My daughter really does take a good photo! Here’s Baby Oliver aged 50 weeks, at one of his little fun classes they go to!
We do have a chuckle that we all call him Baby Oliver and wonder if we will still call him that when he’s 15 like Baby David on the Royale Family! Nextdoor’s little girl is called Olivia. She is 3 and GORGEOUS and made us laugh last week because she said, did Baby Oliver eat all his tea at Nursery like me?
How has time whizzed by so fast that my darling little precious cherub is almost one. I’ve decided I’m buying one ( big ) lovely birthday card with Grandson on and will write a separate little message for each year gone by that we are here for. Then will need to remember to get it back! This is after trying to declutter over 50 years of accumulated cards for myself AND the kids!
We have bought him a few traditional wooden toys including this fox!
Him and his Mum came over for February Half Term Week. We met up halfway in the Lakes at Pooley Bridge. Had a lovely lakeside stroll, coffee and then I had to give Bluebell my coat so she didn't get hypothermia after going in the lake about 65 billion times!
We had a lovely week together. Except. His Mum was ill on the Tues/Wed. He was off it Wed/Thurs. I was fine Friday morning until it struck me. His Uncle came home ill on the Friday too and his Grandad, the HG, was ill on the Saturday!.
He is fast as lightening on all fours and cruising round holding on to your legs or the furniture. But give him your hands to walk with him and he was dropping and crawling. He is into E V E R Y T H I N G. Mostly things he isn't allowed. but he is easily distracted into playing with things he is allowed so that is good. He is sweet natured happy little chap, until his Mum is out of sight! You would think she had just dropped him off at the Orphanage. He did get better and he's not clingy when she is in the room.
Today marks the last day of her maternity leave. ( I was writing this on the 6th March ). It’s now 2 weeks later. She’s returned for two days a week in March, then three from April. He’s been to Nursery and loves it! His NE Nanna looked after him on a Thursday. If we lived there then no doubt we’d be on duty too! He’s also staying upright and walking a few steps one handed!
By this time last year we had made the trip up to the NE with the pram and other bits and bobs and were sat thinking only a few weeks to go!
It’s been World Book Day, parents either love it or hate it! A good few years ago now, there was a child at school who hated dressing up for WBD. Unfortunately, his Mama LOVED it and her amazing costumes were out of this world. In Reception he was the most perfect little oompa loompa with orange makeup to a T. I would stick my neck on the line now actually and say she had been growing his hair to style it perfectly because he did not have a wig on. He cried so much he had big white stripes down his face where the bitter tears had cut through the orange face paint! Another year he came as a perfect bunch of purple grapes - not even sure what the book reference was but in he came - not the easiest costume to manoevre as he was in a purple unitard and an amazing array of purple balloons in different sizes, perfectly mimicking a 3D bunch of grapes complete with a green felt stalk hat. Well, when he had a temper tantrum, things started popping. We of course soothed him and helped the poor tortured little soul but on the inside I was laughing my head off, it was so funny. The more he paddied about the balloons popping, the more popped!
My own child number 1 LOVED to dress up. I effing well hate WBD with a PASSION if you are wondering what side of the fence I sit on. The year she wanted to go as Hedwig the bloody owl. 2am I was up till, ( last minute as per ) , cutting into one of my feather pillows, uhu gluing them onto massive owl wings made out of stuck together cornflakes packets. Can you even still get uhu glue? ( Goes to look ) Yes you can! Anyway off she went, loved the day, didn't win the prize, I think a Mary Poppins pipped her at the post! Thankfully, child number 2 was never arsed.
Thankfully, this year our school day was themed, 'read your way' be it in costume, uniform or whatever you are comfy in reading! The children and families who love it are amazing and I have to admire those who do go all out. I despise the sentiment but understand those who buy home made tat costumes so their children can fit in but they lack time and resources to create and it s a thing, but it is so hard to recognise the children when they are not in uniform! I could usually name all 208 children in school , but I struggle on dress up or mufti days.
I’m blogging from my sick bed -today March 17th without going into too much detail - I don’t think my chicken chow mein. ( home made ) settled well because I was up from 2am in the bathroom. Have let my boss know and am just trying to distract myself from the innards pains before trying to sleep. It is very annoying as I’ve got so much to do at work but just not today. I do wonder if it was the noodles - I’ve been avoiding any wheat in bread, biscuits, crackers etc but of course, egg noodles are made with flour.
