Sunday 28 August 2016

I am now *those people* for sure.

 Well, we knew I was soppy over Freddie before he came to stay. Now I'm ridiculously head over heels up to my neck in puppy love! 
Here he is on his very first train journey. Miss 22 brought him over Saturday morning. She said he ( quite rightly ) was getting loads of attention and was a very good boy. 

I was prepared. I'd borrowed a crate off my friend. I'd made him a toy bag. I'd filled it with all manner of things. (Pets at home is rapidly becoming my new favourite shopping haunt. ) Me and the HG then jointly made him a bed! 
I mainly stitched, he helped cut and stuff! 
We were Freddie Ready! 
Let the chaos commence! 

Freddie was a charmer. He was sweet, cute, into everything and fast!! I tried to take so many photos but so many just showed a white blur! He definitely loved me the best. I got the biggest giddy response hen entering the room in the morning! 
He went to the door to let us know he needed to go out and by the time we got back in he was sat waiting by the table right next to the bag of treats! Although we had no accidents he does have a thing about rugs! He has this urge to puddle on them! Don't know why! So my rug was rolled up. Just I case, though my little kitchen rug was christened. No treat for performing on a rug young pup!

Here he is playing with one of his new toys. He's ace at fetching. 
He sits on command. He is hilarious as he tries to nick off with shoes or slippers. He also will take the socks off your feet whether you want him to or not! Miss 22 says he's very clever as Helping dogs do this. I'm not sure Helping Dogs take their victims socks into their beds with them for a good old chew though. 
Freddie also learned to take a running jump to get up on the sofa. Though he's not allowed. It was very funny though as he got up and then lay across my legs very still in a bid to deny the fact he was there. 
I got up and asked him what he was doing up on my sofa? 
Look at him here. He's like a toddler playing hide and seek by closing their eyes - I can't see them so they can't see me. 

By lying still and not looking at me he is definitely not on my sofa! 
No dogs on the sofa! 
Here is is too exhausted to make it to bed! 

Here is is looking super comfy in his bed! 
Wook at his widdle puppy toes! I just WUV him! 
My house is so empty now! 
 I put his new bowls away for his next visit! 
Come back soon Freddie! 

I was glad to see Miss 22 and then her YM who came to collect her on the Sunday but then they decided to stay till the Monday as it took my mind somewhat off the fact Mr 19 had gone to Leeds Festival. He'd been given strict instructions to text me every morning to let me know he was still alive and to text me back proper answers! I trust him but still fretted over the usual dangers of these types of gathering. My friend's lad had gone too so we could support each other though her boy lost his phone and she had to rely on his friends for messages. She was not pleased. 

They both returned safely. Are these walking boots a sign of a good festival? 

Almost three inches of caked on mud. Took some hosing off to get them back to normal! 
My heart goes out to the Mama and family of the 17 yo boy who died at the Festival taking drugs. I'm sure she, like me will have drilled into him, do not take anything illegal or these legal highs. They kill people. Excessive alcohol kills  a lot of young people too. Sadly he didn't heed the warnings given widely in the media - probably egged on by his peers or the two for sure arrested for supplying them. Stupid stupid waste of life. 

And on that sad note I'm off to enjoy a day on my own as the HG and Mr 19 are back at work today. I'm going to clean! Bathroom first. Then I need to reclaim my dining table from two weeks of debris dumped on it since we got back off our holidays which feel like forever ago! I've only two days left now before back to school. Where did the last six weeks go? 

Lots of love from 

Rachel *will also be sitting on her bum watching a Devious Maids or three whilst knitting* Radiostar xxx 


  1. That was a wonderful post and now I am going back to the beginning to enjoy it all over again. I too have a case of puppy love.

    1. It's insane how much love I have for him! I talk to him in third person too, calling myself Nanna!!! Somebody slap me!

  2. Enjoy your last two days. Wow, that's some lovely boot shaped mud! Hope it was the lad himself that made use of the water hose ...

    1. No, his Dad did it as the lad needed hosing off equally as much in a long hot shower! Spoilt, spoilt spoilt!

  3. He is just so, so cute. No wonder you love him so much.
    J x

  4. he's worn out from being so cute.

    school hols certainly went by in a flash. We have the rest of the week, then it's back to normal as of Monday. Shall miss my little sidekick. x

  5. Freddy sure is cute. I go back to work next week and Laura starts college the week after.
    I don't understand why kids have to take drugs at concerts and festivals. They will be missing out on the whole experience of being there being in a drug fueled oblivion. Feel so sorry for the parents.

    1. I can't understand it either. It's costs about £200 too to go to these things. Mad.

  6. Aw he is still a sweet little puppy - the 'widdle little toes' got me x

    1. I never want him to grow up! I used to want to keep my two offspring at around 6-9 months! Perfect baby age!

  7. I love little bare puppy bellies. He's gorgeous and I've got pup envy. Don't tell my dog Jess though.

    1. His little soft puppy belly us so warm and squishy and spotty!

  8. Oh I just want to pick him up and squish him. He is so beautiful.
    Can't believe it's nearly back to school time-x-

    1. He us such a darling! This Summer has just whizzed by.

  9. Freddie is so adorable and very clever. Neither Wendy or Sparky will play fetch properly, they refuse to let go of anything when they've retrieved it. I'm very impressed with the dog bag and the bed you've made, you are a clever thing. The hols have gone so quickly this year, mind you I say that every year. Can't believe Thomas is back at school on Monday. Muddy boots are a sure sign of a good festival weekend. Glad Mr 19 has his head screwed on, I'll never understand why people are prepared to play russian roulette with their lives for the sake of a quick thrill. Such a shame. xx

    1. I think I believe my Mum now when she used to tell me that the year goes faster as you get older! Like now, I'm thinking omg is only so many weekends till Xmas but I bet Thomas feels like it'll NEVER get here!


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