Tool bar thingy

Friday, 4 September 2015


Friday - first day at work with the cherubs. It was
FAB! I'd
Forgotten how
Funny they are. It took my mind off the
Fact I'd lost a
Filling this morning, so an extra trip to the dentist tomorrow is on the cards. That'll cost me
Fifty quid!
Still, that's nothing compared to the pain that Miss 21 ( aka the uni one ) is causing me all down to her broken
Fone. ( please don't correct me because I'm a woman right on the
Flipping edge!! ) if I started telling you it would be a
Five hour rant.......

Fanx for listening

Love from
Rachel * may have said 'FFS' a few times today* Radiostar xxx


  1. Flipping heck, that's by
    Far more than you should have to deal with in one chuff-
    Ffing day!

  2. Oh dear! My sister broke her phone today too.....she dropped it in her pond. By the time it was found and retrieved from the mud at the bottom of the pond, the sim card still worked but the phone's knackered.

    1. Bloody phones! Hope your sister had an easier time of it replacing her phone!

  3. Ha ha your posts always make me smile :-)
    (I'm not clever enough to do a whole comment beginning with F!)

  4. For goodness sakes, what a Faff for you. I'm Finking (I'm an Essex lass, OK?) that you are Fab not to Flap and Fuss on this Friday on the First Few days of the year!
    J x

  5. And breath..... It's a shivering sunny Saturday to shillax. Have a relaxing weekend before the first full week back at work.

  6. Flaming Ada! What a Frenzied Feverish Friday! Quite a Ferment For the new school year. I am Flabbergasted! You did well not to have a Fit, shake your Fists and Freak out completely. Was the Fone Fracture Fatal? Farewell Friend xx

    1. Flipping Eckersley lady, your comment is better than my post!!! There may be daughtericide after this weekend!

  7. Fort you were flipping effin' and blinding' there.

    1. It's been one of those royal weekends Mum, you know...when you put a king in every sentence!

    2. Haha! I'm going to remember that one! x

  8. Ffs has been my weeks theme my dear! Sorry you've had a nearly crappy day xx

    1. Aww thank you Jo for your soothing comment xx hope you will be ffsing less next week too


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