Tuesday 3 January 2017

Day 2 of 2017

Salted caramel cheesecake ( by M&S ) for breakfast? Don't mind if I do! Start the year as I mean to go on! Actually I'm doing my bit, leftoverwise. We threw a New Years Day open house ( for specially selected guests only ) buffet yesterday. You know the type. Where the dining room table gets extended and the chairs get pushed round the sides of the room like it's the dentist/doctor waiting room and the bathroom gets cleaned. The type where You cater for the 43 invisible extra guests too. Where you make a trifle in case the 14 gateaux you lifted out the freezer are not enough. Etc etc. Lots of cups of tea were had. Never have so mugs been washed in one afternoon. The teabag mountain is massive! It was a lovely afternoon/early evening though and when the last guest had left I put my feet up on the couch and laughed my way through the top twenty best moments of Morecambe and Wise.

So let's talk telly. This year the HG has watched a lot his usual way, through his eyelids. On Christmas Day I put Strictly on for ma I law. I've watched the Emerdale and Corrie sagas play out. I watched Dawn French's autobiographical stage show which was so moving in parts I was teary. We've watched a few films, one excellent one being The Dressmaker. What a story! What a handsome young man in it!

Meet Liam Hemsworth. The latest of my TV boyfriends! He's in good company! I've quite a few TV boyfriends. The HG is somewhat more faithful and just has the one TV girlfriend- the very lovely Kathrine Jenkins. 

I just checked on Amazon and the cheapest I could get a copy of the book - used was £16. So instead, for two hundred and ninety nine of my English pennies, I've got it for my kindle. Looking forward to reading it. 

Right I must away to my *chores.
Lots of love from 
Rachel 'Hemsworth' Radiostar xxx 

*checking if my kindle has updated and settling down with a brew to read...


  1. Your open house sounds great. A tragedy about the cheesecakes/gateaux/trifle, but I'm sure you will cope wonderfully well!

    Happy reading!
    J x

  2. Salted caramel anything would do me for me brekkie ta very much.
    Awww I used to love those buffet style family get togethers. We still have them now and again when DS's outlaws are up visiting from London but not as often as we used to.
    When you say Katherine Jenkins is HG's girlfriend do you mean the singer? If so I can see a touch of the fisticuffs occurring if he and Andy ever meet as Andy is under the impression that she is his girlfriend....lol.
    Don't get me started on husbands who watch tv or films through their eyelids....mine does it all the time....and snores as well.ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
    Have a lovely day-x-

    1. I do think they'd be duelling on the lawn at dawn I'm afraid!

  3. Thanks for the book info-it's just fallen into my kindle!! That's my first spend of 2017 as I have stayed away from the sales and am sewing/knitting to finish my 23 WIPS. Catriona

    1. I can't put it down! Might invest in a real copy!!

  4. Having double checked you can buy used copies from 1p plus £2.80 p n p but I've got my kindle version now.

  5. It's The Dressmaker by Rosalie Ham by the way.

  6. Spoiler alert.......... I loved that film until Teddy died - what a shock!

  7. Wow! Sounds like a big gathering! How many people did you have? Happy New Year, I hope you have a wonderful, healthy, happy 2017! -Jenn

    1. I think there were 15 plus!! Happy New Year back atcha x

  8. And now it's time for school again. already. Bah. Seems to have taken an age for Christmas to get here, then *poof* it was gone in a puff of smoke.


  9. My hubby watches TV the same way as your's, until you turn it over then I get 'I'm watching that' oh yer!!

    1. It's a good job they make themselves useful innit?!!

  10. Wandering across Blogland today and happily dropped by ~ thanks for the reminder of The Dressmaker, it has slipped off my radar but is now back on the 'want to watch' list!

    1. Welcome Deborah, blogged people are so lovely I think.

  11. Happy New year m'dear! I also loved the Dawn French thing. Absolutely superb viewing.


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