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Tuesday, 26 April 2016

First day back

With my still orange hands >>>>>>
Does it say anywhere on here, may cause embarrassing hands? No...
Always always read the small print folks!! 

>>>>>>>>and still wanting to be in bed, I took Barry back to school! After about three minutes it felt like we'd never been away! 

 I thought I'd share some of my Garden Centre purchases in a bid to cheer myself up. 
Perfect for my garden
No filter needed. Just a perfect colour! I've honestly not enhanced the photo! 

I also got a Japanese Acer and a tub for by the front door. Some cherry tomato plants for the hanging basket by the back door. I'll show you the hanging basket for the front soon. It's a gorgeous silver grey colour full of plants. Only £13. No mess of making it either, plus I'm supporting the local economy! I also bought some osteospurnams and some other purple flowering bedding plants to go round the bottom of the tree. We bought some fancy black grasses to go in as interesting fillers along the borders and some new herbs to go in the terracotta strawberry barrel thingy we got off my Pa in law. So at the moment I'm going through the rigmarole of putting them outside in the day, then bringing them back in at night! It's the end of April and it's BLOODY cold still!! 
These are the dark purple tulips in the back. Look at how healthy that delph looks! The White powder on the blue tub is from the ash pan from the fire. The HG spread the ashes but didn't wipe the pot clean. Tut. I've also loads of bluebells flowering now. 
This is one of the frilly tulips out the front. I'm not sure I like them! I think I prefer my tulips smooth! 

Last night was all about 
It was MAGNIFICENT! So much to discuss!! No spoilers but I laughed my head off when I saw this depiction of a particularly moving poignant part of the show. The quote is so heartfelt. 

Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!! 

Right that's enough nonsense from me, it's 8:19am and I need to get sorted for work! 

Lots of love from 

Rachel *looking forward to the three day weekend* Radiostar xxx 


  1. Still laughing and singing from your comment Rach, Game of thrones was bloody great (of course) still keeping one guessing and twisting the plot. Young Ramsey is becoming quite my little anti-hero and that quote summed him up brilliantly. Your plants are looking beautiful but I'm not sure about the frilly tulip, looks kind of moth eaten to me. Hope the orange hands regain their true pigment soon though I have heard it may take up to 12 months for that stuff to wear off......;-)

  2. Your garden is going to look gorgeous albeit achieved with orange hands rather than a green :) -x-

  3. Shame about the hands, sorry I have the giggles now :-).
    Lovely plants xx

  4. The Tulips are beautiful. I've never seen any that colour before. I know what you mean about the frilly ones though. I think they should be smooth too. X

    1. The frilly ones will be relegated to the back garden next year!!

  5. Your flowers are lovely, I'm trying to keep away from the garden centers. It's farmers market on Saturday, might have to have a look, it would be rude not to.

    1. Farmers markets can be brilliant or outrageous! £5 for a cauliflower etc!!!

  6. Your tulips are beautiful! You are right though, so darned cold isn't it!

    1. It's just given a biblical shower that lasted 5 minutes. It's now strong sunshine! Bonkers


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