Tool bar thingy

Saturday 16 July 2016

Warning - graphic content.

Written from my sick bed.


Please ensure you are wearing a gown n mask n gloves to read this post . I'm off work. Doing the bathroom waltz since 3.16am. In scenes reminiscent of The Exorcist, bodily fluids have been leaving my body faster than nutters rushing to get cut price massive TVs on Black Friday in Asda. It's unpleasant. It's nasty. It's exhausting. I have not got time to be ill or off school. I've too much to do. I'm so poorly I'm not watching crappy daytime TV.


Well, that's 24hours I never want back. I stopped being actually sick at around 2pm, but the other end's antics carried on right til 6pm until I decided enough was enough and called a ceasefire with some Diacalms.

I rallied a little, went downstairs and had a cup of weak black tea with a Marie biscuit - these remind me of my beloved Nanna. I then watched some Corrie back in bed and dozed on and off. I slept fitfully until 3am.

Here I discovered that my throat was raw and someone let the herd of cows in in the night to trample over me. Coupled with the fact I have muscle fatigue in my sides from the calling for hughie makes Rachel a whiney old wench today.

My phone has been my saviour! Hand held fun, minimum effort required. I can't even pick up my knitting or sewing. No real strength or brain power. ( OK, the brain power is something I live with daily!)

 I've messed about on Candy Crush - level 1032, I was only ever going to get to Level 100. I think I'm the only person to still be playing it. Everyone else in the world seems to be hunting Pokemon. I've cleared my emails. I've done lots of faux online shopping. I've looked and looked at puppies. I've caught up on blogs - sorry if you are here and I read yours and I normally comment - I just haven't had the energy yet. It's 6.41am now and I'm tired but a bit more 'with it'.

I wanted to go get my eyebrows tamed today, get the garden weeded and get some sorting done, but I'm realistic. I'm going to get sweet fanny adams done. Grrrrrrrrr. I hate enforced bed rest. Chosen bed rest/laziness is different. 

It came out of nowhere. Thursday at work was as per. I came home, made roast beef dinner for tea and 30 fairy cakes for my class at school. Fully intending on icing them Friday morning. They requested sheep cakes again as I'd promised them I'd bake one last time. Two kids were leaving. I'd insisted that the class teacher go get a big cake and we'd have a farewell party for them as they were missing out on all the last day shenanigans that'll happen next Thursday. 

Anyway. I've missed that.

It was St. Swithin's Day yesterday. Typically it rained all day thus indicating a soggy summer if the legend is true. On Thursday however, I managed to just go look in the garden and noticed things are in full Summer mode. Including the weeds. I've two ripe tomatoes on my tumblers but the plants look sick. Emergency tomato feed going on later. 

I'm thinking its a miniature one!! I want to go shopping to buy a couple more. The different shades are just glorious in real life. I love on the photo doodle thingy I can match my writing to my flowers! 

So that's my garden news. 

If you read my comments on the last few month's posts, you may see a lovely lady called Sadie crop up. She writes one of my must read blogs over at ...

Anyway, she wrote a post based on this really funny aside about blogs >>>>>>>

And I blatantly nicked it because some of  my answers were different to either of the above! Mostly it's all good fun! 
Here we go  ooo when I copied n pasted, one of her photos came up!! Do go see her blog, it is one of the most attractive I've ever seen! So tasteful, pretty and yumptuous! 

1. We don’t always find the time to actually read other blogs. 
Not true! Other stuff goes by the by because I'm reading other people's blogs! I don't always have as much time to comment but this is only because I follow so many blogs now! 

2. We also don’t always enjoy blogging. 
Not true. I love blogging. Wish I had time to do it more. 

3. Not all content makes the cut. 
Not true. I write as if I am chatting out loud.  If I think it, I write it, if I've written it, it'll go in. Ten times out of ten I'll hit publish and the ONLY time I go back and edit is for typos. I write so quickly I make loads thanks to autocorrect. 

4. We can’t always help the comparisons. 
Not true. I don't ever compare my blog to other people's because it's pointless! I likes my blog as it is. I'm not interested in copying others. 

5. Sometimes we want to complain. 
To be honest - I wasn't sure on how to answer this one. The other two spoke about posting and then getting no comments etc. I don't blog for other people to comment, if they want to, sure I love it but if they don't, it's not going to stop me! It's MY blog for me! 

6. A good opportunity can make our day. 
Not true - I'm leaving Sadie's answer in because she has it Bob on for me. 
"Not in PR or freebie related ways for me, I have never been sent anything to review, and I'm not interested in doing that. If I buy something and like it, I'll blog about it. If I don't care for something, I just keep my mouth shut. I think that makes it very black and white here, you know that all thoughts are genuinely mine, I'm not getting paid for saying it. If you blog to make money then it's a whole different way of blogging. I'm not knocking that at all, it's just not for me. So simple opportunities are my thing, going out somewhere to eat or visit, and having the chance to take interesting pics rather than the usual flowers and fairy lights."

7. Occasionally, we leave the camera at home on purpose. 
Not true - my phone is my camera, it's always with me! 

8. Personal photo editors should be a thing. 
Not true - ugh, my photos are NEVER EVER EVER photoshopped or enhanced. It's as I saw it. I have been having fun with the doodle thing and the collage thing but the underlying photo are as it happened. I think Photoshopping  to is like lying! Always have, always will. 

