1. It's on the planner! I love chicken pot pies. Nom

  3. Caramel Shortbread is one of my all time favourites I don't make it too often as I am addicted and could easily clear the lot in a couple of days xx

    1. When I'm not 'on a diet' I rarely bake. When I do embark on healthy eating, I go baking berserk!

  4. You are just tormenting me now aren't you! They look so lovely - and I want some!

  5. I'm going to have to give in aren't I? Oh it looks so yummy.
    Maybe I'll be lucky and they will have sold out of the magazine by the time I get to the big town at the weekend.
    Glad your first day back went well-x-

  6. Naughty! Naughty! delicious yummies which I shouldn't even look at....sigh!!!!

  7. I enjoy reading your quotes from children in school. I'm amazed at the self-possession that many of them seem to have. I could not imagine talking in that way to my teachers in primary school. Is it a good thing? Not sure what the answer is but then I'm "a blithering idiot".

    1. The reason it was so funny, which I probably didn't explain well, is that this child struggles with literacy and maths and is working well below age related expectations - any progress is hard fought and well deserved. Even speech and turns of phrase are usually less developed than the age related expectations. It's just something you'd never expect to hear!

    2. Whereas when talking about the children in class working at or above age related expectations, I wholeheartedly agree. The often need raking down a peg or two. I've often had chats with them about what's appropriate and what isn't when speaking to me. Sometimes I don't know who they think they are X

  8. Your's look more delicious and natural as for me. I really impressed by your answer to child! You are inspiring teacher.

  9. Hey how did you manage to make your bars look as good as on the front cover, I'm impressed. Ref my Hexagons, I cut with the bigger template and then place small temple on wrong side of the fabric in the middle. I fold the flaps and sew ensuring the corners are tucked neat and stitched well. The paper insert says inside until I sew them all together. Once sewn together I will remove the paper inserts and attach the back. I will post a photo of the wrong side of hexagons. This is going to take a couple of years, but getting all the hexagons sorted first will allow more fun later.

    1. Thanks for this info! I'm going to give it a go! When I've tried in the past, I've not had TWO templates - so that's where I've been going wrong!

  10. By gum you are right, it is cold isn't it! The bars still look incredible to me!!! I only hope that isn't the current issue of sainsbugs magazine otherwise I will be in trouble if I buy a copy when I go shopping!! xx

  11. Mmm they look really good Rachel. Do you think they'd travel well? I know you've got my address haha. What a lovely TA you are. It's amazing what a few kind words of encouragement can do for a child. Even though I bet you feel like killing them half the time. xx

    1. Lol you read my imaginary frying pan post didn't you!!

  12. They look so yummy I wouldn't dare go anywhere near them, your tapestry is looking lovely in yesterdays post. :) xx

  13. Chuckling away here. That's a lovely thing to say to a small, or indeed to anyone who needs encouraging. Those cakes/ sweets/ biscuits look fantastic. I'm glad we're it neighbours on this ocassion though or my teeth would fall out xxx

    1. The sugar content is scary!! And the fat content!

  14. Yours look much more substantial than those from the mag, a lovely thick layer of caramel. The choc on mine always cracks too...doesn't matter if they taste yummy.


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!