Tool bar thingy

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Sunny Saturday, Soggy Sunday

Hello Blogsvillers,

How was your weekend? Mine was full of lovely things beginning with S. ( ooooeeeerrrrr!! )
Sunshine - despite the forecast- plenty of it on
Shelves - The HG was busy building new ones in the
Shed - the new one he built for the bikes which got a covering of
Soap as the boy gave them a wash mainly to get rid of the
Spiderwebs - my garden is FULL of the pesky eight legged creatures. They make their homes everywhere, on my garden chairs, and should I leave my pegs on the line overnight , my bloody pegs. Peg spiders, where the bloody hell do they come from? Where????
Shopping - I went to Aldi on
Sunday - after  the HG and I dropped the
Siblings - off at the train
Station - She to work and he to see his new girlfriend a train ride away.  Off we went in the car
Singing our heads off to the COUNTRY CD - it's a great
Sing a long actually. We do a great Islands In The 
So today in the low cost high value 
Supermarket we bought ( amongst other things )
Seeds - for the garden birds,
Soft fruits for us to eat in fruit Salad, 
Sirloin Steak,
Semi skimmed milk and some
Sweets. A
Short journey later 
Saws, on offer at B&Q. When we got in I made us a
Sandwich of
Salad, chicken and
Salad Cream. And as it was absolutely chucking it down in
Stair rods I caught up on some
Soaps - I'm a
Sucker for Hollyoaks, midday through the omnibus, the wind picked up and it got a bit
Stormy. Barry didn't mind, happily taking himself in and out of his cage,
Sitting on various high points in my lounge and
Shitting on the carpet!!
So, I'll post a few pics and I'll
Sign out for now.
Sky - blue

Silver flash in the sky - a magnificent Vulcan bomber on it's way to an airshow - absolute pants photo with my phone. We could see it clearly. 

Soooo blue, he matches the sky, it's Beautiful Barry! 

Smashed to smithereens - the Salt Pig ordered from Amazon - already waiting for collection to their returns dept. 

Sitting pretty on my light fitting. 

Those Stair rods I told you about! 

Rachel 'all the S she could get in a weekend' Radiostar!!!

What letter did you get up to??


  1. Letters? I'm still looking at the pictures!

  2. So It was quite an S weeks end.
    We went to the air show had to stick my finger in ears when that bomber came in. A magnificent plane though.

  3. C for champagne. Nuff said? x


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!