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Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Quote of the day

Came from a cherub in my class, who I'd been nagging er I mean gently encouraging to grip their pen correctly and write neatly. Much whinging went on ( them ), much scathing looks went on ( me ) until said child lifted up their arm and let it flop on the desk. 
They declared, over dramatically, in my professional opinion, that they simply could not write anymore. 

" My arm has fainted."
My face! 

Other things I have dealt with today included sorting out an incident where one child smacked another child in the face with a pencil case. No one was harmed, and to be fair, the hittee thoroughly deserved it and I was really on the hitter's side! In fact I'd have urged harder thwacking with a larger pencil case!!! 
But as is the case, the hittee wasn't even hurt ( where's there's no brains there's no sense my  beloved Nanna used to say) but the hitter was punished and was truly admonished! 

I often use my secret weapon at school. For certain Angels, I have been known to whack them from here to kingdom come with my imaginary frying pan! It's so heavy,  - it's a Le Creuset, I have to hold it with two imaginary hands. 
Sometimes I fantasise about holding  one cherub by the feet, swinging them round and round in a circle, like an Olympic hammer thrower, and letting go and taking out a row of more cherubs! It's imaginary moments such as these that keep me sane!  

Lots of love from 

Rachel *I bloody love my job* Radiostar! 


  1. They do say no sense no feeling! The poor hitter! I love the idea of the fainting arm! xx

    1. I don't know how I keep a straight face some days!!

  2. Lord your imaginery antics are akin to old style Tom and Jerry. Love it even though I am a girl of peace. x

  3. Lord your imaginery antics are akin to old style Tom and Jerry. Love it even though I am a girl of peace. x

    1. I too am a girl of peace, who is actually really soft, but like in Tom and Jerry, non of the cherubs are harmed in my daydreams!!!

  4. Teacher, I can't get up, my legs have fainted!!!! I can't stop laughing.

  5. You are so funny I really don't know where you get the patience to deal with these little darlings. :) xx

    1. I do a lot of counting to ten, walking away and loving my holidays!!

  6. Hee hee hee hee - they say the funniest things!J x

    1. I'm really going to miss this class, they've six of the best comedy producers in there. No other class comes close.

  7. I am so nicking that for when I don't feel like funny.
    Are you by any chance related to Miss Trunchbull of Matilda fame......rofl-x-

    1. That just reminded me Sheila, the fainting arm child, on our London trip, after we went to see Matilda, had leaned over to me and said, don't tell anyone, but I think Miss Trunchbull. Is. Actually. A. Man.

      Lol lol lol Miss Trunchbull was played quite brilliantly and obviously to the grown ups, by a bloke!!!

  8. Arm fainting - I'm going to try that one today! Not sure what I'm snorting more at your imaginary (are you sure now?) frying pan or the arm fainter xx

  9. Awww I just love little kids! I'd love a cup of tea in your staffroom, you must have a blast x

  10. I love it "My arm's fainted" I could have so much fun with this

  11. Fantastic! What more can I say? Penny Lxxxxx

  12. The fainting arm is brilliant, however, I am very worried about your Le Creuset fantasy. Half term has clearly arrived at just the right moment :o) XX

  13. We always used to keep our hands behind our backs.

  14. You should patent your imaginary frying pan and run courses on how to use it. It'd be a roaring success in schools up and down the country. Love the fainting arm, the little b*****s can be so funny at times. xx


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