Saturday 21 January 2012

Sandwiches, School and Socks. In that order.


Well, I have just had what is possibly my favourite sandwich ever.

2 slices soft white bread
huge blob butter
half a knife blade of marmite.

1. Spread butter thickly on bread
2. And here is the magic! Open your brand new jar of marmite put some on your knife and spread onto the thick butter making it go marbley. What??? It's how I like it.
3. Don't cut in half, don't bother with a plate.
Just eat it.
Unfortunately I cannot show you what this looks like because it didn't last right long.

Here is my Ode To Marmite

What must not be hid
'Neath this yellow lid
Black Glass
Shiny Black Glass conceals
and contains such shadowy treasure
which yields only pleasure to it's captor.
Black ink is the night,  Swirling Black gold
 will delight as you Break open the seal, you smell
the reveal of the shiny black well, full of warm
 velvety smoothness like the mole. In slashes
the silver and draws out the mesmerising
glistening entrails, leaving a serpent
on the surface.

HA written in 5 minutes and can't you tell?!! Still I like it! Marmite mmmmmm.


I've now been back at work for two weeks. Week one was Monday, Tuesday and Thurday mornings. week two was Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morning.

It was a bit strange as my brain still hasn't caught up with the rest of me, and those close to me do know my fears as I laughingly joke about early onset dementia. Before the whole
Gallstone - Blocked Bile Duct - Jaundice - ERCP - Stent - Blocked stent - EMERGENCY ERCP - Pancreatitis - 10 day stay in hospital - Jaundice - Gall bladder Removal palava I was quite forgetful at home, but at work I knew where anything was, could remember pupils' names, could find things blindfolded. However, going back and it's like I never set foot in the place before!

Despite this - I LOVE it being back at work. I'm like Mama Bear returning to her cave to protect my lil cubs. What did shock me was though the level of exhaustion it leaves me with! Seriously tired out! But I have two week left of part time ( Which dear reader I am VERY VERY FOND OF ) then half term then back to my full time job as if nothing ever happened! Nothing funny happened at work - or if it did, then I'm sorry but I've forgotten!!!


I have embarked on a new knitting project. Operation Socks. It's something I've wanted to do for a while now and those of you on Twitter will have been kept up to date by my #socksofar tweets.

Here are some photos of my efforts thus far.

Here is how it all began.......

Then I cast on, spread out my sitches and tried to get going. It's quite tricky and my fingers became thumbs and I got a little muddled as you can see by the cuff - but I'm leaving it like that as these socks are actually for ME and I'll remember the swear words that lovingly went into making them.

I was getting the hang of it

Then I just followed the pattern. It amazingly simple really.
It also blows my mind how the wool knows how to come out in a pattern! It's like magic!!

So I kept going until I was read for the HEEL FLAP

So here I was was knitting the flappy bit. Please note the shocking state of my nails are all all part n parcel of my illness. You see when I was actually gravely ill my body went into toxic shock and at such times closes off hair and nails production. So whilst I lost my hair rather dramatically, my nails kinda looked a little ridgey in the middle between the healthy growth and the bit when I was ill is now at the tip and my nails are breaking and snapping and cracking. The Joys of Jaundice.

Then the next bit required 5 needles. I only had 4, I had to improvise with a stitch holder!

It looks more complicated than it was!

********RUDE WORD SPOILER *************

The schoolboy in me cannot help but snigger at the next set of instructions! Those of a nervous disposition should look away now! And now I am going to go get on with this sock, hopefully will get it finished today...

This is where I am up to now Saturday 21st January 2012

My friend's little boy is one in a couple of weeks and I'm going to knit him a wee arran jumper - so I need to get a move on!
That's quite enough of me rambling on and on so thank you for listening!


  1. Please enlighten your little American friend: What the hell is Marmite?

    1. Marmite: There you go!

  2. Pretty sock! I love varigated yarn.

    Marmite? Isn't that veggie paste? Entrails? Ick?

    Glad you're back to work. It's tiring work at the best of times. I only made 20 years on my final round after quitting once and swearing never to teach again. Ha! Ha!Ha!

    So I tutor writing in the spring before the tests, sub when I can, and volunteer a bit. Teaching gets into your blood regardless of the costs.

    Congrats on doing the work to make the world a better place through the children.

  3. Those socks look nice. I once tried to knit but all I got was a weird lopsided scarf. And a lot of tears. It aged me. I shall never knit again.

    I apologize, but that sandwich does not sound good to me. I guess I'm not a marmite girl.

  4. I love varigated yarn. I'm almost done with a shawl in rust, brown, cream and slate blue.

    I'm not sure what Marmite is either!

  5. How fantastic to find another marmite-loving blogger and who works in a school too! Great poem, great socks!

  6. ChippyChin from Twitter12 September 2012 at 19:18

    When you go to that Marmite site it gives you two options: "Are you a lover?" or "Are you a hater?" They need a "What the hell is Marmite?" link into the site as well for us not-in-the-know Americans.

    You are a patient soul. I tried learning to knit once. Once. Enough said.

    The poem was cute and as usual you've made me grin. Nice post!


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!