Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Things I always knew deep down

1. Y6 is an absolute DODDLE compared to Y2
2. Y2 are way cuter and biddable than your average Y6 person
3. Counting to 20 is as hard as long division
4. Yesterday I witnessed a child start writing a sentence with their left and and finish writing it with their right hand! Never seen this before in all my decades in the classroom!
5. I love my job!

Love from
Rachel *when's it Half Term???* Radiostar xxx


  1. < grin > Yup! One of the great, universal truths of our world, isn't it? But utterly rewarding!
    J x
    (p.s. only about six weeks or so)

    1. Think it's 7!! Not that I'm counting.

    2. That's the 'or so' bit! ;-) Of course you're not counting - does one ever?
      J x

  2. It is so nice to hear someone say that they love their job-x-

  3. Just to understand, how old are they in year 2, and how old in year 6? Here, we have junior kindergarten (must be 4 years old by December), senior kindergarten, (aprx. 5 years old), then grade one (6 years old), grade two (seven years old), etc. -Jenn

    1. So here, most children
      Age 3-4 Nursery non compulsory
      Start formal education
      Age 4-5 Reception
      5-6 Y1
      6-7. Y2
      7-8. Y3
      8-9. Y4
      9-10. Y5
      10-11 Y6

      Then they go to Secondary school

      The first year is year 7 and so on

    2. Ahh. Reception sounds so incredibly formal!! Like they should be dressed up for it or something. Our "secondary school" (or highschool) starts in gr. 9 (kids are about 14 years old then. -Jenn

    3. When I went to school it was called Primary one etc! Think the UK changed to match up to Europe for some bizarre reason!

  4. Haha. Y2 can definitely be moulded - to a certain extent! Mark is ambidextrous but tends to be left hand dominant. Thomas has some of this trait. He can only do certain things with his left hand but writes with his right hand. only another 7 weeks til half term! Xx

    1. It was bizarre because I had to do a double check!! Thought I was going mad lol X

  5. I've only ever seen a left hand to right hand writer once in my 36 years of teaching. It was fascinating to watch and seemingly such a sensible way of writing with minimal effort.

  6. Replies
    1. My Friday was fantastic. Purely pastoral stuff!

  7. I was an infant teacher, Rachel, for a good part of my working life. When I became a Head, i suddenly had to manage a large nursery class too. My family always knew when I had been teaching in the nursery class by the height of the fingerprints on my skirt or trousers! I actually enjoyed working with the older children in the latter part of my career as I enjoyed their ability towork independently and we encouraged them to organise their work for the week and this usually lead to lots of homework for me because you definitely can't wing it in P7. Glad to hear you are enjoying the new term even if it's not how you thought it would be. Catriona

    1. I started my career in Nursery and reception but I think I grew out of it as my own children were getting older. Suddenly spending hours drinking pretend cups of tea in the home corner didn't cut it anymore!!


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