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Friday, 22 May 2020

Blowing a gale

It's Friday and officially half term. I have just finished a zoom staff meeting where I never know where to look with my eyes! I wanted to post a few pics for posterity. I have no idea what these pink flowers are but they are back after a two year holiday! The bush has grown and I likes the leaves but the flowers are here for now! 

Rain drop or diamonds?

My pride and joy

rain drops

The beautiful Bluebell with Ear of Bambi in her mouth. 

Lockdown makes her happy! 
Nothing much to say. Going to check the washing is still on the line despite 20 pegs per item!
Back soon
Lots of love from
Rachel *burned out/burnt out  - too tired to think of the correct tense* Radiostar xx


  1. I like your photos of rain drops, like jewels. Zoom is kind of a funny thing, when I see the image of me. Useful for get togethers though.

  2. The wind has gradually got going here as the day's gone on.
    Have a lovely Exciting half term!!

  3. I'ts blowing a gale here too, I hate the wind and apparently it's going to continue all weekend. I know what you mean about zoom meetings I never who to look at, what a strange world were living in at the moment. Your flowers are so pretty, have a good weekend. xx

  4. The shrub might be a weigela. I had them years ago in past house.
    Have a good week.
    Bluebell is totally delicious.

  5. Lovely photos and the bush looks like weigiela to me.

  6. It's been very blowy here too and still is. It stops it getting too hot, I suppose, so that's good.
    I would say a weigela too. Very pretty, as are the irises.

  7. It was blowing a hoolie here yesterday. Fortunately my washing didn't get blown away. X

  8. Thank you all for commenting. My blogger is REALLY playing up today - not letting me reply individually. I think the internet os blowing my internet about!! I shall have to try turning it on and off again x


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!