Tool bar thingy

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Resisting the urge to

  •  look up chloectomy on You Tube
  • keep googling 'hair loss' - it will not make mine stop falling out and it will not make it grow back any quicker
  • just run away and hide - crap legs and hips make this nigh on impossible right now
  • get back into bed - My friend is calling for lunch
  • rob a bank ( this would involve leaving the house)
  • whinge and moan to all and sundry - i bore myself with it!
  • clean the kitchen floor - I resist this urge quite a lot and do it easily
  • eat more of the delicious marshmallow squares I made last night
  • to go for a shower ( ewww I know, but the heating isn't on, it's chilly, it makes washing and it makes my hair fall out
  • write a decent chunk of bloggy stuff! - I do keep having good ideas - then I totally go off track and forget them.
What are YOU resisting right now?

1 comment:

Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!