I love that word.
I was utterly utterly convinced it originated from Dickensian ye olde worlde English.
However, after a good old chit chat with my good friend* Susie Dent. I can reveal
“ English lacks a word for the blurring of time during the Christmas holidays, when the boundaries of our days recede, the weeks seem to stretch and we lose all touch with the calendar, briefly and blissfully unaware of the date, the day or even the time.“ This is the word she chose...
Merryneum but then goes on to describe it akin to a certain body part - whispers ‘down stairs’ and points downward with finger - so Twixtmas is the one I am sticking with.
Firstly thanks for all concerns re the C19 word. Both of us are absolutely fine if not somewhat hypochondriacs.
So I did Roast Beef last night for tea and it was good. Tonight I think I yearn for a good old jacket potato and salad or something. I have been enjoying doing my jigsaw and think after some gentle tidying around, some hand stitching of some sort will be enjoyed. It’s cold and frosty outside so no coast today because it’s far too cold for Bluebell in the sea brrrrrr - she’s super skinny and not very thick coated.

I love these lazy days and whilst I may start dismantling some of the minor decorations the tree stays up as per til 12th night. I’m still fully enjoying the twinkly beauty of it all. Speaking of twinkly beauty, I watched the Christmas at Warwick Castle programme I’d recorded. It was fantastic. We went there years ago for a day out with the kids when they were maybe 11 and 7 . We got there at opening- think we had a parents go free ticket off the cornflakes box and we were some of the last to leave. So much to see and do and wander about and enjoy! The live trebuchet launching was my favourite bit of all! So it was nice to reminisce about the day whilst we watched it. We are always like that especially on those TV type programmes that Julia Bradbury or Robson Green does! Ooo we’ve been there, we went there etc! That’s the beauty of holidaying in this country! And that’s led me to think about that TV Holiday programme Judith Chalmers did! Why why why did they have that on? I wonder who commissioned it?! She was always swanning off abroad here and there, eating out and then telling us all about how much it costed etc
I do t even know why we used to have it on as Mum and Dad could never have afforded to take us abroad! Maybe it was the closest thing they could get us to travelling abroad! Well one of my sisters now lives in Spain and the other has travelled the world extensively! Me? No thank you! Feet firmly on the ground
I would go to the USA to meet my long time best friend who lives in Washington State near Seattle which is like the farthest away from me she could live AND
I watched a TV programme about Finland - can’t recall what is was called etc but I was transfixed with how beautiful it was. SoMaybe Judith Chalmers was on to something!!
Have a lovely day whatever it is you are doing
Lots of love from
Rachel *never met her in my life* Radiostar xxx
Twixtmas greetings, I'd originally missed out the second T making it a whole different word! Although one that had been occurring while choosing chocolates out of the box.....!
ReplyDeleteWe’v Just finished our second jigsaw. Need to clear the table and get the sewing machine out next.
ReplyDeleteWell...I'd just be happy to get back to the UK to see my family and plus there many places I haven't seen in the UK yet and many in Spain I haven't seen either. I have a non-travel hubby (he travelled a lot in his youth) so now we are retired and as soon as C19 gets lost I shall be back trying to convince him to go on a trip within Spain...not too long and not far away from his beloved bed and pillow!! :-) No decorations go down until Twelfth night here (the Kings night) but your sister will have probably told you about the customs they have here. Twixtmas! This is the second time I have heard this word this morning here in blogworld. I also wonder who coined it?? I think it is going to catch on :-) keep well Amanda x
ReplyDeleteI read too many comments 'Christmas is over now', no its not until 12th night. In Spain and many other countries they are still very festive, sadly so many loose the Christmas spirt in this country as soon as the presents are opened.
ReplyDeleteWe used to watch Wish You Were Here when we were little, although same as you we never went abroad. We were definitely seasoned armchair travellers though lol. Glad your Covid tests are negative, it's completely wiped Mum out. I have a new jigsaw which I'm itching to start but circumstances dictate otherwise so I shall watch yours develop :) xx
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to gear you're both OK. Decorations are still up here too, as I like to keep them up until at least the New Year. I usually take them down before I go back to work. X