Sunday 15 May 2016

Here we go!

I'm armed with the gifts the HG bought me last year. 
I'm such a spoil brat!

It says it's self healing, I hope I am if I cut myself!! 

I hope they are ok. 
I've listened to and heeded sage advice from my quilting muse Pam. She is my inspiration, she makes the best quilts I've ever seen. 

 I've watched several quilting for beginners and the stupid on the good old tinternet. The most useful being quilting for the stupid beginner because that's what I am and need! Although the truth is  I made the stupid bit up - just added it for comedy purposes! 

found this one quite easy to follow. If any of you have any more tried and tested ones to recommend, go ahead. I'm all ears! 
As soon as I hit publish I'm off to slice up an old pillowcase to practise! 

The after SATs party was a success. One parent provided us with a bouncy castle which went down a storm. I made cakes, getting up at the crack of dawn to have them ready for school! 

Ooo Suzanne, I tried your top tip about the baking tray. One friend commented on my 'lovely even rise' on my buns! 

Ready to go in...

Best buns I ever made! 

 They were iced with either buttery caramel buttercream and adorned with a real CDM giant button or chocolate buttercream with a MB giant button at a jaunty angle! I didn't have any myself due to feeling sick from the amount of pre 7am cake mix and butter cream I had for breakfast! 

Well, it's a sunny day, I braved it with shorts and had a frothy coffee earlier out in the garden, but it was bloody cold, ( trusty watch says 12C ) so I'm quite content to go slice up fabric ( and hopefully not my fingers ) in my craft room!! 

I still can't get over the fact, I have a craft room! 

Lots of love from 

Rachel *making homemade naan breads later from a James Martin book* Radiostar xxx 


  1. Whoooooo look at those buns. How fabulous are they?

    Two fave yootoob quilting channels....Fat Quarter Shop and Missouri Star Quilt Company....both fabulous.

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award if you'd like to pop over to my blog and see what it's about-x-

    1. I've just watched a out 6 Missouri star quilt vids! The lady is great!

  2. Please pass on the Top Tip about the buns - I need an even rise on my buns too!!

    1. Well it's technically Suzanne from No38's tip but it's to place a large baking tray on the top rack of your oven! I've had two friends try it successfully!

  3. and forgot to say have fun in the craft room

  4. Your cakes look yummy!! good luck with the patchwork, just remember if it goes wrong you were sewing a free hand free spirit piece.

  5. Best of luck as you enter the quilting world! It is very cool that you have a craft room. Those are lovely cupcakes that you made, especially since you did this all before work in the morning! Let us see your first results when you're done. -Jenn

    1. I do love my craft room but I'd turn the clock back and switch it to Miss 21's room in a heartbeat!

  6. Missouri Star Quilt Compant woman is "awesome". Fantastic tutorials for free. Catriona

    1. I've just been watching! She's awesome and makes it look far easier than it is!

  7. What I wouldn't give for a craft room ... and a granddaughter room... and a library room... Hahaha. I'll take the craft room and call myself happy.

    1. I'd rather turn back time and have my daughter back in there!

  8. Check you out domestic goddess! Happy New craft room. Do not let other people dump stuff in it. I had a craft shed once ....

    1. I'm putting up a invisible force shield that only I can get through! X

  9. The cakes look delicious. I'll make a note of that tip. There's been birthday baking in our house this weekend. Get you with your craft room! Vair posh ;-) x

  10. that cutting mat looks really nice and big. Where did you get it? I want a bigger one, mines too small and I have managed to slice up the ironing board cover once or twice (my favourite place to slice fabric, don't know why).
    Those cakes look perfect. Totally perfect. I want one!

    Happy quilting! :O) x

    1. I'm giggling at you laughing at you slicing into the ironing board cover! Whoops!

  11. The cakes look delicious and very professionally finished. Hope you made the children bounce before eating them haha. The first time I quilted I watched Missouri Star which I see has already been mentioned, and I found her really easy to follow. Plus it's fascinating how she can whizz a quilt up in no time and the ones she makes are beautiful. When Amy moves out that's my craft room and when Thomas goes that's for Mark's 'boy toys'. Not that we're counting the days...much. xx

    1. The cakes would have been lopsided and uneven had it not been for you! The HG has said as much about Mr 19's room, though I pointed out, he has the cellar and a shed!

  12. Great cakes!!! I hope that your quilting is going just as well!

    1. I think I could get a job cutting out strips, I love it!

  13. What was the top tip about buns? Because mine always come out wonky. Yours look A-Maze-Ing. Can't wait to see your quilt!! XXX

    1. It was Suzanne's top tip of putting a baking tray on the top rack of the oven above the cakes! She claims it was by accident but I swear it was genius!

  14. Hi. I love reading your blog. Those cakes look yummy. Best of luck with the sewing. I have a box full of fat quarters, a huge cutting mat and one of those cutters...and books on quilting.. but I cannot gather the courage to start actually cutting. So I'm watching your progress and hoping it will inspire me. (I suddenly find myself in a house alone so I understand your feelings. I now have several wardrobes, a craft room, an upstairs library/sitting room but would really like my family back please!!)


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