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Friday, 14 January 2022

Days 9 and 10

 Well, stalemate reached. Not millions better than the last few days but absolutely better than last week. Both of us feel bunged up and full of cold now. I’ve definitely got the worst persistent annoying cough. I tested positive today so guess I’m in the 1/3 the people in charge say do test positive. 

Hopefully by the time I get to Monday morning I will be well enough to go to work. The HG said, n all honesty, if his cold wasn’t named Covid he’d be back at work. 

My dad has tested positive this morning g - not from me I hasten to add- do t k ow where he got it but it’s a worry. 

Off in search of a lemsip now and to binge watch The Bay. It’s a cold and dreary day. The HG just ordered me at my request a new telescopic feather duster and  and and a litter picker. My life is complete! I’m looking forward to easy reaching things and dusting down and under and up things!!! Have ordered some bits and bobs from the butchers and am looking forward to a restful weekend. Six members of staff are off at work with three new ones this week. There’s more people who have had it than have t now. I can’t believe o worked and made it thru lockdown proper and missed it all to have it now. 

I’ve finished the little cardi and just need to go find some buttons to sew on. 

Hope everyone is well x


  1. It's certainly dragging on for you. Hope you feel tons better over the weekend

  2. Can honestly say it took me quite a while to get over it...had antibiotics and went back to work whilst on steroids...just couldn't clear up the sinus stuff on my own. Probably went back too soon and that's why I ended up with the long covid horror. That was then a three month stint off work, and a very steady return afterwards. It doesn't pay to push our bodies too much!! x

    1. I will definitely be taking it easy when I do get back.

  3. The little cardi is lovely so cute, sorry to hear about your Dad getting it I hope it's only mild. I am coming down with a cold I can feel it, have tested negative but it could change. it's everywhere now I don't really see how you can avoid getting it unless you stay indoors and see no one . I hope that you have a restful weekend and the cough eases. xx

  4. Sounds like you are improving m’dear, albeit slowly and that HG is not too badly stricken, after all he could have gone down with “man flu”!
    Tis also nice to know you’re getting some useful pressies t’ help with your “Duck’s disease” issue as well 🙂

  5. Please don't be in any big rush to go back to work, listen to WER!!! I love the little sweater. I need to start some knitting, haven't done any over the last year. Much tot easy to sit at this laptop and spend hours reading blogs etc. lol. Take care.

  6. Sorry to hear you've been struck down with it, and that it's hanging around for you, what a pain. I've not tested positive so far, but a few weeks ago I thought I could smell smoke quite often, and coffee smelled weird. I then heard an early morning radio show where someone said they'd had the same thing in the aftermath of having had Covid, so now I wonder.

  7. Sorry this nasty is lingering and fingers crossed you'll test negative soon. The cardi is really cute. Fingers crossed for your Dad and hope you'll all feel better soon.


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