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Monday, 28 November 2011

Just a rambly old post & bad news

Just as I started this post, I had titled it 'Stuff what makes me laugh'
I renamed it Just a rambly old post & bad news.
Here's the bad news.
I just had a text from Lisa that made me not want to laugh. At all.
It said.
" 8 new ones. Grrrr. Back in 3 wks. Effin brb."
Now for those of you who might not know, Lisa is my little sister. Her youngest Harry has got Bilateral Retinal Blastoma. This filthy cancer is slowly but surely robbing him of his eyesight and we are all fighting, hoping and praying that it will not rob us of little Harry. He is the sweetest little cherub ever. He has already been through really nasty chemotherapy  with a couple of life threatening related line infections and every four weeks  he goes to the fantastc children's hospital in Birmingham for Laser treatment. Well 8 new tumours is not funny. it means that whilst they will have zapped them ( I have yet to chat to Lisa to find out the details ) it zaps a little more of his precious eyesight. AND I am sure he can see a little at the moment from my times when I have been playing and snuggling him.

Come on universe give the little poppet a break.

So now to some of the stuff I was going to prattle on about.  ( the rambly old post bit. )

Well after going through

I can now understand why my innards were a bit hurty. My tummy button area especially! Also it would explain the fingerprintesque bruises all over my abdomen! I shall spare your eyes this grotesque scene! I am now two days off my three weeks anniversary since it was done. The pain and discomfort however were NOTHING compared with the jaundice, itching and life threatening pancreatitis I ended up with! I often liken myself now to a sprightly ninety year old. In my head I can do alsorts but it takes me a week to climb the stairs!

Actually that's a lie, although I am recovering slowly I am becoming a bit more mobile everyday. However I still am greatly over estimating what I can and can't do! Afternoon naps are a must! I am building on my strength and I WANT to be back to work after Christmas! That is only a period of six weeks, - it seems like a long time and I am sure it will be plenty but my DR and everyone keep insisting that I have had a very hard time!

I say thank god for my eary onset dementia because I have forgotten most of my misery already!

Ok a bit of lightheartedness. I so love a good laugh. Yesterday I was crying real laughter tears at some of the things I was reading on here WARNING - only click if you are in full control of your pelvic floor muscles


I want to type a big long line of hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaahahahahaas! I know I am not alone in my love of this site but maybe one of you hasn't seen it yet!

Going to publish this now. Not as lengthy as I had originally planned but I will aim to be back tomorrow with something proper and decent to say.

Here is a poem that really makes me laugh. Everytime I read it. No it's not the hilarious
Listen To Pam Ayres .
It's this one.
A Beautiful Winter's poem.

Winter , Dear Winter,

Fuck me it's cold!!!!!!!


Thursday, 17 November 2011

I've won an award!!!!

Ok ok ok ok ok I'll admit,here favouritism might have sneaked me past the winning post but read all about it  

Cue big fan fare - oooo if I wonder can I add music?!

I'll be back soon to blog properley about my gallbladder. Whom I am now divorced from!!

I won an award ! Yippeeeee!!!!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Resisting the urge to

  •  look up chloectomy on You Tube
  • keep googling 'hair loss' - it will not make mine stop falling out and it will not make it grow back any quicker
  • just run away and hide - crap legs and hips make this nigh on impossible right now
  • get back into bed - My friend is calling for lunch
  • rob a bank ( this would involve leaving the house)
  • whinge and moan to all and sundry - i bore myself with it!
  • clean the kitchen floor - I resist this urge quite a lot and do it easily
  • eat more of the delicious marshmallow squares I made last night
  • to go for a shower ( ewww I know, but the heating isn't on, it's chilly, it makes washing and it makes my hair fall out
  • write a decent chunk of bloggy stuff! - I do keep having good ideas - then I totally go off track and forget them.
What are YOU resisting right now?