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Saturday 8 October 2022

A little stitching!


Fiiiiiiinally, I am in my craft room making some C things! It was my full intention to begin last week but being proper poorly sick meant it wasn’t to be. So today I have been and had my hair done, also postponed from last week. Incidentally, one of the salon owners where I get my hair done, well, her daughter is on The Voice tonight! 

Anywayyyy, the HG walked Bluebell in the park, annoying over run with Park runners. I get it’s a huge thing, but when it’s on a public  park, it should be shared equally, and let’s just say, some park runner volunteers share more than others! But she had a good old rampage chasing squirrels. She never caught one - just the fun of the chase. We then did some visiting of elderly parents and popped to the pet shop on the way from one to T’other. We called to stock up on the box of death as I call it. The box of death holds Madam B’s chews she has of an evening. Hairy goat ears, braided lamb neck and rabbits feet are her favourites and I get such a weird sense of satisfaction when I pick up a hairy poo the next day after she’s scoffed something furry! I never ever give her rawhide and while she does have some doggy biscuits I tend to be light on those because they give her the most stinkiest farts ever! 

We came home, I made some lunch and then wrangled the washing and dishwasher and finally made it to my craft room. 

I’ve popped downstairs now for a break and a brew and a biscuit. 

Tea is what we all can forage for ourselves. The HG is taking Mr 25 to look at cars tomorrow. I’m not 100% happy with this but his cycle to work that’s quite pleasant in the summer months is very less appealing in these Winter Months coming up. 

It’s been bad enough this week with the horrendous weather. Miss 28 has had a gorgeous day of weather travelling down to Cornwall for a week’s holiday. She sent some photos of a stop off in Worster. Check out the blue sky! 

I’ve just had a fusion cuisine tea of weetabix and Rice Krispies! 

We are watching episode 9 of Bad Sisters and it is SO good. I’m going to finish my little project before bed. I’ve just ordered some new rikrak for the ribbons that will hopefully come tomorrow.. 

Lots of love from 

Rachel*loves a Saturday * Radiostar xxx


  1. That's a lovely piece of machine embroidery - clever you! xx

    1. Haha Joy… the MACHINE is the clever one here xx

    2. Hilarious as I’ve now to go and approve my own comment!

  2. Your stitching looks fancy! I'm intrigued to see what you are creating. Xx

  3. Haha, had to look up rikrak, sewing and me are not best buddies! Don't mind sewing up knitting but any other kind, nope! I like to look at and appreciate others though!


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