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Monday, 23 December 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Well lovely readers, if any of you are still out there! It's been a hectic time here! I've not had time to pass wind let alone blog! I've been reading how you all are getting ready,  baking your various festive goodies and completing lots of lovely crafts.

Work has been relentless in its march towards the end of term. The nativity was adorable, the carol service quietly dignified ans I was overwhelmed with the large pile of presents from the children.  Only yesterday did I finish the festive trimming of my house and I've only really the bathroom left to scrub clean and Hoover through before it passes the 'clean enough for Father Christmas to come' test.

Home made Biscuits,marzipan  mince pies, bacon,( old fashioned cure !)  ham in cherry coke, a piece of top rib for the BBQ and a turkey which were both  free range -  'had a happy life frolicking in the fresh air, drinking  filtered through volcanic rock spring water from a babbling brook at the bottom of the meadow bathed in dappled sunshine' is stuffed into my fridge along with enough fruit and veg to make sure you have 55 a day let alone 5!  I'd saved vouchers and reward points etc so it didn't all break the bank! Let the feasting commence!

This makes me chuckle!

Anyway, I hope you all have a peaceful few days doing exactly as you please! Don't worry, it'll all soon be back to normal xx

Happy Christmas folks x


  1. Made me laugh too. Hope you have a great Christmas. Festive hugs, Helen x

  2. Wishing you and yours Rachel a magical Christmas time...Merry Merry Christmas

    Amanda xx


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