Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Not a cloud in the sky.

Quite literally, not a single cloud in the sky today. That's the sky I've been toiling under. It's been scorching too. I've cut the back grass. Not that I've a front grass, but my beloved Nanna used to say, " Play ont back grass!" And not the Front Lawn, which was my Grandad's pride and joy. FRONT LAWN LOL. It was actually of a Bowling Green standard. Really soft to do roly posys and cartwheels on - oops!  I also say 'back kitchen' to mean the kitchen! Again, because of my beloved Nanna. She, like me, had one kitchen! She also had a pantry. A big walk in one with its own door. Sometimes she called it the larder.  I don't have either. But I wish I did! 

Here she is at about 90 years of age. I love this photo as she is flanked by a young Mr 19 and Miss 21. 
Born in 1914 and died sadly in 2007. Not a day goes by without me thinking of her. She was only teeny and uber petite. But she was feisty. And she was loved. I'm getting all emotional just writing about her. 

I thought I'd quickly show you the bargainous fabrics I looked at on Saturday. 

This lot I got from a fantastic little shop in Shipley called The Shuttle. 
A lovely lightweight cotton that needs an iron, although I quite like it creased! This will become a summer frock for me. Not saying which Summer.... Hehehe
This took me back to my youth. At £5 a metre I'll hem the top and the bottom, insert elastic in the top hem et voilà two tube skirts for work. £10 . Bargain. I used to buy this stuff on the way home from school to make skirts at will! 

This is a lovely soft jersey which is all drapey and probably a pig to sew! However this was the one for £2.20!! Enough for two tunics for me and then some! 

This is a heavier jersey  which was only £1m that I bought with obviously last week's bird poo v car incident in my subconscious!  I'm thinking a bit of a fit n flare skirt with this. Think there's 3m in this piece. 

Then the next lot was from Samuel Taylor's mill in Embsay just outside Skipton. 
I bought 3m of this good quality cotton reduced from £12m to £5m. Mainly because I liked it! It'll be a dress I think. 

These two were also reduced to £2.50m so I bought them because I thought they'd make a nice tote bag! 
I also had a rummage and found these. I adore the metallic thread, it's for my machine to try some embroidery on it. I bought some grey cotton because I read it's quite a good neutral for blending when sewing patchwork. I also bought some invisible thread to try it and I absolutely swear I had to go to the shop lady to help me find it because I couldn't see it! 

The ribbon was half price. It's adorable. I'm planning on using it as trimming on some baby knits. 

And that's yer lot for today. I'm off to slap some aloe vera on my sunburn. Despite factor 50, the sneaky breeze kept me cool and I didn't realise I was so pink! 

I caught sight of myself in the mirror in my sun dress and thought bloody hell, I know who I remind me of...

Oh here are the frocks I bought on Saturday, because if I wait to wear the ones I m going to make, I'd not have any to wear! 

A one size fits all/hides all type of frock. Soooo pretty. My photo does them no justice! And a fiver! I couldn't make them for that! 

Right that's me off to get someone - anyone,  to rub some Atfersun on my back! Off to see Miss 21 tomorrow and then one of my favourite things to do, which won't cost us a bean. Castling! Expect photos of ruins tomorrow! Might wear one of my new frocks! 

Lots of love from 

Rachel *Bubbles from Little Britain* Radiostar xxx 


  1. You sound so very happy - that's lovely. Love the stuff you have bought and the plans you have for it all. Send some nice weather down our way, would you, please? It's been the pits all day here.

    J x

    1. I am happy Joy, it's half term! X hope your weather perks up soon!

  2. All the clouds were over us chucking down loads of rain, good for the garden, I was busy inside making loads of hexagons. Love you fabric stash such good prices.

    1. It's an amazing little shop. I could do with it raining in the night then being beautiful in the daytime.

  3. Miserable day in East Yorkshire, rained on and off all day. I haven't been to the Embsay shop for a few years (I don't remember it being very wheelchair friendly), I used to love it there. You have so many bargains, loads to do xx

    1. It's not v wheelchair friendly at all which is rather selfishly not even considered. You'd not get a buggy round either.

  4. Love your bargainous fabrics especially the bird poo one :)
    I am just sewing a Christmas quilt top and using grey thread as I'd researched what colour thread you would use for patchwork with multiple colours and it really works.
    We started off hot and sunny this morning while I was cleaning ruddy carpets and then it went cold and wet when I was trying to relax after tea. Stupid weather-x-

    1. But you could sit smugly smiling at your clean carpets all evening

  5. It was beautiful, albeit breezy, here too yesterday. Perfect drying weather which saw me ironing the results until 9pm.
    Your first paragraph brings back memories for me. I used to work with people who used those phrases a lot. Your Nanna looked just like a Nanna should be.
    All your fabrics make me wish I could sew. Oh well, if I could find some dresses at that price I won't need to - what a bargain!
    I hope your sunburn has eased a little. Have a wonderful day with Miss 21. I'm off to finish the last square for my blanket. X

    1. Can't way to see your blanket. Thanks for all your lovely comments xx

  6. Love the fabrics, so pretty. Hope you will show and tell as you gradually use them up.

    1. Hope we're still blogging by the time that happens lol

  7. How very dare you post that pic of blue sky when over here we've seen nothing but grey and rain for days!! Love your material , will look forward to seeing all your new makes
    Have a good rest of the week

    1. Hya! It served me right as it was grey and mizzly in the NE, but it didn't dampen our lovely time with Miss 21 x

  8. I didn't realize you were planning on giving up work! That's the only way you're going to have time to finish all your sewing projects!
    Beaut fabrics-are you watching the sewing bee? Maybe you should apply for next year...

    1. Oh good grief no to the sewing bee - they don't give enough time for me lol
      If only I could give up work!!!

  9. Whst a great haul - have fun with all that sewing.

    1. There might be a few swears in amongst all the fun!

  10. Aw, your nan sounds - and looks - so lovely. Mine was an old crow. Just been telling MMC about her, as she has written a beautiful Nan related post today too. I could tell all manner of tales about my nan, but none very nice. Like when she stabbed my granddads hand with a knife ... just your usual fluffy, lovely nan type tales really.

    Love your fabric stash. Something so fantastic about buying fabrics and haberdashery gubbins.

    Laughing at your cloudless sky. Something has gone awry in the universe, we are still hidden under thick grey cloud, wind is rattling my letterbox and trying to bash the door down, and the rain this morning was corking! Rarely do we get such heavy rain like that, it was glorious. And I'm still in jeans and woolly jumper. And it's June.

    ha ha ha! xx

    1. Oh Sadie, I'm so sorry you had a shit Nan but it does mean that when its your turn, you'll be the best nan in the world X

  11. Your Nanna looks lovely!. You lucky thing having all that blue sky all you see here is grey and it's freeing I have my heating on and my fleece pyjamas. Love the fabric especially the flowery cotton, I'm looking forward to seeing your dresses once they are made, love the ones you bought too. :) x

    1. I'm feeling the pressure to sew now! Might start tmrw!

  12. Your nanna looks like such a sweet lady! (Mine was rather crazy and she liked to poke me in the ribs!) I really like those two dresses you bought. I haven't sewn an outfit in ages, just the odd curtain or mending job. Show us the finished products, o.k.? -Jenn

    1. Ok Jenn, I just hope you still follow my blog by then!!


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