Tuesday 15 March 2016

Cinema Day

Today, myself and a work chum are taking a little posse of children from my class out of school. In readiness for their next steps we will be watching them from a safe distance as they get on a bus, buy a ticket and get off at the right stop. They've never been on a bus. Yet in six short months they'll be catching them daily to their new High School. This group need extra transition work.

We will then watch them and follow them as they walk through town to the cinema, buy a ticket, various snacks and settle down on a pre independant afternoon at the flicks. We will be watching Kung Fu Panda 3 in 3D.

They'll then get themselves back to the bus station ( me and my mate in hot pursuit ) and then back to the safety of our little school.

Next trip will be catching the bus to their new High School.

It's a glorious day.

Before I set off, I'd like to thank everyone who was so kind to comment on my last post's anguish! Miss 21 and TB ( from here on in The Beau ) are currently living it up in Berlin.
Oh and a few people wonder who or what I am talking about when I say the HG. As it says in my bio >>>>>>>>>>>
The HG is my HunterGatherer!
Miss 21 is my firstborn and Mr 18 my second.

I have to stay as anonymous as I can online because of the job I do, which is why I don't name names or show personal photos. If you bear with until I win the lottery or retire, then I might! Although I shall have to get someone at the Nursing Home to show me how to do it!

Right, best be off,

Lots of love from

Rachel *Must resist the toffee popcorn today* Radiostar xx


  1. I will always think of him as Hairy guy xxx enjoy your trip.

  2. Oh gawd 'a little posse' sounds like my worst nightmare. Good job there are people like you who can do this kind of thing. I'd want them all on reins....lol-x-

    1. A member of the public contacted school to comment on how polite and well behaved our little posse were! It was a great day.

  3. What a good idea. Every School should do a trial run with the pupils especially as kids are mostly ferried around in cars these days And have no idea how to use public transport. Enjoy the film and the popcorn. Xx

    1. We are planning to do it again with them, but making the starting point their house, to catch a bus to school. Plus it gets me out of the classroom!!!

  4. Hope you didn't lose anyone en route! :-)

    J x

  5. I think that is a wonderful idea not that I envy you in any way at all. I hope it was a fun trip xx

    1. It was a great trip! I'm full of great ideas - although not all of them work out as well lol

  6. My goodness quite an undertaking, hope that it all goes well! xx

    1. Didn't phase is at all and the posse loved it!

  7. What a brilliant idea to foster independence. Louis started to walk to school on his own at eight. I was too ill to take him. I figured that as he was walking down a lane with squillions of other parents and kids he would be alright (risk assessment!). Other people including some of the teachers were horrified but he came to no harm and he loved the responsibility of standing on his own two feet. He'll happily take a bus or train on his own these days. x

    1. I laughed out loud at your risk assessment! Some people can jolly well bugger off with their faux outrage!

  8. What a good idea for these children. Was the film any good. Laura walks to school or gets dropped off and from September she will have to get the bus to college, I'm secretly fretting that she will be ok the first day. We do get the bus into town very occationally.

    1. Do a few practice runs through Summer. She'll be fine xx

  9. This also makes me want to cry! Little kids growing up. I'm glad you are there to keep your beady eyeballs on them.
    I'm also incredibly glad that Violet's high school is quite literally next door to her Primary school, so no having to catch a bus for her. Thank Goodness. I'd have a total breakdown! x

    1. I'm sorry I've made you an emotional wreck Sadie!!! * passes tissues*


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