Tuesday 11 September 2012

You can't beat.......

The smell of a freshly opened Kenco decaf coffee refill bag ( which is what prompted this little post )
The smell of a newly bathed baby
The smell of a batch of bread baking
The smell of that thin bit of corrugated card that covers the chocolates in a box of Milk Tray
The smell of freshly line dried washing
The smell of a Sunday Roast dinner cooking
The smell of my strawberries & buttercream Yankee Candle
The smell of freshly cut grass
The smell of bacon sizzling in a pan
The smell of fish n chips wafting over from somebody else walking past with some
The smell of the Candy Floss/hot doughnut stand on the prom
The smell of vanilla
The smell of Christmas
The smell of fudge

Over to you ... What smells do you adore? You know, the one where you stick your nose in, and breathe in deeply and go mmmmmmmm ooooooooo aaaaaahhhhh!!


  1. The smell of woodsmoke on a winter's evening;
    The smell of a pine forest;
    The smell of the spices in the spice box;
    The smell of freshly washed, line-dried linen on the bed;
    The smell of wallflowers in the spring.

    How's that for starters?

  2. My Mom has always used Este Lauder's Cinnabar perfume it is one of my favourite smells.

    The smell when it rains after a dry spell.

    The smell of orange blossoms

  3. Freshly mown grass!!!!

  4. Smell of chocolate chip cookies in the oven! Or brownies! I'm hungry!

  5. Think you mentioned most , the smell of a newly laid carpet the smell of cakes baking in the oven , the smell of freshly washed clothes with too much comfort on , the smell of a big big bar of cadburys chocolate

  6. ChippyChin from Twitter11 September 2012 at 22:30

    The smell of a man's skin,
    The smell of freshly cracked oranges,
    The smell of chocolate covered strawberries,
    The smell of clean sheets,
    The smell of fresh rain on dry ground,
    The smell of opium, yang lang, or nag champa sticks burning.
    The smell of puppy belly and breath.
    The smell of a cat's powdery fur.
    The smell of a hot summer wind.
    The smell of apple 'anything' being cooked.
    The smell of granola baking,
    especially when you're drinking honey tea at the same time,
    /All/ of the smells of our 4th of July festivities (Fireworks, BBQ, crushed grass, beer/wine, homemade ice cream, sun lotion etc... )
    The smell of my mom.

  7. I love walking in the door to the smell of anything that's been cooking in the slow cooker all day! (And of course the smell of a jar of newly opened marmite!)

  8. A fresh cut lime...lavender...fresh bread...my cats' fur.
    Jane x

  9. The smell of suncream and anything coconut reminds you of hot summers day

  10. The smell of avaition fuel and hot tarmac when you land abroad.
    The smell of shoe polish.
    The smell of new fresh leather.
    The smell of Cyprus.
    The smell of petrol (my favourite)
    The smell of Bullseye feet (clean dog)
    The smell of Obsession (oldie but goody)

  11. The smell of mulled wine, felt-tip pens and petrol (am I just weird?)

    Arwedd xx


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!