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Friday, 12 July 2013

Posting from afar...

This post is written far from home. In a quiet Hall of Residence in Newcastle city centre. 
Things I have done today ... 

1.Cleaned a student bedroom, sorry, re cleaned it- it'd been done once!! ( actually it wasn't that bad - my child was brought up well ahem, and it just needed a final wipe round. Same re the kitchen. 

2.Folded millions of items of clothing, despite the fact my child has 'nothing to wear'. 

3.Sat in EVERY changing room in EVERY frock shop as my child beavered away furiously to put right the national clothing deficit she seems to believe she exists in. 

4. Paid for a very lovely skirt and two tops for my clearly over indulged offspring- though it was for her birthday AND she got 10% off with her student card! 

5. Went to the pub in the day time! 

6. Ate out at afore mentioned pub. 

7. Wrote this post while clearly shattered girl child snoozes on the sofa! 

Train home tomorrow - I'm hoping its as quiet and peaceful as the journey here! Ill let you know! 

What things have YOU done today? 


  1. I have painted my little conservatory and moved half the house around. Made two trips to the local CS to leave four boxes of stuff. Three loads of laundry done, dried and ironed. I am to just breathe for the remainder of today.

  2. Bloody hell after you need another holiday after this just reading all you did exhausted me


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!