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Saturday 19 September 2015

As requested by CT

In my last action packed posts ( HA ) I mentioned I went for a 'look' in our local fabric emporium. The jolly lovely CT from Countryside Tales wanted to see the extent of my 'look'.... 

First I looked at some remnants 

Then I looked at some fat quarters 

Next I went back to look at some more remnants 
( Although I looked at a whole metre of the white polka instead ) 
I then looked through the knitting patterns 
The dress patterns were half marked price and it would have been rude of me to leave without looking. 

And apart from 2m of black satin ribbon for my shoes I left without looking at anything else!! 

The Rugby World Cup began last night. You should know the team I follow is my beloved Wales. So they're the games I'm looking forward to most of all. Today though the South Africa v Japan game was ON FIRE!! I'm now also rooting for Japan!

This week has been lovely and sunny and should it continue tomorrow I'm planning on going in the garden. There's weeds cropped up taller than a toddler in some places and I have some pets to rehome. 

!£)(()?(;(KING caterpillars!! 
Dunno what this is but it cheered me up after Caterpillargeddon 

Last but not least, I made my first buttonhole on Brenda. ( Brenda Brother ) 
 I've washed the little dress I made and will show you tomorrow when I've ironed it! 

That's it for now, I've knitting to do! 

Lots of love from

Rachel * Royal Caterpillars for sale* Radiostar xx 


  1. It would have been quite rude to not purchase any of the above items. :-) X

  2. Luckily I do not have any caterpillars, royal or otherwise. That may well be because I inspect leaves and commit infanticide when ever I find eggs, I can squish the eggs but can not touch the crawlies. I have 2 large bags of bulbs to sort out tomorrow, ran out of time today.

    1. I was doing a good job of being pest free until I left my garden unattended whilst on holiday. The damage was done. Bloody butterflies. Hope it stays fine for you too Pam x

  3. You can keep them there caterpillars they're huge. Fab buttonholes. I've still to learn how to do them.

    1. I once did one by hand for O'Level needlework, but with Brenda it was so easy! Just pressed the computer on the machine and off it went!! The hardest part was measuring for the button hole on the fabric!

  4. I love all the fabric you looked at. The advantage with bringing it home is that you can now look at it whenever you want to :o) Quick comment from me tonight as Poppy has irritated her paws and isn't a happy bunny at all and I feel I need to go and cuddle her till she's feeling better. XX

    1. Why are the birds not eating these mega fat juicy caterpillars? Full of Kale goodness?

  5. I'm not even joking Carol when I tell you they were that big I could hear their poop plopping onto the few leaves left below!

  6. I love that bobbin fabric. It's fantastic!
    J x

    1. I think it's going to be a new pin cushion and a new 'ham' for ironing!

  7. Caterpillars have eaten my nasturtiums alive by my front door. I can't bear to look. It's like a horror movie!

  8. I love a good rummage, especially in a remnant box. Your caterpillar situation looks the same as ours xx

    1. Next year, I'm going to grow caterpillars instead, thus avoiding any disappointment!!!

  9. Send the caterpillars to Number 38. We quite often buy them from Insect Lore and watch them turn into butterflies - fascinating. Have to say I wouldn't be so loving of them if they were eating my flowers though. xx

  10. Now I've not seen any caterpillars in my veggie garden this summer. I think you must have them all.
    PS You can keep them, I don't want them back.

    1. Monty Python might call them ex caterpillars by now!!

  11. You certainly enjoy your 'looking' Rach ;-)
    The Japan game was indeed a wonderful example of the glorious game and now I'll have to support 3 teams.....My beloved Wales, Japan and any team that plays England ;-)
    Royal Caterpillars? well they are doing a right royal job on your plant there m'dear.

    1. I checked yesterday - they are moving over to my flowerbed en masse or rather they were........

  12. Gorgeous fabric, and I absolutely love that bear knitting pattern. You've made me think about Christmas, it must be possible to make one by Christmas I think... CJ xx

  13. I like your idea of looking I'm going to look very very hard this weekend & will take an extra couple of bags with me in case I over look x

  14. I love a good browse round a haberdashery shop. We have a good one in town here.

    fine collection of caterpillars you have there! ha ha!


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