9. We’re embarrassed of our older content. 
Not true - newer followers to my blog have missed out on some right corkers I think!! 

10. Sorry we don’t always catch the typos. 
Truth. See point three. But I'm not sorry one bit!!! 

11. We don’t always have the same interests. 
True - it'd be a boring world otherwise. Plus how would I learn new things if I didn't read about them in Blogland? 

12. Our flat lays are the only organised part of our rooms.
Well, I have no idea what a flat lay is, but if it's according to Sadie where you take your photos, my only stipulation is that you don't see any crumbs either on the top where I'm baking or on the floor if I'm laying out knitting etc! 

13. We feel a bit lost without social media. 
True - it's entertaining when one is up all night doing the proverbial through the eye of a needle.

14. We often blog in our pyjamas. 

15. We also don’t all have a swanky blogging office. 
Is a swanky blogging office actually a thing? Stuff n nonsense. The blogs I read are from just real
day to day life. I avoid all sponsored posts like the plague, some of them are so contrived and to say tenuous link is an insult to tenuous links in some of the ones I've happened across. I also have mixed feelings because I think I write cracking reviews of stuff!! 

Right, that's yer lot. This blog post is about as long as my 24 hour sickness bug! 

Lots of love from 

Rachel *dont get too close* Radiostar xxx 


  1. Glad to hear you'r feeling a better. We went to Chester for a couple of days and Laura came down with something and on the way home on the motorway she was sick a couple of times. So glad that is all it was.
    The white feathery plant looks interesting.
    Loved your bloggy Q&A. I too am in my pjs at the moment.
    Have you concidered gettng a rescue dog? We are currently fostering 2 gorgeous little brothers. Pomski cross with a chihauahau (had to google the spelling).

  2. Really sorry to read you have been so unwell and missed stuff. These things can take it right out of you so please, rest, take care and don't push things too far, OK?
    Love the questions and the blog. I might nick them for my blog too.
    J x

  3. Glad to hear you're on the mend.

    I think I pretty much agree with your responses about blogging too. I don't edit my pictures, and rarely my words. My blog is a snapshot of my day, if the light is bad or something isn't straight then that's how it is.

    I'm certainly not an aspirational blogger, I'm just a woman talking about stuff.

  4. Glad the liquids have stopped moving, but hey get on the scales, you might have a silver lining.
    Loved you responses, much the same as mine, I blog as I would speak, it's for me, as you know I make each year into a printed book, so we do read back. Keep going as you are we do love you xxx

  5. You poor thing, I have been like that in the past not a nice experience, hope you are feeling more like you usual self now, great to here what you think about blogging , have a lovely weekend xxx

  6. Rachel....I am so sorry that you have been ill. I hope you are much better now.
    Loved the blog Q&A. The only thing I do to my pictures is crop them and reduce their size. I don't know how to do anything My blog is my online diary of my day to day life. I love that people read it and also comment but mainly for me it is a record of daily life which I hope Ruby and Marlowe will read if they want to when they are older.
    The boxset DD and I are watching at the moment is called 24....starring Kiefer Sutherland. Each season is set over a period of twenty four hours. Season one was awesome very tense and exciting. Just started season two last night and so far so OK. Not as gripping from the beginning as one but I'll give it time.
    Have a fab weekend-x-

  7. Nothing fun about being sick (especially the kind of sick you were!) I agree about most of the blog questions you were answering. Blog office? Do you mean my lap?? Anyway, your delphiniums are lovely, lots of various shades. Have a good one. -Jenn

  8. I'm sorry you've been so poorly. rotten school and their rotten germs! Hope all situations are properly clear!

    You are a rotter and a scoundrel! Ha ha, I jest. Love that you've done the 15 truths. Totally enjoyed your answers. I have to say that I do blog for myself, because at the end of the day that's the only person you can blog for. If people will take time to comment then it's lovely, if they don't then whatever. It's just nice to know people will make the effort.

    Right. I'm off. Lots of gripping things to do, lot ironing. Scooping the cat tray. Ah, my life is non stop glamour! ;O) xx

  9. hope you washed your hand before you typed this Miss!

    and I hope you are fully recovered

  10. Good to hear you're feeling better and it passed quickly. My Sil has had it for nearly two weeks now. She reckons it's food poisoning. Doc won't do anything, yet. I think the plant that doesn't want to be killed is an Astilbe.

  11. Oh Lawks! Hope you're better now xx

  12. My sympathy, I spent a big chunk of today hurtling to the bathroom, groaning and then eventually crawling out. Clear liquids only and not too much at that. Glad to hear that you are on the mend now.

  13. WonderCollie and myself have had something similar in the last 24 hours. I am working up the energy to attack his tail region with wet wipes.

    Level 426 Candy crush player

  14. Thank you so much for sharing the link to my post and for answering the questions :) It's interesting to see that your answers are really different to mine, and very refreshing too. Glad you like my blog design, I have to admit to it just being a template that I've adapted a bit! x

  15. Thank you everyone for your comments. I made a full recovery. Sorry to hear some of you and your pets succumbed too. I did wash my hands Sue and Sheila thanks for the TV info!


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!