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Wednesday 25 January 2017

Fussy Eaters.

After reading this delightful post by Simple Living, I had to tell you about my garden pets.
They are RUINED.

 I'm forever topping up my numerous feeders etc but I have had to throw a lot away lately because they've not been eating it and a lot of the fat things have gone off! The wet weather doesn't help either. They have a massive choice. Fat balls, coconut halves, suet blocks, Suet logs, suet pellets in lots if different flavours and the  suet nuggets that they loved last year have gone black and rotten. Flutter butter - the first jar they scoffed, the second? Left to rot. I think NDFC has a lot to answer for. Also one year I couldn't keep up with black sunflower seeds, this year - they go ignored and it's the hearts they go for. If I ever put peanuts out, they get ignored! My newest feeder is a mealworm one. Doesn't seem to go down. The ground feeder gets a mixture of seeds, finch and Robin food put in them. The collard doves and massive turkey sized wood pigeon scoff those.

I clean the feeders regularly and at a time when there's not usually any visitors and I don't do them all at once so there's always some food out whilst they dry. The majority of the feeders are close to the tree. But there are two other  feeding stations at the other end of the garden.

I've seen great tits, coal tits, blue tits, sparrows, starlings, goldfinch and a greenfinch. I've a resident Robin and Mr n Mrs Blackbird. I want a wren and a woodpecker! I used to have a flock of sparrows - down to a couple now. The odd dunnock visits. Resident starlings are often squabbling over one fat ball feeder - when there's ALL the fat hanging up elsewhere too. CRAZY BIRDS!

I've three points of fresh water too.

Now, while I am aware I want flocks of little feathered chums, I'm also aware that it could get a bit creepy - someone on here already calls me Tippi Hendron.

So, what am I doing wrong? Is it a case of less is more?
Just realised I need to link you to the inspiration for this whinge!

Some beautiful birdy shots to see!
I'm registered for the Big garden watch - are you?

Right, better get to work! No rest for the wicked...

Lots of love from

Rachel *feeeeeed the birds, tuppence a bag ( more like five quid a bag )* Radiostar xxx

How grown up does he look now? 


  1. Thanks for the mention Rachel, to be honest I have been through all that here, it has took so long for them to start coming in like they have been, I too have thrown mouldy see away, we get no where near as many as we used to where we lived before, but then I put that down to being in a completely different area, we were in a smallish village before and we had hedges all around the house and a big Oak tree right in the middle of the garden, here it is rather exposed, so I think that has a lot to do with it. Don't give up, perhaps if you just reduce the amount of foods, like maybe just put one type of suet out, and take it in turns, then that will save wasting so much. Sunflower seeds (not the black ones) are very popular here. I know how expense it can be, I used to spend a small fortune, but not that much now. Good luck with it. I shall do the Birdwatch.
    Freddie is looking very handsome. xxx

    1. I'm only half filling my feeders now. I think the wet weather has a lot to do with it too.

  2. We used to have similar bird feeding issues here, one week it was then then another week something else. Then the r*&^s came and stole everything and we stopped feeding. No more r*^£s but not so many birds either. It is a tricky one isn't it. We still get the squirrel digging and the pigeons though!

  3. We used to have armies of everything on our feeders at the smallholding - non stop filling up. Here? almost zilch - seagulls circling overhead = plenty and B***** magpies and they are the reason for no small birds as they take them from the nest. In the country gamekeepers trap magpies to stop them taking the young pheasants and that means other small birds get more of a chance too.

    1. I'm lucky to not really be plagued by gulls and magpies. Nature really is cruel sometimes.

  4. It's only this last year or so that we have had such a wide variety of birds in our garden. Previously most of them were sparrows and starlings. We don't get nearly so many of those now but we get lots of robins and tits of all kinds. My favourite is the wren. We also have a fat assed pigeon who lurks around on the ground hoovering up the crumbs-x-

    1. If I were a bird, I'd be that fat assed pigeon on the ground!!

  5. Freddie is looking so handsome. If the food and feeders are clean it may be that they've got good supplies nearby and don't need so much xx

    1. Well I might put notes through my neighbours doors telling them to STOP FEEDING MY PETS!

  6. Hey Tippi! I was thinking it was a while since there had been a Birds update! You are asking for trouble - they will turn on you. It's already started - they are getting fussy over the food, soon nothing will be good enough and the next time you step out in the garden they will be going for your eyes! xx

    1. We'll update, the mealworms have been scoffed and the fastballs are disappearing! I have ruined them!!

  7. Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag. You got me smiling this morning! So, compared to you , I am a neglectful miserly feeder of birds. Mine get one selection of mixed bird seed in one location. I feel rather bad about that now. You would think you would have giant flocks descending from the heavens with that selection!! Holy crow! (ha ha, see what I did there?) -Jenn

    1. All I want is a chaffinch and a woodpecker - not much to ask for really!

  8. ah.
    and there I am with my fancy pants woodpecker! Sorry about that! ha ha Hope you get oodles of bird activity, but they are funny things. They do the same here. One week all nuts/suet/fat balls are blitzed, next week they're left to go mouldy. Fickle blighters.


  9. It could be that we have had such a mild winter there is such a lot about for them to eat. I really enjoyed looking at all the birds on the Simple living blog, she certainly captured some great photos.

  10. Oh dear, I'm not laughing 'at' you, honestly . . . more like 'trying to have a chuckle with you'. Had to come and read your post after seeing Sadie's comments at hers 😀

    Sounds like you are doing brilliantly, far far more than many people. I agree that these days it's a lot more than "tuppence a bag". If you have room to store a couple of sacks, I can recommend GJW Titmuss. I get all our food from there and the sacks of peanuts and sunflower hearts are a fraction the cost of buying smaller bags from supermarkets.

    And now I need to go and visit Simple Living . . .

    1. Thank you Jayne. I get mine from all over, always hunting out a bargain. Though I'm struggling with the 25kg of sunflower seed in my kitchen lol x

  11. I get a bag of each thing they have in home bargains and mix them all together in an old celebrations tub then fill two feeders, I have fat balls and peanuts. They empty the feeders in a day and only then will they start on the peanuts and fat balls. The only visitors I have are, lots of sparrows blue tits, robins, black birds and the odd time a whole flock of starlings will swoop down and eat everything in sight. I also have magpie's and wood pigeons. It cost me a flipping fortune. :) x

    1. I love watching them though. Worth every penny

  12. We have stopped the huge pigeons from our feeders, and we have the same problem with starlings

  13. I love feeding the birds although I confess I've downscaled the food for the last few weeks. I am out of budget so they've had to make do with bits of fruit, sunflower seeds from our breakfast cupboards and stuff like that. They're still coming so they must think it's good enough! My scones have decidedly less fruit in than usual now though!

    1. I put cheese out when i ha some past it's best, they leave it!

  14. Wow, if I come back as a bird I'll be heading straight for your garden. We've had a couple of bird feeders in the past and some years the birds would come, other years hardly any stopped by. Then we had the RAT issue, do you remember my photo of it swinging from the feeder having a right good gobble, so the feeder came down and I'm afraid it won't be going back up. xx

    1. Welcome anytime Suzanne!! Never seen a r a t yet so all is well! When and if I do, I will BURN the feeders!


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