Wednesday 9 March 2016

Epic journey

She's back! 
She travelled all the way from New Zealand to China then from China to Heathrow London. No bother. 
London to Manchester - took about 6 hours due to xancelled/delayed/broken planes! So after making the requested homecoming meal of bangers,cheesy mash n beans for 8.30pm - her eta. She got in gone 11pm with me resembling one of the zombies on The Walking Dead. I've just finished Season 3. Season 4 looks good! 
Anyway, in she strolled looking tanned but tired! 
It was so lovely to clap eyes on her. The bet of five minutes from the other post went unwon! Tis all rather harmonious! We had a brief laugh and chat before everyone just went to bed! 
Naturally I could not fall asleep despite being wholly knackered! I was just dropping off when the HG spoke and woke me. He complained he couldn't get to sleep! Within three minutes he was flipping well snoring! 
Think it was about 1am when I dozed off.  
3.33am woke for a wee 
4.20am last time I looked at the clock
6am in a sweary mood when the alarm went off because of course I could now sleep for England! 
It said on the news that Georhe Martin had died. I was all Game of Thrones bereft HOWEVER it was the bloke who wrote the Beatles songs. 
Now Adele is singing. Her songs get right on my tits! I like her very much, she's hilarious on chat shows etc. No denying she can sing but for crying out loud it's all shouty angst ridden stuff! It all sounds the same! 
Time for my shower and I think I need to use my *miracle mood improver shampoo! 

Cheerio, I'll probably be back at some point with tales from NZ. Until then, 

Lots of love from 

Rachel *grouch face-heart happy* Radiostar 

*miracle mood improving shampoo does not exist. I might invent it, go on Dragon's Den and make my millions. 


  1. Any shampoo is mood improving for me - I feel so much better with washed (and properly ironed) hair!
    Glad she's home safely. Now you just have to survive the day.
    J x

    1. I was so relieved she arrived home without any drama!

  2. Great news, I hope you manage to sleep tonight rather than drop off in class today xx

    1. No chance of dropping off! I've been covering and I can't get to sleep because I'm over tired!

  3. Glad to hear she is back safe and sound! Also glad to hear you are romping through The Walking Dead! I'm thinking if it is the end of 3 going in to season 4 you must be prison based? The Governor!!!

    1. Ooo the Govenor - he's a piece of work! I am indeed prison based and in danger of catching the plague if I get too close to the screen. Daryle, Michon, that one I don't trust who said he was in the army and the bloke who went a bit nuts because his gf got the plague but was then burned alive by Carol have just set off to go to the vetinary school for antibiotics, but they've just had to leave the car after running into a giant herd of walkers! Man I am HOOKED!

  4. Ahhh sympathetic jet lag I do believe madame.....glad Miss 21 is home n safe m'dear.

  5. Glad Miss 21 is back safe and sound. I buy shower gels purely on their names depending what mood I'm in, whether I need revitalising, soothing or a zingy blast of citrus to wake me up. Can't be doing with Adele's songs, she makes me feel like ending it all, I find her songs depressing and as soon as that Hello comes on, it's goodbye from me and a quick change of channel. xx

    1. It's just same old same old! The HG loves her and has all the CDs! I think it's all yawnsome!

  6. Send some down here, we could use it, your post once again made me laugh, enjoy daughters tales, they can be fun now she is back home.

    1. I will share some once I hear some! She's done her washing and gone back to sleep!

  7. Glad you got your big kid bad. I agree with sentiments about Adele xx

  8. Welcome home Miss 21.
    I could do with some mood improving shampoo or even shower gel would do. I am not liking this miserable poorly me at all.
    I can take or leave Adele. I only really like one of her songs.....the rest are just so boring. Get over it woman and write something a bit more cheerful I say-x-

    1. Yes Adele, get with it and write a cheery get well soon song for Sheila!

  9. Glad she's home safe and well. If you ever do invent it I'd definitely buy that shampoo!

  10. Glad she got home safely even if the last leg let her down timewise! Make sure that you give us all mention if you go on Dragons Den - that you could never have got there without the support of your loyal blog readers. Oh no, that is the Oscars isn't it!! Hee hee! xx

    1. I'd say to Peter Jones, and me and my army of supportive best blog readers in the world blog readers need you to give me a billion pounds for 99% shares in my business!! Lol

  11. So pleased she's back safe. I hate sleepless nights and I agree with you about Adele. Love her voice and personality just wish she'd sing more cheerful tunes :-) xx


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