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Saturday, 16 January 2016


I've literally ( from my sick bed, more on this in a minute ) left a comment on Mrs Teatowel's blog about her romantic vision of watching big fat fluffy snowflakes falling from the warm cosy kitchen! 

I've looked out from my warm cosy bed out of my bedroom window and it's snowing! Those great big fat fluffy snowflakes!! 

I wish I was well enough to be baking cookies in my warm cosy kitchen, however, the NORO VIRUS came and found me, dragged me out of my bed at 3am and kept me busy both ends so to speak until 10.30am. 
Active symptoms, lets politely call them, ceased around 10.30am. Leaving its host, feeling wretched, wrung out and pathetic! It's now nearly 12 hours since the wake up call and I think I must be in recovery as I'm starting to feel aggrieved at missing out on my Saturday. I've not even the inkling or the energy to even pick up the knitting. I've sipped some water and I'm now seeing how the land lies.... 
If I can summo the energy shortly, I'll order the teen to run me a bath. 

Maybe it's been brewing all week hence my nowty nature! I'm hoping it bogs off as quickly as it arrived. 

Although, I'm upto around 9000 steps a day now according to my daily message from my watch ( 8000 of those yesterday and the day before were down to constantly retrieving a reluctant cherub for on the toilets ( hello Noro?? ) back to the stuffy germ ridden classroom! 
I'm a bit cross I didn't have it on last night because I reckon all my 100m landing dash sprints would have taken me over that magic 10000 step mark!

Oooo it's snowing heavily now. It's sticking too.  Shame my tree isn't still up, it'd have made a cracking photo! 

Thanks for all your comments - which I've now replied to, and it's lovely to see a few new names too! The more the merrier I say! 

Right that's enough attention seeking from me for one day! 
Lots of love from 

Rachel *don't come too close* Radiostar xx 


  1. It's snowing here too!!! I am beyond excited. (It doesn't take much). I hope your menfolk are looking after you well and that you'll be feeling much better very soon. X

    1. Less than an hour later and it's that sleety rain stuff. Rooves are definitely white though

  2. Active symptoms. Brilliant! No wonder you've had a rough week. Hope you feel recovered shortly xx

    1. I couldn't really describe how molten lava was shooting out of me like I was a kaarcher pressure washer could I??xx thankfully I'm all better now xx

  3. How kind of the cherubs to pass on their virus to you and I Hope it goes ASAP and also hope it's not transferable by the ether of blogging! I only have to read the words N V and I feel ill!

    1. I have dettolled my screen Sue, so hopefully you'll be ok! Xx

  4. Sorry you're not well, the dreaded sinusitis has me in it's grip and making me feel much the same as you I would call it limp. I just wish my nose would unblock. Snow looks pretty but I'm glad I'm watching it from the inside. I hope you feel better soon. :) xx

    1. I swear by Vic vapour rub and max strength Sinutab. Hope you are feeling better now! X

  5. Hope you are feeling better, it's a horrible virus. Enjoy the snow, I love it, but none here.

    1. Thank you Marlene, it didn't hang around for too long xx

  6. I ache for you, that is in the all the places that I don't ache for myself. I had the Noro Virus once, lost over a stone but it was not a good way to lose it. It hits like a stealth bomber strike. I hope it leaves as fast.

    1. I'm about 73% better I think xx hope you are recovered now Pam.

  7. no snow here, but it's so cold.

    I hope you are better quickly, that sort of business is not nice at all. Hope you are already feeling better.

    Your comments have made me laugh. Oh yes, I'm very like the Queen. Always wear a crown, and rarely carry cash ;o)
    I sent you a tweet with photo of my vitals. you are going to be a smidge sarcastic methinks about what is vital to me! :O)

    Right. bath and bed for you lady, lots of rest and you'll soon be back to normal. xx

    1. I think your Vitals would suit me too!! I have a similar cache of essentials! I'm like the Queen too, cashless!!

  8. I remember Ruby having NV when she was about 18 months old. It's very nasty so you take good care of yourself.
    Very jealous of your snow.

    1. I hate it when little ones get so ill like that. Very worrying times X

  9. Aww, poor you and typically on a weekend. Why is it that always happens? Hope it's just a 24 hour thing and that you manage to enjoy your Sunday.

