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Sunday, 19 January 2025

Doing the books…

 Yes, it’s that time of year, the time where I do my absolute bestest procrastinating ( exhibit z - this blog post ). 

The HG’s Annual Tax Return. 

It’s our Tax Year 13. You’d think that it would get easier. Nope, even though it’s all online banking etc, I do like paper statements to highlight and annotate all the comings and goings ( sadly more goings ). Each year there’s at least one month missing. This year did not disappoint - two months! However, it didn’t take me long to locate them but I also found a handful of other receipts too. 


So my week at work and home was still productive and I did enjoy the Monday night bath. I still have one big cupboard to empty, stocktake, tidy and sort. I have a fancy pants electric pressure cooker and I am going to put it on the worktop next to my Air fryer. There’s room and I will use it more if it’s out. Back in the 70s my Mum used her prestige pressure cooker all the time and so did I in the 80s/90s when I used to cook the main meals as I got older. I was a dab hand with the pressure valve and sink of cold water to plunge the pan into but my new one is a SAGE. I say new, I e had it a few years and have used it a fair few times but nowhere near enough. It’s all pre programmed and super easy to use. Currently I am using trusty slow cooker at least once every ten days or so and probably use my air fryer more than anything. 

I made a new recipe as requested by the HG  this week. When making from a book for the first time, I will follow the recipe. NExt time do it, I’ll do it my way! It was very tasty and quick to do. 

Almost finished the little cardi for the girl at work’s baby boy due in February. It has a sweet little bobble hat to go with.

 I just need to find some buttons for it later. Next thing planned is a couple of waistcoats for baby Oliver. 

My daughter messaged me at 5.10am this morning with the happy news that he had slept through for the first time! She was much earlier than his 9.5 months but he is his own sweet little thing. She said she snuggled him in her bed and he slept further until 7.30! I took she must feel human again! He’s standing on his own now, finding his balance. It’ll not be long and those first steps will happen! She was 10months old when she walked. It goes far too fast

Right, have put one of those cheat roast chickens in to roast for tea ( in a bag, ready seasoned, in its foil tray ) and not ashamed to say I have cheat mash and cheat goose fat roast potatoes to go with. I’ve got some lovely cabbage and parsnips to quickly prep and that’s tea tonight. Tomorrow will be easy tea, leftovers. 

So back to my Accounting I go. I need to charge for all this time! 

Hope all is well in your world. 




  1. Did you have all your fingers and toes crossed whilst typing your pack of lies, we all have good intentions. Love your knitting.

  2. Doesn't time fly? How can he be nine months, standing and so on?
    Good luck with those accounts. xx

  3. Oh bugger, I forgot its that time of year to fragrantly lie through my back teeth again!


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