Sunday 4 February 2018

Wedding Dress!

Well, if I was to make an honest man out of the HG, I'VE FOUND MY DRESS! I've also broke all the rules and shown him so that's that then! The Internet is a creepy thing though. I looked at the photo once and I'm not lying, every single website I've been on since, the dress pops up!

I've had a lovely weekend of just fannying about doing as I wish. The rugby was on and my beloved Wales won. A lot of people ask me why, when I am English, I support the Welsh. Well, when I happened upon the 6 Nations I decided I rather liked it and Wales were losing dreadfully. I do always love the underdogs and I loved how they never gave up! Also they do have the best anthem to sing a long to, although I'm also rather partial to a Flower of Scotland. I love the atmosphere of the Milennium stadium and the players have this pull, that no other team does. Also Wales happens to be my favourite place in the whole wide world. So that's basically it!
I often wonder how people choose a football team to follow. My inlaws, for example, support a London team yet they are as Northern as me!

 So I did a little bit of sewing. I shortened some of my pjs and I altered a top that was way too big for me now, so it'll fit me and do for work! I even did back darts and everything!

I've also just finished a little cardigan for my niece who is 32 weeks pregnant now and we are waiting for the birth day to find out what flavour the newest little member of our family will be. So I've knit it in a soft biscuity/oatmeal baby merino wool. It's so soft! I will have to wait until tomorrow now to sew on the button as

- this might be uncomfortable to read-

I banged my thumb on the cupboard door, right on the corner where my nail is. The edge of the cupboard lifted and split my nail vertically, ripping it up off the nail bed and made it bleed. I was speechless with pain/horror/grossness! Ladies and gentlemen, it was a two plaster job. And it's throbbing.
So you will have to wait to see it finished but I've already been planning my next ' I'm going to do 'this ' project. I've literally 18970000 of such projects whizzing around my brain! Isn't it gorgeous though?
I've only two balls of sock yarn - for socks yet to be knit, then I'll have leftovers I can make this blanket with!

We watched Dunkirk last night. I was harrowed to my core and don't think I breathed for all of it. I did not feel relaxed as I watched it. It was horrific. The surprise at the end ( no spoilers ) didn't even make it worth it. Those poor young men.

Finally,  Freddie today saw his first snowdrop. He also tasted his first snowdrop. Naughty Freddie.

Right, the HG is going to rub my hurty shoulders then I'm off to bed.

Lots of love from

Rachel *full of haggis SW style * Radiostar xxx

Made this, was delicious, though the spice  needs tweaking somewhat, it says serves 4. I think it'd easily serve 14! So filling and lots of it! I've had 8 portions out of the recipe!


  1. That is a very beautiful dress Rachel. The HG should definitely give you a reason to wear it IMHO.

    Any sport that involves balls holds absolutely no interest for me whatsoever. Give me some ice skating and I can watch for hours.

    Wow....I love your top that you altered.

    I can't bear to think of your poor nail. Do you think it will heal or will it drop off. Ooooh sounds so painful.

    Andy would love that haggis pie. Might have to give that a go for him.


    1. DThe dress IS so beautiful isn't it! I've not bought it yet so hold those wedding hat shopping sprees just yet!!
      Right, a bit of feedback on the recipe. I'd halve the ground cloves and the other spices. I also added a generous teaspoon of marmite and some celery salt. But me, my SW Scottish friend and the HG agreed it was missing 'something' and that something could be a touch of mace. Of course it could also be missing LARD being a SW recipe!!!! If you do give it a go, let me know what you think. X

  2. Gorgeous dress! Ouch to your poor thumb. Wishing it a speedy recovery xx

    1. I'm so very annoyed about my thumb CT as I neeeeed it for so many things that with a double plaster on makes it tricksy!!

  3. Oh, ouch, poor you. It's brought tears to my eyes!
    Fortunate snowdrop to be thus honoured by the Fabulous Freddie. He's still gorgeous, isn't he?
    J x

    1. I made it through the week thumbwise! I’m such s drama queen

  4. Such a beautiful dress. Reading about your thumb made me wince, sounds horrible, hope it feels better soon.

  5. Hope your thumb heals, sounds bloody painful. Love your dress!!!! My mind is full of projects, the sewing machine is on the dining room table, and piles of materials are appearing, it feels great. Still enjoying my crochet.

    1. Whispers ~ I just ordered some more material!!! 😱

  6. Oh ouch, ouch, that must have been faint worthy painful. I once split one of my nails lengthwise and found that nail glue helped as I was forever changing plasters which kept falling off when they got wet. But yours sounds a lot worse, are you going to see a medic?

    1. I just kept it covered all week and it had grown enough for me to cut and file it. It’s ok now, no need to panic!! Xxx

  7. Well that's settled then....any bridesmaids? Poor thumb...will heal...but ouch whilst it does x

    1. All my lovely blight chums could be my bridesmaids!

  8. The thumb injury sounds nasty. I stitched up my nail once and it was rather unpleasant!

    Love the dress.

  9. The dress is perfect but why wait for a special occasion? Your excellent weight loss should be marked in some way and this would do nicely. Ouchie, ouchie to the nail. Catriona

    1. Thank you lovely! Reading the reviews though, I’m going to have to lose more to fit in the XXL one!

  10. Love your blog.Thanks for supporting my beloved Welsh rugby team!We are very passionate about it in our family! I also love The flower of Scotland-something to do with being a fellow Celt!! Hope your thumb is better!

  11. That is a beautiful dress Rachel. I think you should definitely buy it. 😆
    Hope your thumb is better soon. Ouch! X

  12. How spooky, I'm hoping to make an honest man of my beloved one day, and that dress keeps on popping up for me too! I LOVE it :)

    1. Double wedding? Or we could buy the frock and share it lol

  13. P.S. Can you remind me which website it's on please? I thought I'd favourite'd it....

    1. I put the link on my next post but I saw it on wish dot com

  14. Ouch! Had to skim read the bit about your thumb - feeling a bit queasy now. The dress is gorgeous but I thought we'd agreed last year I was going to crochet your wedding dress! I know what you mean about Dunkirk - me and Thomas watched it at the cinema and I felt exhausted at the end. Another film that made me feel like that was Apocalypto. Enjoy your half term hol. Hope the thumb gets better so you can enjoy some projects before school starts again. xx

    1. Maybe you could crochet me my going away outfit instead 😂

  15. What a busy time. Love the dress! Hope the poorly handie is better soon. xxx

  16. Love the shape of the dress...would you mind sharing it's maker with me?! Looking for a fit and flare dress for a couple of 'dos' xx

    1. Link on next post lovely. I think f you are tall and willowy it’ll fit n flare beautifully!! Not sure on short and opposite of willowy like me!!


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