    It's snowed here as well. No big white fluffy snowflakes for us though. It's all a bit half-hearted and keeps stopping and starting. Can't be doing with indecisive snow. It gets me all excited and then leaves me feeling disappointed - big kid that I am lol. xx

    1. I'm so pleased the snow all went as quickly as it arrived. Sad that I didn't get out to play in it! X

  10. Poor you! So know how you feel ....... Sounds just the same as what has kept me off work since tuesday! Hope you get rid of it soon i found sipping water laced with a few drops of fresh lemon juice helps.

    Amanda xx

    1. Poor you X I was as right as rain by Monday - jus weary. I swear by flat lemonade! Xx

  11. "Hoping it bogs off quickly". Is that putting your active symptoms impolitely or too literal? Happy for you that you're feeling a bit better.

    1. Mostly, every word I choose, is on purpose!!!

  12. Sorry to hear you've been so poorly.....had to laugh at your graphic description of symptoms though! No snow here....thank goodness. Pretty to look at but I hate being out in it. Must be getting old lol.

    1. I look out on icy snowy weather with dread I'm going to fall and break something!!

  13. Feel better soon, Rachel. Hope you get to enjoy the snow before it disappears. Love, Helen xx

    1. I think I enjoyed it more because it had all gone by the time I was up to going out!

  14. None here (yet).
    Noro virus is dreadful. My daughter and grandson had it a few years back and they were unwell for weeks. Please take great care of yourself. (((hugs)))
    J x

    1. NV is dreadful. A few years ago, the whole family had it a week at a time but we overlapped each other meaning my house was sick for almost a month. I'm fine this time Joy xx

  15. Look after yourself! Hope you are totally better soon and that you don't get too much snow. Stay warm! xx

  16. I'm glad your symptoms are less active now! Ah snow, I wish I had some fat flurries here alas it's just wet instead. Trust you to become ill at the weekend when you're meant to off!! x

    1. I'm not sure there's good times to be ill but the weekends must be the worst time!!

  17. Poor you, no wonder you were feeling a bit witchety. Hope the recovery is swift, do take care, don't they say to be clear of the virus for 48hours before re-joining the outside world?
    Snowing here too, oh no it won't down here, no way, the TBG (The Brothers Grimm)said yesterday. Permission to become a whinging Southener ...

    1. Permission granted!! I love that word, witchety! Describes my mood to a tee!

  18. Bless you. D+V is the pits. I remember a night in a sleeping bag next to the toilet. Running from the bedroom was a step too far! x

  19. So far, I've lost four hours of my life, that I'll never see again, reading through the archives of your blog. I now can't even remember how I found you in the first place. You have been bookmarked in my 'very gave raves ' list. ( that's what apple's autocorrect says if you try to write 'very fave faves')(I've now had to type that 3times because the autocorrect keeps changing it, I even managed very Dave daves this time)I . Love. I keep laughing out loud or sniggering very quietly. Good job I'm not in public. I've had to tear myself away as I've books to mark (supply teacher but doing a fortnight in my local school)and shirts to iron. Thank you Rachel(for some reason auto correct called you Arachne!!)with love PennyL in Dorsetxx

    1. Gosh, have just reread my comment and I sound so bitter about spending time reading your blog!!! Au contraire! I've loved every minute of it. You are very funny and a brilliant writer and I'm not jealous that you've had snow and that you can knit socks xxxxx

    2. Wow Penny! I'm VAIR touched and more than a tad embarrassed at your wonderful comments! I laughed at the things your phone was trying to write!

      I might even do my next post as it types!
      I clicked your name to see if you had a blog - I think you should get one!!

    3. Ps
      Yes I can knit socks - it just takes me three years for one pair!

  20. Ewwww, that sounds nasty. Hope you are over your illness and feeling better. Sorry I can't share the same amount of excitement about snow, but I'm glad it makes you feel cozy and wanting to take photos. I would gladly send more snow your way! -Jenn

    1. If it's proper snow, feet deep that would close school and let me stay home in front of the fire with my knitting, THEN SEND IT! X

  21. I do hope you are feeling much better now - take care x

  22. I'm so glad that you are feeling better. All the best for the week ahead.

    1. Thank you mum xx hope you are having a good week too X


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