That's how many I had on my phone - and thanks to Mr 22, most of them are now on this laptop. Approx 9,050 are of Bluebell, the rest are of baking, SW meals I have made, Freddie, the purple flowers in my garden and utterly hilarious memes and pics screenshotted off the tinterweb. A few selfies too plus some old family photos too precious to delete.
I am a hoarder. Of things that can be touched and things now, that cannot!
Bluebell's 1st Birthday |
Cake at the pub we went for tea in with Miss 25 and her beau. Huge portions! |
See? Dog with cake and cake! Three more full weeks to get through at work. I am meeting myself coming back and my poor brain is too full it's overflowing and shutting down. I seriously don't know if it is getting madder every year or if I am just getting too old and slow to keep up! One thing I do know is how much schools are expected to do these days that in the olden days was the job of the parents! Anyway my job satisfaction meter is full to bursting too. The little one who me and my colleague have been working intensely with is finally having more successful days than not, can read books meant for their age and has actually gone and passed the stupid waste of fecking space phonics test! Yee haaa - a great big two fingered salute to all who wrote this little cherub off at 5 years old. So I guess I will turn up tomorrow and see what's what.
I have so many unwritten blog posts it's ridiculous.
Another couple of pics then that's it.
The very funny card Tracey from My Beautiful life sent me. I love her. |
Me and my Dad circa 1974 I wonder what I was laughing at?
Lots of love for now Rachel*loves her job* Radiostar xxx |