I cannot recall now if I recorded here that since a random blood test in July 2024 - went convinced I was going mad/early onset dementia - showed that I was now a type 2 diabetic. It was an awful shock/realisation. Still not properly come to terms with it. However, my initial HABc1 score of 63 has now fallen to within normal parameters so says my diabetic Nurse Vicki. She is a darling. SO supportive and kind and helpful. I went on a full day Type 2 information course which was fascinating and I leaned a lot including my what I thought was too high score of 63 was nothing compared to the bloke across’ score of 105!!! . After being indoctrined for years now to eat the SW way and more recently the F800 way. The diabetic stuff blew my mind a bit with me being MOST brain boggled by the fact I should portion control CHEESE not for the fat as such but the SUGAR! I mean, it makes perfect sense if you think about it, but I never ever have thought about the sugar content of food. So for years of knowing portion sizes etc for losing weight, I’ve needed to shift my mindset a little. Also, type 2 IS hereditary and not something to be ashamed of. I was probably always going to develop it, and admittedly, I COULD have prevented it, MAYBE. But my pancreas is damaged from when I was yellow all those years ago and my insulin is not efficient and I am insulin resistant. The fact being fat and fifty something contributed too. Anyway, I am now eating way less, way less sugar and have to also keep my cholesterol low. It did go up but then came back down. Vicki said that if you eat a lot of pies and saturated fat just before a blood test, it does effect your cholesterol score. Anyway, was a reality check. I’m doing ok. My eyes and feet are fine. I’ve lost a good chunk of my SW regain. ( went to SW Aug 2017 at my heaviest ever ) - lost weight every single week and hit target in Dec 2018 - before and after pics on the blog I think - anyway
Stayed at target for about 6 months, crept up a little. Was ok with that then COVID and lockdown. Did zoom SW but allowed a couple stone back on. Could live with that because I was still ok. Hovered there for about 8 months then gradually year on year, regained. Tried and failed. Tried and got a couple stone back off thanks to Intermittent Fasting and F800 combined with SW then last two years, NOTHING was working. Willpower was weakening and before I got back to where I started in Aug 2017 - which I am proud of myself, that I never regained ALL the weight lost - I went to GP in July 2024, cried and declared myself useless. She was lovely and explained how the perimenopause was partly responsible for my lack of results - oestrogen loss is to blame.
Anyway For timeline memories
July 2024 initial blood test and diagnosis
Oct 2024 1st 3monthly blood test - nurse bruised my arm badly
Feb 2025 2nd 3monthly blood test ( delayed because my scheduled January appointment was cancelled ) took 3 attempts!
End April 2025 3rd 3monthly blood test scheduled
I’m back now halfway to target. Back in smaller clothes. Feeling older but better and my control of what food goes in my mouth is driven for concrete health reasons. Being Type 2 is probably the best thing to happen !
Anyway the other surprise is I now get free prescriptions for life. I’ve never had free anything! It blows my mind that I get free medication for something that I can control ( hopefully ) but my friend who has asthma and could literally die every time she has an attack, has to pay for her life saving medication.
Well, I am feeling suitably comfortable enough to go to sleep and hopefully back at work tomorrow.
There’s big change coming because my lovely friend who is also my boss, is retiring early from education in July and I am jealous! I was also contemplating reducing some hours ( work 35 at the minute ) but will now just hang fire as will wait and see what a new Head brings. Being Staff Governor I am also part of the process in appointing a new Head. Exciting to experience too.
Hope all is well in your world. I do read all my favourite blogs just don’t always comment.
Love Rachel *sick of being sick* Radiostar xx
So good to here from you - baby Oliver is certainly growing up - they really do grow up quickly.
ReplyDeleteWhen I hear about WBD I'm so glad that it didn't really get going until after my 3 had finished primary school!
Get well soon - keep reading, and keep well with the Type 2
I'm glad your diabetes is being controlled and you are losing weight, every cloud has a silver lining. I've had high cholesterol since I was 19, up until about 10 years ago controlled by food, now taking tablets, my point is it leads to diabetes, I've been pre since 2019, again controlled by food, not losing any weight here, but I'm a good decade older than you. How can Oliver to almost one, is passes so quickly, Will recently had a Roman day, using a white pillow case he went to school in a toga.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely little boy and can’t believe he is a year old! Husband was diagnosed at 51 with type 2 diabetes and we try to be very mindful of what he eats. He had his gall bladder removed about 10 years ago and his eating had to be adjusted after that. Keep u the good work and