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Friday, 18 December 2015

Last day of term!


Last night I stayed at work for the Junior Disco. The day passed slowly as my class were having a 'bring your own toys in' day. Two cherubs were most put out that their taller than me plastic uzi sub machine nerf guns were confiscated upon arrival,  being deemed inappropriate and unsuitable and not on the list of board games and non electronic activities they were allowed to bring in from home!! It was just a very loud day. They all really enjoyed playing the different games together until about 3pm when they and us staff had. Had. Enough. They also squeezed in a viewing of Home Alone. The best thing for me, was watching the faces of the handful of children who'd never watched it before! 
Then I went to Night Owls and most of them went home to get prettied up!
I'm really pleased that the year six kids turned up looking like year six kids and not street walkers and gangsters. I only stuck it out til 6.30pm, it was too loud,  abandoning ship to go looking at Sainsbury's.  

I've had my eye on this since mid November but no way would I spend £25 on some twigs and wire, but when I looked at it last night it was half price!normarily I'd be shrieking "£12.59 for some twigs and wire???" BUT  I was post disco day. In full on *FIM. 

I also looked at this darling half price Robin in a glass bottle ( I've been bird watching it since Mid November too ) 

and some half price fancy crackers for my table. 

Not to be pulled mind, just to be looked at! Don't worry, I looked at some other half price crackers
for pulling so we will be festooned with jaunty tissue paper hats on the day! 

To those admirers of the gingerbread decs, I've managed to snaffle a couple! Drop me your address and I'll send you one!! 

Thank you to Carol for her card which I received yesterday X I've some beauties this year! 

Right, I need to find my friends at work's presents and wrap them! 

Lots of love from 

Rachel *two Carol concerts and a staff night out to go* Radiostar xxx 

*FIM = F@&K IT MODE!! 


  1. Yay...last day of deserve your time off and I hope you enjoy every minute of it.
    Love the wreath and the robin-x-

    1. The Robin is gorgeous isn't it and only £2! Billy Bargain!

  2. I like the things you looked at. I looked at a few things this week too, sadly non of them in the reduced pile. I also looked at three bottle of champagne in Waitrose on the way home from drinking chocolate with my friends just now. Clearly I was on a coco-induced high. Enjoy the two carol concerts and the staff night out :o) XX

    1. Have you enjoyed your champagne? Blooming Waitrose and their enticing goods!

  3. I'm going to adopt your FIM slogan if you don't mind. I'd definitely not have paid £25 either or £12.50. That is unless I'd known it was originally £25 and then it would be a bargain at £12.50 so I would pay it. Are you with me so far lol? It sounds as though you've had lots of fun this week at school. Thomas watched Home Alone today as well! Have a lovely break and savour every day. xx

    1. Have it! There is no charge for my slogans!! I am increasingly beginning to think we are one and the same!!! X

  4. Sounds like quite a last day of term! I adore the robin, I didn't see those in sbugs! I wait for them to reduce things too! Happy Christmas! xx

    1. If I go again and they have one, I can pick you one up!

  5. I love those decorations, especially the star which is simply gorgeous.
    J x

    1. I think everything has an air of gorgeousness at Christmas! X


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