Friday 26 December 2014

Boxing Day Delights

Hello lovely folks who read my blog. The delight is being able to relax and have a lovely stress free day!
What did you make of the Christmas fuss this year? Ours was grand. The turkey, what had previously frolicked in the dappled sunlight of the organic farm it lived on, was delicious. The stuffing was delicious. My goose fat roasted parsnips and potatoes were delicious. The sprouts I cooked a la Heston Bloomingnutjob were delicious. The giblet gravy was delicious. The chestnuts that I bought, split the skins of, roasted, cut my thumbs to ribbons peeling , might have been delicious - I wouldn't know- we forgot to eat them!!
After a delicious starter of prawns and shrimps and CHRISTMAS Pudding and custard to finish we didn't eat another thng all day.
Nope: not the ham I boiled then glazed;not the afore mentioned chestnuts; not the delicious array of cheeses and pates; not the luscious salad ingredients; not the pickles and chutneys; not a Scottish oatcake was nibbled.
We had ONE white Ferraro rocher thingy about 9pm. Gluttony is a really terrible affliction.

All that 'cold tea' stuff might be eaten tonight....but I doubt it. You see we had our Boxing Day tradition of cold Turkey and stuffing, REAL chips - made with Cyprus potatoes- peas - tinned - and leftover gravy about 1pm. ( it's now 6.15pm ). I'm suspecting we were still too full from yesterday as no one in this food stuffed house is hungry! Fortunately stuff has good dates on it and it'll all be eaten up in the days to come so worry ye not! I'm going to bake ham and Pea soup with the ham stock tomorrow. Absolutely no waste here.

The uni one and her brother were suitably grateful for their gifts. They surpassed themselves with our gifts too! A personalised phone case for the HG, tickets for a Stately Home visit for us both and a cake pop stand for me! But what was best is that they stayed downstairs with us for most of the day. Yes each had their phones clamped to their hands for romantic correspondence with their respective beaus. The Young Chap who us courting my daughter spoilt her with an expensive watch, a bracelet, perfume, a weekend away ( in Leeds - which just made me cackle - mainly to block out ANY thoughts of the fact my daughter is a grown up doing grow up activities ) and a bottle of orange liqueur that I can't spell. Dissorrrono??!!
The Little Witch  Blonde Sweet Girl who is currently bewitching my boy with her big blue eyes and long Rapunzel like tresses bought him a book, chocolate, a teddy and some aftershave.
Actually, both of my offspring have very good taste, both choicees are polite, clean smelling and clever! The HG and I thoroughly approve!

My best present was a Collabro CD from the HG. I BLOODY WELL LOVES IT! I don't even care it brings my rock chick cred score to around minus 17. Incase you don't know, they are a group of five blokes who won Britain's Got Talent by singing in deep harmonius voices tear jerkers from Les Miserables etc! Google Bring Him Home. Watch it on You Tube and give them a standing applause in your lounge. My neighbours will be thrilled ( as I likes to sing in the kitchen, with the door wide open ).

I bought the HG a chair torture contraption massage heated chair thingy. It sits on your chair, you sit on the thing. It has massaging balls that move up and down your back. We've both had a turn. It makes you go
Bloody hell
Is this good for me???
Ahh I like that one
Make it stop!
Most relaxing!

Here are some obligatory photos of my wares.
Jamie Oliver provided the recipe for my mince pies this year.

I've made a Gingerbread Santa's Sleigh chocolate holder.
Ready to be baked. 
Under construction...
I has to chisel his legs a bit! 
Much use of candy melts, icing, sprinkles and glitter. I was covered!! 
Rudolf in position... 
I loved making this!! 

And finally, here is Harry sporting the jumper I knitted for him.
He looks adorable in it! For those who are maybe new here, those white flashes in his eyes are not the camera. It's the bloody Bilateral Retinolblastoma. For more info have a look on my side bar at Harry's page. Maybe Google Chect's Know the Glow campaign too.

Right, it's 7pm and time for a wee Boxing Day Buffet Bonanza*

Lots of love from
Rachel CHRISTMAS FACE Radiostar

*maybe a sliver of cheese and a pickled onion!!


  1. Ah a most deserved excellent time you have had oh domestic goddess. Me? Chest infection blues wrought with sparodic coughing fits throughout the last five nights now and now getting double vision and loss of balance through extreme weakness ......well you did ask!

  2. Glad you had such a wonderful time, Rachel.

  3. Sounds like you've had wonderful family time. Love the gingerbread sleigh. We've had a busy and relaxing time and I'm still on catch up with blog reading. Hope John up the top is feeling better soon.

  4. We do the whole chips and turkey thing on boxing day too, only ours is served with either beans or peas, pickled onions and pork pie. Sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas together, and that Gingerbread Sleigh is rather spectacular too.

    I'm pleased to say that the lurgy that was running rampage in my office at work around Christmas has at least had the decency to wait until I have finished my festivities, tissues and lozenges will be my favourite presents for the next few days :)

    Happy New Year !

    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me


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